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 7-day bus tour of Jiuzhaigou Huanglong and Hailuo Valley. Jiuzhaigou section is a pure play group

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Product No.: 297521

7-day bus tour of Jiuzhaigou Huanglong and Hailuo Valley. Jiuzhaigou section is a pure play group

Landscape price: ¥680 Market price: ¥980 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance three Booking for more than days
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Default type_1
Departure month:
June July August
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one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Reference travel
  • Scenic spots passing by
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  • Last updated: 2017-03-02
1. There are two world natural heritages in the classic arrangement: Jiuzhaigou Scenic Spot, Huanglong Scenic Spot, and Hailuo Valley Glacier Wonder;
2. Free door-to-door pick up within the Second Ring Road;
3. Jiuzhaigou is a pure play group, allowing you enough time to visit the scenic spots;
4. The transparency of shopping times and self funded projects in Hailuogou section ensures your whole journey;
5. Chengdu Youth Travel Service Headquarters operates uniformly. Please feel free to register.

Reference travel

first day: Chengdu   Dujiang Dam Wenchuan Chuanzhu Temple     jiuzhaigou Accommodation: nine Zhaigou Mouth meal: lunch and dinner

In the morning, pick up guests free of charge within the Second Ring Road, and take a special bus from Chengdu to enjoy the scenery of Minjiang River Valley Dujiang Dam Wenchuan, Chuanzhu Temple Songpan Arrive at the ancient city jiuzhaigou The section from Chengdu to Wenchuan is an expressway, and the other sections are asphalt pavement. jiuzhaigou The whole travel route is more than 400 kilometers, and the driving time is about 6 hours. Lunch is arranged on the way, and you can stop for a rest. You can arrive at night jiuzhaigou Goukou, stay in the hotel and rest, adapt to the plateau climate.

the second day: By scenic spot Sightseeing car All day tour jiuzhaigou                                            Accommodation: jiuzhaigou Mouth meal: morning and evening

After breakfast, transfer to the scenic spot Sightseeing car visit jiuzhaigou Three ditches in the scenic spot( Treeline Rizegou Zechawagou )The intersection of the three ditches is Nuorilang Restaurant, which is jiuzhaigou The only restaurant in the scenic spot. jiuzhaigou The three grooves of the tree are in the shape of the English letter "Y": Treeline , the main attractions are: sightseeing Penjingtan , Reed Sea Spark Sea Wolonghai Since ancient times, the scene of heroes coming out of youth-- Shuzheng Qunhai And the ancient mill shuzheng waterfall Rhinoceros Sea Nuorilang Waterfall The groove on the right of the Y-shape is Rizegou , also jiuzhaigou A ditch with the most abundant scenic spots. The main scenic spots are: the sea boundary, the shooting place of Journey to the West-- Pearl Beach Waterfalls Five Flower Sea Swan Sea and Jianfeng reach the primeval forest and enjoy the elegance of the primeval forest. A groove on the left of the Y-shape is Zechawagou , for jiuzhaigou The main scenic spots are: Jijihai jiuzhaigou The most colorful-- Multicolored pool jiuzhaigou Largest Haizi-- Changhai In the evening, you can attend a song and dance party with strong Tibetan and Qiang ethnic characteristics at your own expense, so that your trip will not leave a little regret.

 <a href= Nuorilang Waterfall " src=" http://jiuzhai.tour-sc.com/uploads/arcimgs/111129070203_922319_g1jyeilzc5rw.jpg " width=325 height=218 _fcksavedurl=" http://jiuzhai.tour-sc.com/uploads/arcimgs/111129070203_922319_g1jyeilzc5rw.jpg ">  <a href= Pearl Beach Waterfall "src=" http://jiuzhai.tour-sc.com/uploads/arcimgs/111129070115_658273_81wg88g75d8j.jpg " width=325 height=218 _fcksavedurl=" http://jiuzhai.tour-sc.com/uploads/arcimgs/111129070115_658273_81wg88g75d8j.jpg ">

on the third day: jiuzhaigou   Huanglong Chuanzhu Temple/Maoxian County Accommodation: Chuanzhu Temple/Maoxian County Dining: Morning, noon and evening

From after breakfast jiuzhaigou Go by bus Huanglong Tourist scenic spot (about 128km), driving to see the charming wetland - Ganhaizi scenic spot: "dry Haizi" is not dry, here the forest is dense, and the streams in Haizi are winding, and the grass is luxuriant, like velvet carpets covering the earth; In spring and summer, wild flowers adorn it, cattle, sheep, mules and horses are in groups, while in autumn and winter, it is dark yellow, which contrasts with the red leaves of surrounding snow mountains. Therefore, people gradually call "Ganhaizi" "Ganhaizi". After passing through Gonggang Ridge, the source of Minjiang River, you can reach Chuanzhu Temple, the main town of Sichuan, and you can see the monument of the Long March of the Red Army from a distance. After lunch at Chuanzhu Temple, you can go to Huanglong Travel, visit the World Natural Heritage World Yaochi - Huanglong Scenic spot: Jinsha Paving Huanglong Temple Multicolored pool ... personally experience the unique charm of the six wonders of "colorful pools, beaches, snow mountains, canyons, ancient temples, and folk customs". (excl Huanglong Cableway: 80 yuan/person for upward direction and 40 yuan/person for downward direction. If you have good physical strength, it is recommended to walk). Then take the bus to Chuanzhusi Temple/Maoxian County to check in the hotel.

 <a href= Huanglong Zhengyan Pool "src=" http://jiuzhai.tour-sc.com/uploads/arcimgs/111221085220_406251_gvw9m0z4lmet.jpg " width=325 height=218 _fcksavedurl=" http://jiuzhai.tour-sc.com/uploads/arcimgs/111221085220_406251_gvw9m0z4lmet.jpg "> Ganhaizi

[Tips] Huanglong The altitude of is relatively high. Please do as you can according to your physical condition. You can also take the cableway to get there Huanglong the peak: Multicolored pool

Day 4: Chuanzhu Temple/Maoxian County Wenchuan Chengdu Accommodation: self provided (can be booked) Meals: morning and noon

After breakfast jiuzhaigou By train Songpan The ancient city, Maoxian County and Wenchuan Yingyou returned to Chengdu, and ended the happy jiuzhaigou Travel. Will pass by on the way Dujiang Dam For water conservancy projects, you can get off here for a visit, and then take a bus back to Chengdu (about 10 yuan per person, an hour's drive). Dinner and accommodation are not included, and you can book various star hotels in Chengdu on behalf.

Day 5: Chengdu Ya'an   Hailuogou Valley Accommodation: Moxi Town Dining: middle and evening

Whole journey: about 310km Drive: about 6 hours

In the morning, pick up the guests at the door within the Second Ring Road and take the bus from Chengdu Hailuogou Valley Travelling, you can enjoy the scenery of the plain in western Sichuan. After getting off the expressway (around 09:30), you can go up against the Qingyi River along the Sichuan Tibet Highway, see the scenery of the Qingyi River valley, listen to the "Three Elegant Stories", look far into Ya'an, the rain city, and see the scenery of Erlang Mountain. At about 11:00, you can get to Shiyang or Tianquan for lunch, and then go through the Erlang Mountain Tunnel, the longest tunnel in China (4176 meters in length). Go to Luding County and visit Luding Bridge, the ancient cable bridge built in 1705 (the 44th year of Yu Kangxi's reign) (10 yuan/person, guests take care of themselves); For more than 270 years, it has been an important channel from the mainland of Sichuan to the Kangzang Plateau. You can try the solemn and stirring "Dadu Bridge", experience the majesty of Dadu River waves strangling boats, and feel the thrill and stimulation of Dadu River rafting (120 yuan/person, guests take care of themselves). 19: Around 00, we arrived at Moxi Ancient Town, the gate of Hailuo Valley. There were the old sites of the Red Army's Long March, the church built here by the French in 1923, and the ruins of the ancient Tangfan Road, making the ancient town unique and charming. We visited the characteristic Jinhua Temple in the ancient town and stayed in the hotel. In the evening, you can participate in the local Kangba Style Performing Arts Center with national characteristics to watch the performance (150 yuan/person, the guests take care of themselves).

erlangshan  Luding

Day 6: Hailuogou Valley Inside tour Moxi Accommodation: Moxi Town Dining: morning, noon and evening

Get up at 07:00, have breakfast at 07:30, and leave at 08:00 Sightseeing car (80 yuan/person, to be seated in the scenic spot Sightseeing car )Through Camp 1, Camp 2, and through the primeval forest, enjoy the scenery of the primeval forest in the river valley along the way, and experience the meteorological changes of "viewing the four seasons in one mountain and different days in ten miles". It would be nice if the weather is sunny Hailuogou Valley One of the wonders "Sunshine Jinshan". 10: After arriving at Camp 3 around 30, tourists can choose the following three ways to view the glacier:

1. It's expensive to take the cableway to Camp 4 to see the glacier. The round trip cost is 150 yuan/person (the guests take care of themselves), but it's easy.
2. Walk to the glacier: take the first ride from Camp 3 Sightseeing car Go to the cableway ticket office, and then walk along the sightseeing road to the viewing platform. It takes about 1 and a half hours to walk one way. On the way through the primeval forest, the scenery is very beautiful. After arriving at the observation platform, you can also go down to the bottom of the glacier to watch the glacier closely. However, walking is tiring and takes a long time.
3. You can take the slide bar to the viewing platform, which is unique to Sichuan, at the walking place, to enjoy the scenery you see on foot, but it is more physical saving. It is suitable for those tourists with poor physical strength and the elderly. You can take the slide bar section by section, and the cost varies from 80 to 300 yuan (tourists pay for it).

 <a href= Hailuogou Valley Glacier "src=" http://jiuzhai.tour-sc.com/uploads/arcimgs/111222063903_578126_1co0890msh0w.jpg " width=325 height=218 _fcksavedurl="/uploads/arcimgs/111222063903_578126_1co0890msh0w.jpg">  <a href= Hailuogou Valley Hot Spring "src=" http://jiuzhai.tour-sc.com/uploads/arcimgs/111222064005_015626_e19u1l2kwc1x.jpg " width=325 height=218 _fcksavedurl="/uploads/arcimgs/111222064005_015626_e19u1l2kwc1x.jpg">

After climbing up the mountain, you can enjoy the wonders on the ice, such as glaciers, ice caves, ice curtains, ice waterfalls, ice terraces, sea calming needles, etc. You can bathe in the famous Hailuogou Valley The second camp hot spring (65 yuan/person, the guests take care of themselves) or the Gongga Shentang hot spring near the first camp (98 yuan/person, the guests take care of themselves), overnight Hailuogou Valley In Moxi Town, Goukou, you can attend the bonfire lamb roast party with Tibetan customs at your own expense (120 yuan/person).  

Day 7: Hailuogou Valley Chengdu Meals: breakfast and lunch

Mileage: about 310km Drive: about 8 hours

Get up at 07:00, have breakfast at 07:30, and leave at 08:00 to bid farewell to the majestic "King of Shu Mountain" Minya Konka (7556M). Visit Dule Kitchenware Store, Alpine Crystal Store, Ganlu Pharmacy or Gongga Mountain Yak meat shop, etc., enjoy the scenery of western Sichuan, hum Kangding love songs, and have Tianquan lunch around 12:00. Then, along the beautiful Qingyi River, you can reach Ya'an, the "Western Sichuan Rain Drain", and return to Chengdu with a happy mood to end the happy Hailuogou Valley The trip.

Price is important, quality is more important; Choosing us is choosing peace of mind! comfortable! don 't worry! happy!

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    The cost includes:

    1. Transportation: formal air-conditioned tourist buses are used at all levels;

    2. Accommodation: Stay in a four-star standard hotel in Jiuzhaigou section with two rooms, independent bathroom and regular hot water supply; Two star standard hotel in Hailuogou section with two bedrooms, independent toilet and 24-hour hot water;

    3. Admission: The price includes 220 yuan for Jiuzhaigou, 200 yuan for Huanglong and 80 yuan for Hailuo Valley per person; Students, the elderly, soldiers, etc. can enjoy preferential treatment with valid certificates. The amount of preferential treatment will be returned to tourists by the tour guide with valid certificates when purchasing tickets;

    4. Catering: 5 breakfast and 11 dinner (breakfast in the hotel, dinner with eight dishes and one soup for ten people);

    5. Tour guide: excellent tour guide service throughout the journey, and tour guide service in the scenic spot; Our tour guide is an official tour guide with a tour guide certificate issued by the Tourism Administration of Sichuan Province, with standard services and standardized procedures;

    6. Insurance: After signing a travel contract with our company, we bought a travel liability insurance of 80000 yuan for our guests. In addition, the travel accident insurance is voluntary. If you need to inform in advance, each person will pay an additional 10 yuan (30 yuan for foreign guests, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan). The company will purchase personal accident insurance of up to 100000 yuan (300000 yuan for foreign guests, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan). Please note that this insurance does not include property insurance. Please take good care of your property.

    7. Child: The child includes the car fare, meals and travel agency liability insurance. If other expenses are incurred, the guest should pay for them.


    The cost does not include:

    1. One Chinese food in Jiuzhaigou scenic spot (there is only one Nori Lang restaurant in the scenic spot, and the buffet is 60 yuan per person. It is recommended to bring your own dry food);

    2. Huanglong cableway fee (80 yuan/person for up and 40 yuan/person for down. You can also choose to walk);

    3. Tibetan special roast sheep party 150 yuan/person, Tibetan and Qiang ethnic style party 180 yuan/person;

    4. Hailuogou section does not include sightseeing bus 80 yuan/person, hot spring 100 yuan/person, cableway 150 yuan/person.

    Hotel reservation:

    When you come to Chengdu, the first thing to do is to solve the accommodation problem. Our agency can book hotels of different levels for you. There are many hotels to cooperate with, and now only a few are listed. If you need to book a hotel or want to know more about hotels, please consult us.

    payment method

    Remittance bank (suitable for individual users)

    Account name and account number


    bank for economic construction

    Account name: Zhang Xiaoying
    Card No.: 6227 0038 1852   0860 169


    Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

    Account name: Zhang Xiaoying
    Card No.: 9558 8244 0200 0069 153


    Account name: Zhang Xiaoying
    Card No.: 6013 8231 0004 3208   three hundred and thirty-nine


      Industrial Bank

    Account name: Zhang Xiaoying
    Card No.: 9666 6643 3112 456 918













    agricultural bank    User name: Zhang Xiaoying    Card No.: 6228 4804 6190 5157 818

    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
    • Consultation content:

    Service Centre

    Sichuan China Youth Travel Agency
    Service hotline
    Consultation on outbound tourist routes 028-69885875
    6th Floor, Wanfu Building, No. 2, Section 3, Middle Renmin Road, Qingyang District, Chengdu City, CYTS Sichuan
    Contact number of grounding department: 028-69885877
    Online QQ: 24918894, 573945498, 6027183
    Contact number of the Group Department: 028-69885877
    Hotel air ticket visa 028-69885875
    Online reservation https://www.lvyou114.com/member

    Booking process