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 Two day tour from Taiyuan to Mount Wutai, a Buddhist holy place

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Product No.: 261047

Two day tour from Taiyuan to Mount Wutai, a Buddhist holy place

Landscape price: ¥278 Market price: ¥308 element Starting price description
Date of sending group: every day
Service commitment: None
Package type:
Default type_1
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

  • Line features
  • Reference travel
  • Scenic spots passing by
  • Instructions for participation
  • reminder
  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2012-03-31
Mount Wutai - one of the "four famous Buddhist mountains in China", and one of the five famous Buddhist mountains in the world. On June 26, 2009, it was officially included in the World Heritage List at the World Heritage Conference.

Reference travel


first day:   Home: Wutai Mountain


6:30 a.m. Gather at Huayuan Hotel, take a bus to Mount Wutai (the journey time is about 3.5 hours), and then visit the Little Potala Palace after lunch---- Bodhisattva Top (Tour time: 50 minutes) Appearance: landmark building of Mount Wutai---- Great White Tower , Manjusri Zuting---- Juxiang Temple (Tour time: 40 minutes) Or explicit and dense double repair---- Grand Guangzong Temple (40 minutes) Visit Wutai Famous Monk Zhangjia Living Buddha Cultivation Site—— Guanghua Temple (40 minutes tour)


the second day: Home: None


Visit Mount Wutai in the morning, where incense is the most popular and wishes are the most spiritual temple ---- Wuye Temple (Tour time is about 30 minutes) , climb the small terrace of 1080 steps in the morning---- Daluoding (Tour time: 50 minutes) , return to Taiyuan in the afternoon, and visit the first scenic spot outside Taiwan on the way—— Zunsheng Temple (about 2 hours) , if you have plenty of time, give it as a gift Shanxi Vinegar Culture Park (50 minutes) , end the happy journey!


For more wonderful tourism routes, please enter the professional tourism website: http://www.lxely.com/



Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    Service standard:

    1. Round trip air-conditioned tour bus.
    2. The first ticket for the scenic spot.
    3. Excellent full-time tour guide service.
    4. Accommodation standard is 3-4 people.
    5. Including travel agency liability insurance.

    Self care project:

    Dailuoding cableway: up 50 yuan/person down 50 yuan/person round-trip 85 yuan/person

    1. Due to the half price ticket policy of the scenic spot, the difference between the refunded tickets for those who hold an officer card, a press card, and a certificate for the elderly over 70 years old is 100 yuan, and the half price ticket for student cards and certificates for the elderly over 60 years old is not refundable by our agency. Please call us for details, and we hope you will understand!
    2. If the number of guests is an odd number, we will try our best to arrange a room or three rooms, otherwise we will make up for the room difference.
    3. Our agency does not promise to occupy the front row seats for guests. Please inform the tourists and hope to understand!! thank you!!
    4. The schedule of guests is subject to the schedule of our club. Thank you for your cooperation!!
    5. Since all individual tourists visit Zunsheng Temple, people will wait for others during peak flow periods such as weekends and golden weeks. Thank you for your understanding!


    Registration method

    ☆ Registration of local tourists
    1. Store registration:
    Tourists can register at our company, confirm the travel time and itinerary with our agency, sign a contract and pay the fee,
    2. On site registration:
    If it is inconvenient for tourists in Taiyuan to register at the travel agency's outlet after they have discussed their itinerary and quotation with the agency's business staff, we can send business staff to sign contracts with tourists and collect fees.

    ☆ Registration of foreign tourists;
    Step 1: Inform our staff of the names, numbers, flights, telephone numbers, travel routes and other personal information of tourists by E-mail, telephone, fax, etc.
    Step 2: After your registration is confirmed by our staff, please remit the deposit to our bank account, and then fax the remittance voucher to our bank, or notify our bank by phone, e-mail, SMS, etc. that you have remitted the money. After our bank inquiry, we will reserve a place according to your requirements after the payment is received.
    Step 3: After arriving in Taiyuan, sign a formal contract and pay off the balance (the total amount minus the deposit already paid).


    1. Please fill in or inform the name and mobile phone of the participants correctly. Mobile phones must be kept unblocked. Tourists who lose contact due to power off shall be held responsible; If you do not go on the same day, you will be deemed as an automatic waiver and the fee will not be refunded. The customer service staff will inform you of the specific meeting place, time and emergency contact information by SMS or phone before leaving the group. Please keep the contact number open!!!

    2. For the guests who have booked in advance and paid the deposit in advance, if the price increases at the time of departure, the price at the time of confirmation of the original reservation will prevail; If the price decreases, the price will be subject to the reduced price, which absolutely guarantees the benefits of tourists who book in advance. More people and better price!!!

    Contact: Tian Ye 0351-2351881 18835139797 QQ: 353713759
    Ji Xin 0351-2351882 13633476669 QQ: 2313418684

    National toll free number: 4006-0351-97

    Company account: China Construction Bank: 4367 4202 6442 2265 960 Account name: Tian Xiaoyong
    Postal bank: 6210 9816 1000 4190 680 Account name: Tian Xiaoyong
    Agricultural Bank of China: 6228 4809 0051 2034 910 Account name: Tian Xiaoyong
    Bank of Communications: 6222 6010 2000 6085 224 Account name: Tian Xiaoyong
    ICBC: 6222 0205 0201 7788 709 Account name: Tian Xiaoyong
    Alipay: 13546643335 Account name: Tian Xiaoyong

    Address: Room 1502, Block C, Jindi Shijia, No. 18, Yingze South Street, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, 50 meters away from Taiyuan Railway Station, Friendship International Travel Service

    payment method

    Registration method
    ☆ Registration of local tourists
    1. Store registration:
    Tourists can register at our company, confirm the travel time and itinerary with our agency, sign a contract and pay the fee,
    2. On site registration:
    If it is inconvenient for tourists in Taiyuan to register at the travel agency's outlet after they have discussed their itinerary and quotation with the agency's business staff, we can send business staff to sign contracts with tourists and collect fees.
    Registration of foreign tourists ;
    Step 1: Inform our staff of the names, numbers, flights, telephone numbers, travel routes and other personal information of tourists by E-mail, telephone, fax, etc.
    Step 2: After your registration is confirmed by our staff, please remit the deposit to our bank account, and then fax the remittance voucher to our bank, or notify our bank by phone, e-mail, SMS, etc. that you have remitted the money. After our bank inquiry, we will reserve a place according to your requirements after the payment is received.
    Step 3: After arriving in Taiyuan, sign a formal contract and pay off the balance (the total amount minus the deposit already paid).
    1. Please fill in or inform the name and mobile phone of the participants correctly. Mobile phones must be kept unblocked. Tourists who lose contact due to power off shall be held responsible; If you do not go on the same day, you will be deemed as an automatic waiver and the fee will not be refunded. The customer service staff will inform you of the specific meeting place, time and emergency contact information by SMS or phone before leaving the group. Please keep the contact number open!!!
    2. For the guests who have booked in advance and paid the deposit in advance, if the price increases at the time of departure, the price at the time of confirmation of the original reservation will prevail; If the price decreases, the price will be subject to the reduced price, which absolutely guarantees the benefits of tourists who book in advance. More people and better price!!!

    contacts:    Field 0351-2351881 18835139797   QQ:353713759  
    Ji Xin 0351-2351882 13633476669   QQ:2313418684
    National toll free number: 4006-0351-97
    Company account: bank for economic construction : 4367 4202 6442 2265 960 Account name: Tian Xiaoyong
    Postal Bank: 6210 9816 1000 4190 680 Account name: Tian Xiaoyong
    Agricultural Bank of China : 6228 4809 0051 2034 910 Account name: Tian Xiaoyong
    Bank of Communications : 6222 6010 2000 6085 224 Account name: Tian Xiaoyong
    ICBC : 6222 0205 0201 7788 709 Account name: Tian Xiaoyong
    Alipay: 13546643335 Account name: Tian Xiaoyong
    Company address: Room 1502, Block C, Jindi Shijia, No. 18, Yingze South Street, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, 50 meters away from Taiyuan Railway Station, Friendship International Travel Service
    For more wonderful tourism routes, please enter the professional tourism website: http://www.lxely.com/

    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
    • Consultation content:

    Service Centre

    Shanxi Friendship International Travel Agency Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    Tourism Consultation 18835139797
    Consulting hotline: 0351-2351881

    Booking process