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 One day tour of Tuoxian Shenquan

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Product No.: 283367

One day tour of Tuoxian Shenquan

Landscape price: ¥98 Market price: ¥168 element Starting price description
Date: Saturday and Sunday (Dragon Boat Festival) one Booking for more than days
Additional items:
Package type:
The group will be sent on Saturday and Sunday, and the holidays will be discussed separately
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 2017-05-11
Shenquan ecotourism scenic spot consists of two banks of the Yellow River. The left bank is a classical garden scenic spot, which covers an area of 420000 square meters, including 180000 square meters of Feicui Lake. The main scenic spots are Divine Springs, tea houses, stages, rare bird viewing gardens, amusement parks, Feicui Lake boating, Yellow River Mother Square, Fountain Square, Yellow River Grand Stage, and Kubuqi Desert Amusement Park on the right bank. Tourism projects include desert surfing, sand skiing, camel riding, desert karting Desert cross-country, camping club, sand carving area, Fengming Valley service area, desert recreation area, etc.

Reference travel

Good morning! 07:00 Gather at the designated place and take the bus to Tokto County Divine Spring Ecology Travel? scenic spot , arrive at the Holy Spring, pay homage to the famous Taihu lake stone. Accompanied by the tour guide, the koi peck --- Watch the carp jump on the surface of the emerald lake, and enjoy the smell of lotus on the nine hole bridge --- Yunnei Bridge, Baihua Bridge, Yunzhong Bridge, enter Garden in garden Theme Soul --- Haiyan Spring ”Put coins in the wishing pool, and your dreams will come true. Good things will happen again and again. The sculptures on the four walls of the Wishing Pool are crabapple flowers in the south, and the four small pillars mean that the sky is round and the place is round. The moon shines on the waterside pavilion -- - Moon Pond , the golden statue of Maitreya Buddha in the hall, and the Guanyin Buddha Pavilion. Lunch tasting local characteristics Farm food, take the Yellow River ferry after lunch (Additional fees for recommended attractions one hundred element / People) Or cable car ( Additional fees for recommended tourist attractions one hundred element / people ) Visit the most popular desert tourist area Kubuqi Desert , feeling "The wind is roaring, the horse is barking, and the Yellow River is roaring" The spirit of ! Feeling the Rough Waves of the Yellow River After Landing in the Desert Activity: Ride Alxa After wandering the boundless sand sea and exploring the century charm of Kubuqi, the bactrian camel can have a rest in the teahouse and return to Hohhot to end the journey happily!                  

Meal: Chinese food


Scenic spots passing by

Instructions for participation

1. Accommodation standard: no accommodation
2. Dining standard: 1 meal, 8 dishes and 1 soup for dinner, one table for ten people;
3. Scenic spot tickets: the first ticket for the scenic spots listed in the itinerary
4. Tour guide service: excellent tour guide service;
5. Vehicle standard: air-conditioned tour bus;
6. Travel insurance: 400000 yuan travel agency liability insurance and 100000 yuan travel accident insurance;


1. The itinerary may be adjusted according to the sequence of local changes, but the scenic spots remain unchanged;
2. In case of any increase or loss caused by objective factors other than the travel agency, such as national policy adjustment (tickets, etc.) or natural disasters and human force majeure, the guests shall be responsible for it.
3. The discount price of tickets will be refunded if the guests have preferential tickets for old age card, student card, officer card and other certificates. No refund if the ticket enjoys half price discount
4. If there is a natural single room difference or three room allocation in the guest's accommodation, the fees will be paid by the tour guide
5. If the tourists cannot participate in the scenic spots and projects that are paid separately in the itinerary due to their own reasons, they should have free activities at the entrance of the scenic spot (the free activity time is the tour time of the scenic spot). The quotation does not include the meal fee, battery car/cableway fee and personal consumption on the way to and from the car; Children below 1.2m only include cars and meals, and those above 1.2m are adults.
6. The reception quality of our club is based on the opinion sheet signed by the guests. If there is any objection to the service, it needs to be put forward in time before the end of the team, and our club will solve it through negotiation in a timely manner. If the guest raises an objection after returning, we will not deal with it. Please organize the travel agency to remind tourists to fill in the opinion form carefully and truthfully

payment method

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Publish Consultation

You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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Inner Mongolia Heijunma Travel Agency
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24-hour hotline 15904812700
Group Department 0471-4902439
Grounding part 0471-4902429

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