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 Price of weekend tour from Zhengzhou to Suzhou, Hangzhou and Shanghai Water Town on the 4th weekend Price of weekend tour from Zhengzhou to Hangzhou Price of weekend tour from Zhengzhou to Hangzhou

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Product No.: 267077

Price of weekend tour from Zhengzhou to Suzhou, Hangzhou and Shanghai Water Town on the 4th weekend Price of weekend tour from Zhengzhou to Hangzhou Price of weekend tour from Zhengzhou to Hangzhou

Landscape price: ¥298 Market price: ¥320 element Starting price description
Date of group departure: every Tuesday and Friday
Additional items:
Package type:
Default type_1
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

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  • Scenic spots passing by
  • Instructions for participation
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  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2017-05-23
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Reference travel

D1: Take the bus at about 18:00 in the afternoon Suzhou

D2: Visit Jiangnan Ancient Town and Garden Representative Dingyuan (60 minutes) Visit the Pearl House (60 minutes).. After lunch in the afternoon, go to the designated water town of World Expo 2010--- Jinxi Go by bus Shanghai , car tour Nanpu Bridge , Far View The Oriental Pearl Tower exterior Jinmao Tower Exterior, view of Pujiang Tunnel, Bund scenery, Nanjing Road. (People who can visit the Oriental Pearl in the evening by taking part in the night view of Huangpu River in Shanghai at their own expense)

D3: After breakfast, go to Hangzhou and taste Hangzhou white chrysanthemum on the way (40 minutes). Go to Hangzhou, visit the beautiful scenery of the West Lake (50 minutes), walk around the West Lake (45 yuan by boat at your own expense), watch fish in the Flower Harbor, walk along the Su Causeway, overlook the Leifeng Tower, view the Six Harmonies Pagoda, view the 10000 mu tea garden, and visit the Silk Show (about 1 hour). Return to Zhengzhou at 17:00 p.m.

D4: Arrive in Zhengzhou in the morning and end the pleasant journey

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    1. Transportation: air-conditioned tour bus
    2. Admission: large admission tickets for the listed scenic spots (excluding self-care items)
    3. Accommodation: standard room for 2-3 people (air conditioning, color TV, independent bathroom)
    4. Dining: 1 morning 2 dinner (dinner for 10 people, one table, eight dishes and one soup)
    5. Guide service: excellent guide service
    6. Insurance: travel agency liability insurance

    ★★★ Treat people with integrity -- work with professionalism ★★★
    24-hour tourist hotline: 0371-66618208 18638663081 13949030136
    [Henan Zhongzhou International Travel Agency] is looking forward to your call with enthusiastic service!
    Online QQ: 877681373 704301097
    Address: Room 1524, Hualin New Times Square, the intersection of Zijingshan Road and Chengbei Road, Zhengzhou (bus lines: bus 52, 58, 2, 33, 65, get off at the Guancheng District Committee, or take bus 103, 57, 82, 909, 9, 101, 104 to Zijingshan)



    payment method

    Henan Zhongzhou International Travel Agency Co., Ltd
    Address: Room 1524, Hualin New Times Square, No. 56, Zijingshan Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province Zip code: 450000
    Tel.: 0371-66618208 Fax: 0371-66618207

    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
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    Service Centre

    Henan Zhongzhou International Travel Agency Co., Ltd. Hualin Business Department
    Service hotline
    Provincial and domestic 18638663081
    Grounding 0371-66618208
    Exit 13949030136
    E-mail:   877681373@qq.com

    Booking process