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 Nordic Iceland Tourism Price Nordic Iceland One place 10 day round trip in summer 7

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Product No.: 260837

Nordic Iceland Tourism Price Nordic Iceland One place 10 day round trip in summer 7

Landscape price: ¥42400 Market price: ¥42800 element Starting price description
Date of sending group: every week, we recommend you to send it in advance five Booking for more than days
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  • Last updated: 2019-12-04
1. A country of ice and fire - Blue Lake Hot Springs, whale watching, a trip to the Golden Circle, Watner Ice Field
2. Horse Riding Lava Tour - Tour the Icelandic countryside on a pure Icelandic horse and enjoy the beautiful volcanic lava scenery
3. Mihu Lake, Lagar Lake, Namafjall geothermal, castle lava Dimmuborgir, Setis Fierze, Dupivaguer
4. Vicky Black Beach, the World's Beautiful Beach
5. Take the amphibious boat at Jiegushalong Lake to experience the location of Hollywood movies
6. Four waterfalls - Shenzhi Waterfall, Deti Waterfall, Selyalan Waterfall, Forest Waterfall

Reference travel

10 day round trip to Nordic Iceland in summer

Jiegu Salon Lake, Cezis Fierze, Dupivogur, four waterfalls, riding pure Icelandic horses, watching whales in the sea, a trip to the Golden Circle, and feeling the country of ice and fire

Day 1 Beijing -Copenhagen

Trip Overview

Reference flight: SK996 PEKCPH 1450/1840

11: 00 Gather at Capital International Airport today

14: 50 Take Nordic International aviation The company flies directly to Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. It is a city integrating classical and modern styles, full of vitality, passion and artistic atmosphere. Northern Europe is a perfect combination of human civilization and nature. On this vast land, there are more beautiful European style ancient capitals, as well as more impressive natural landscapes. The rich landforms of fjords, glaciers and lakes make this trip more colorful

18: 40 Arrive at the airport, pick up by special bus, check in the hotel and have a rest

Breakfast: Please take care of yourself; Lunch: Please take care of yourself; Dinner: Please take care of yourself

Accommodation · Glostrup Park Hotel

Day 2 Copenhagen - Reykjavik - Golden Circle - Reykhote

Trip Overview

At 05:30, after packing breakfast, we took a bus to Copenhagen Airport, and took a flight to Iceland, a country known as "living geography classroom", to explore the magnificent works of art naturally formed by nature. Almost the whole country of Iceland is built on volcanic rocks, and most of its land cannot be reclaimed hot spring More countries, so it is called the country of ice and fire

09:15 Arrive at Reykjavik International Airport, pick up the plane by special bus and launch the very popular "Golden Ring Scenic Tour"

19: 00 Check in the hotel for a rest

Copenhagen Reykjavik

Recommended time: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Reference flight: SK595 CPHKEF 0800/0915

Scenic spot · Singevillier National Park, travel time: about 30 minutes

Known as the "very old democratic parliament site in the world", it later became a place of celebration for Icelandic people. In 2004, Singevillier National Park was listed in the "World Heritage List" by UNESCO.

Scenic spot · Golden Falls, travel time: about 40 minutes

The Golden Falls is the second largest waterfall in Iceland and one of the famous waterfalls in Iceland. The reason why it is named Gold is that the river itself is slightly yellow; It is also named because at dusk, the whole waterfall will be dyed golden by the setting sun, creating a golden and precious scenery.

Scenic spot · geyser, duration: about 40 minutes

The Icelandic natural geyser looks like a crystal ball when it is quiet. When it erupts, the smoke curls up into the sky, reaching more than 30 meters, which makes people fascinated by its majestic and magnificent landscape.

Breakfast: included; Lunch: included; Dinner: included

Lunch arrangement Golden Circle Icelandic characteristic western buffet lunch

Accommodation · Fossh ó tel Reykholt or alternative hotel

Day 3: Rexholt Akerley Husavik

Trip Overview

At 08:00, drive to the second largest city in Iceland, Akerley, known as Iceland's "Northern Capital", which is located at the edge of the Arctic Circle. The midnight sun in Akerley is a local wonder. The sun can be seen almost all day long in June and July every year. Then take the bus to Husavik, the "whale watching capital".

19: 00 Hotel break

Scenic spot · Shenzhi Waterfall, travel time: about 20 minutes

Godafoss is a very spectacular and charming curved natural waterfall in Iceland, also known as "God Falls" and "Gods Falls", located in the north central part of Iceland. It is said that around the tenth century AD, Iceland converted to Christianity, and put all the statues of gods believed in in traditional mythology into this waterfall, hence the name. The sound of waterfalls in the flood season is deafening, as if the gods are roaring in their ears.

Scenic spot · Husavik went to the sea to watch whales. The duration of the trip: about 3 hours and 30 minutes

Taking a professional whale watching boat to watch whales is an unforgettable adventure into the kingdom of whales and seabirds. Take you to the natural habitat of whales and get close to whales. Here are all kinds of whales we commonly see, including minke whales, white beaked dolphins and humpback whales popular in harbor.

Breakfast: included; Lunch: included; Dinner: included

Icelandic lamb meal will be arranged for dinner this day

Accommodation · Foshotel Husavik comfortable or alternative hotel

Day 4: Husavik - Mihu Lake - Deti Falls - Icelandic Town

Trip Overview

09:00 Take the bus to the Lake Mihu for sightseeing. The representative works of nature's fury can be seen everywhere here -- the colorful mud hot springs, the huge volcanic crater and the smoldering eruption debris

19: 00 Hotel break

Scenic spot · Mihu Lake, travel time: about 20 minutes

It is a shallow eutrophic lake in northern Iceland. The lake and its surrounding wetlands are rich in waterfowl, especially ducks. About 2300 years ago, basalt lava erupted in large quantities to form the lake.

Scenic spot · Namafjall geothermal, travel time: about 15 minutes

Namafjall geothermal area is the main feature of Mihu Lake. You can often see various geothermal landscapes, such as hot mud, steam vents, fountains, hot spring lakes, etc. The air is filled with sulfur. Most of its surroundings are volcanic areas, with strange and desolate landform like the moon. No wonder that American astronauts chose this place for training before landing on the moon.

Attraction · Castle Lava Dimmuborgir, travel time: about 15 minutes

At the foot of the east mountain slope of Mihu Lake, there is a cluster of dark jagged rocks. Some of these rocks are shaped like spires, and some are shaped like castles. They are clustered around a narrow valley. From a distance, the crater of the volcano is like a magnificent black castle. This is a labyrinth like scenery formed by the flow of magma. It is very famous for the lava arch Kirkja, because when a large amount of magma flows through, the surface has solidified, but the magma inside is still flowing. When the magma flows away, it forms a strange landform like an arch.

Scenic spot · Deti Falls, travel time: about 20 minutes

Deti Falls is located in the Mihu Lake area of J ö kuls á rglj ú fur National Park in the northeast of Iceland. Its upstream originates from the larger Watna Ice Field in Iceland, with a width of about 100 meters and a height of 44 meters. It is considered to be a waterfall with large drop and flow in Europe. Its flow in summer can reach 500 cubic meters per second. The sound of rushing water can be heard from a distance, which is very impressive! Prometheus, a Hollywood blockbuster, once chose this site as one of the shooting scenes.

Breakfast: included; Lunch: included; Dinner: included

Accommodation · Guesthouse Olga or alternative hotel

Day 5 Icelandic town - Sezis Fierze - Dupivogur - Icelandic town

Trip Overview

09:00 Take a bus to visit the quiet Icelandic towns of Sezis Fierze and Dupivogur

19: 00 Hotel break

Scenic spot · Setis Fierze, travel time: about 20 minutes

It is a city in the eastern part of Iceland bordering on the Fjord of Sezis, surrounded by mountains, and connected to the outside by the highway through the Fjar ð arhei ð i Pass. This eastern town is also the dock leading to the Faroe Islands.

Scenic spot · Lagar Lake, travel time: about 20 minutes

Iceland third big lake , long and beautiful, and the lakeside is densely covered with forests. In 2015, it was known to the world as "Lagar Lake Monster".

Scenic spot · Dupivogur, travel time: about 20 minutes

Located at the southern end of the eastern fjord peninsula, the fjord town is surrounded by mountains and very quiet. Experience the other side of Iceland's serenity.

Breakfast: included; Lunch: included; Dinner: included

Hotel Edda H ö fn or alternative hotel

Day 6 Icelandic town - Jiegu Salon Lake - Watner Ice Field=Icelandic town

Trip Overview

09:00 Take the bus to Europe's larger Watner Ice Field and the accompanying Jiegu Salon Lake for sightseeing

19: 00 Hotel break

Scenic spot · Jiegu Salon Lake, travel time: about 1 hour

Jiegu Sharon Lake is a large and famous glacial lake in Iceland, about 200 meters deep, located at the southern end of the Watna Ice Field. The famous Hollywood movies "Tomb Raider" and "Batman. Time of War" and the 007 series movies such as "Die Another Day" have all been filmed here. Here you are specially arranged to take an amphibious boat to watch the floating ice on the glacier lake. The scattered floating ice, refracted by the sun, emits ice blue light, setting off the snow-white mountains in the distance and the black sandstone on the shore. The magnificent scenery is unforgettable forever.

Scenic spot · Watner Ice Field, travel time: about 30 minutes

Located in the southeast of Iceland, the Watner Ice Field is the largest glacier in Europe, second only to the Antarctic and Greenland glaciers. Watner Glacier is about 1500 meters above sea level. The motionless nature of Watna Glacier has become a typical scenery of Iceland. At present, Wattner Glacier flows into the warmer valley at the speed of 800 meters per year. It is strange that lava, crater and hot lake are also distributed in the Watner Glacier area. Iceland is also known as "the land of ice and fire".

Scenic spot · Diamond Ice Beach, travel time: about 20 minutes

At the southeast entrance of the Jiegu Shalong Glacier Lake, because the lake has a large amount of water and carries a large number of ice blocks, many of which are pushed to the black beach by the ocean current, forming a unique view of the diamond beach.

Breakfast: included; Lunch: Please take care of yourself

Accommodation · Hali Country Hotel or alternative hotel

Day 7 Icelandic town - Vic - Forest Falls - Selyaland Falls - Icelandic town

Trip Overview

09:00 Take the bus to the deleted town of Vic in Iceland. Vick Town, with a population of only 600, is a peaceful and harmonious town. Behind the town is the endless sea. The town is famous for its black sand beach. Then go to Forest Falls and Selyaland Falls for sightseeing.

19: 00 Check in the hotel for a rest

Scenic spot · Icelandic Black Beach, travel time: about 20 minutes

One of the ten most beautiful beaches in the world, the black sand legend everywhere is caused by witches' magic, which is black but crystal clear. In fact, these gravels are lava from volcanic eruptions, basalt particles eroded by sea wind and waves, black sand and white waves, which have also become the location of many alien movies.

Scenic spot · Forest Falls, travel time: about 20 minutes

Sk ó gafoss is located in the south of Iceland, 60 meters high and 25 meters wide. It is one of the larger and more representative waterfalls in Iceland, and the terrain is extremely convenient. The mountains on both sides of the waterfall are covered with green plants. The cliffs on both sides surround the waterfall in the middle. The white waterfall water flows with the surrounding green plants just right. The rapid water splashes and rushes down, violently impacting the volcanic lava. The noisy scene is very shocking. This waterfall is also called "Skoga Falls" or "Forest Falls".

Scenic spot · Seliyaland Falls, travel time: about 20 minutes

The Seliyaland Falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Iceland. It is located on the Seliyaland River about 30 kilometers west of Skogal. The waterfall is 200 feet high (about 60.96 meters). It flies down from the cliff and reflects the boundless green fields around. It is beautiful and intoxicating. The magic and attraction of the Seliyaland Falls is that people can stand behind the huge curtain of water and enjoy different scenery. Here, you can not only walk across the waterfall, but also let small drops of water caress your face. When the sun shines on the waterfall curtain, you can also watch the gorgeous and bright water mist.

Breakfast: included; Lunch: included; Dinner: included

Accommodation · Foshotel Hekla or alternative hotel

Day 8 Iceland Town Reykjavik

Trip Overview

09:00 Take the bus to participate in the riding tour, get close to the cute Icelandic horses, and then walk along the scenic horse path, so that you can experience the unique Icelandic horses surrounded by lava fields and green mountains

19: 00 Check in the hotel for a rest

Scenic Spot · Horse Riding Lava Tour, duration: about 3 hours

Ride a pure Icelandic horse to visit the rural areas of Iceland, deeply experience the local customs and customs, and enjoy the beautiful volcanic lava scenery. Icelandic horses can be called the national treasure of Iceland. Their blood is pure. Icelandic horses have been protected for more than 1000 years. Icelandic horse Wenshun is friendly. Both novices and experts can ride safely. Before starting, professionals will match you with suitable horses according to your body shape and riding experience, and provide you with helmets, necessary rain gear and rubber boots to ensure the safety and comfort of riding.

(Warm reminder: participants in this project must be at least 8 years old; the maximum load of each horse is 110kg; backpacking is not allowed when riding, and the operator provides free bag storage service)

Scenic spot · Blue Lake, travel time: about 1 hour and 30 minutes

This is the world's largest open-air hot spring lake, especially the white lake bottom, which makes the blue of the lake water more intoxicating and holy. The rich white sand mud in the hot spring contains various minerals beneficial to the human body.

Breakfast: included; Lunch: Please take care of yourself; Dinner: included

Accommodation · Park Inn by Radisson Reykjavik Keflav í k Airport or alternative hotel

Day 9 Reykjavik - Copenhagen - Beijing

Trip Overview

Reference flight; SK596 KEFCPH 0955/1500 to SK995 CPHPEK 2100/1155+1

06:00 Hotel breakfast

07:00 Depart for the airport and take the flight back to Beijing via Copenhagen

Day 10 Beijing

Trip Overview

Please keep your round-trip boarding pass together with your passport and give it to the team leader to get the cancellation slip, so as to leave a good record for you at the embassy so that you can go abroad again. Arrive in Beijing safely, and end the pleasant journey of Nordic scenery!

Travel? The travel and service prices of all tourism products advertised will fluctuate with seasonal air tickets, hotels, scenic spots, traffic and other factors. Please refer to the travel price at the time of booking. The advertising travel price is for reference only. thank you!

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    Expenses include
    1 • Transportation: including round-trip tickets for tax group/individual passengers (group tickets will be issued uniformly, and individual tickets will be issued immediately after booking due to real-time pricing); Local tourist bus
    2. Visa: 600 yuan/person for group travel.
    3 • Accommodation: the hotel standard is two rooms.
    4 • Meals: standard meals for the team during the trip (Chinese style meals or buffet or specialty meals, including meals on the plane, please take care of your own meals during free activities; if you give up meals for your own reasons, the meal fee will not be refunded).
    5 • Tickets: The first big ticket of the scenic spot included in the itinerary, please enter the itinerary description here, outline the itinerary content of the day please enter the itinerary description here, outline the itinerary content of the day please enter the itinerary description here, outline the itinerary content of the day please enter the itinerary description here, outline the itinerary content of the day please enter the itinerary description here, To summarize the itinerary of the day, please enter the itinerary description here. To summarize the itinerary of the day, please enter the itinerary description here. To summarize the itinerary of the day, please enter the itinerary description here. To summarize the itinerary of the day, please enter the itinerary description here. To summarize the itinerary of the day, please enter the itinerary description here.
    6 • Guide clothing: full-time Chinese tour leader and guide,.
    7 • Children's price standard: ages 2-10 (not included), no bed occupancy, no hotel breakfast, other standards are equivalent to adults.

    Fees not included
    1 • Single room difference: single room difference (see the specific quotation for the group period for details).
    2. Guide service fee: 0 yuan/person.
    3 • Supplement: customs levy on entry-exit personal goods, and fees for consignment and storage of overweight baggage.; Additional expenses caused by force majeure reasons such as traffic delay, war, coup, strike, weather, aircraft machine failure, flight cancellation or time change.; Personal consumption of laundry, haircut, telephone, fax, pay TV, drinks, tobacco and alcohol in the hotel.; Local participation at their own expense and other items not included in the above "cost included".
    4 • Travel accident insurance: travel personal accident insurance


    Unified tourism, unified service, factory direct sales, preferential wholesale price!!!
    Early booking discount, multi person booking discount, preferential membership rate, and you will get a membership card for travelling around the world! Including travel agency liability insurance of 300000 yuan. Travel accident insurance is 300000 yuan, and overseas SOS emergency rescue medical insurance is 30000 euros.
    The responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai, and the personal information and whereabouts of tourists are strictly confidential. We sincerely serve every tourist, and customer satisfaction is our greatest wish. Adhering to the service principle of "honesty first, quality first", we treat every tourist as their parents and relatives, and provide tourists with happy and healthy tourism services.
    Complaint hotline of the Administration for Industry and Commerce: 12315 travel agency quality deposit of 1.6 million yuan, integrity and quality! Safe and secure!

    Travel and vacation free consultation hotline: 010-51666 87151666872 The price can be discounted! Welcome to inquire!
    24-hour fast service hotline: Mr. Zhou 18901066209, WeChat service number: 827394859
    Excellent after-sales service hotline: Ms. Tian 13051906288 WeChat service number: 106712452
    24-hour SMS registration consultation service: 13051246388, instant messaging QQ: 2622958052
    Email registration contact: EMAIL: 1760066870@qq.com Email name: tourism consultation
    Business hours: 09:00 to 18:00 Monday to Sunday, free door-to-door service within the Fifth Ring Road of Beijing.
    Non local tourists can register by phone, SMS and email, or online.

    payment method

    1、 Registration method;

     1 , online shopping Online registration: sign a travel contract by emailing our customer service to confirm the travel price and the booking information of the tourist list (via QQ Online or email, WeChat, e-travel contract signed by email, scanning contract, camera (mobile phone) photography contract can be transferred after remittance) online shopping is the preferred best way for most customers. Fast and efficient. Saving time Email signing: we will send the stamped electronic contract document to your designated email address, and you will read the contract and relevant attachments as soon as you receive the email, and reply "Read, agree to this travel contract and sign" to complete the signing process.

    two Signing contract application by fax and express Sign the travel contract and itinerary by fax, and transfer the money after the date and price are confirmed. Express signing: we will express the sealed contract to you, and after you sign it, it will be sent back to our company to complete the signing, If the visa materials need express delivery, please indicate the order number in the express so that the staff can handle them in time.

    three On site registration Go to the travel agency to sign a travel contract, and consult and negotiate face to face. Pay cash to complete the scheduled registration.

    four Telephone registration : Confirm the travel date price and reservation information by telephone to complete the transaction. SMS to confirm the tourist's name, ID number and other details. Sign travel contracts by sending SMS, MMS, WeChat, email, etc. Telephone bank payment.

    five . On site service registration Go to the tourist office to apply for signing the contract and pay the money, mainly for tourists in the Fifth Ring Road in Beijing,

    (In the Fifth Ring Road of Beijing, door-to-door service is available fifty From yuan)

    2、 Payment method,

    1、 Remittance and transfer settlement , online banking, mobile banking transfer remittance, bank transfer remittance, ATM ATM transfer remittance. WeChat, Alipay and other transfers are the best way for most customers to choose. Safe and fast, preferred for online shopping.

    2、 Cash settlement , RMB cash settlement. There are ATM The machine is convenient for withdrawal and the business hall of each bank is convenient for transfer.

    3、 Check settlement , need to advance six The contract will come into effect after the cheque payment is received. Only Beijing company can use check,

    4、 Credit card settlement , tourists are required to pay service charges 2% , (foreign currency card swiping 8% Service charge). Credit card can be bound to Alipay to scan QR code for payment (remote payment), if necessary POS Please make an appointment in advance.

    5、 Foreign guests and tourists Foreign currency settlement account BANK OF CHINA BEIJING BRANCH All currencies in the world are remitted to BOC.


    be careful: You can remit the deposit for reservation, and then pay the cash or remittance balance, or you can pay part of the cash deposit, and then pay off the balance or remittance before leaving the group. For cheque payment and card swiping, it is the settlement method of remitting to the corporate account. If there is a refund, it can only be returned to the original account, and cash cannot be withdrawn. Remittance account, Bank of China, ICBC, Bank of Communications, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, China Merchants. All major banks are convenient to use. Please do not make inter-bank remittance. Alipay please use urgent remittance to ensure immediate payment. The payment to account contract takes effect. Avoid delaying your travel.

    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
    • Consultation content:

    Service Centre

    Zhongtang International Travel Agency Co., Ltd. - Unified Holiday Department
    Service hotline
    24-hour free reservation hotline 010-51666871
    Free door-to-door service hotline: 010-51666872
    Tourism quality supervision hotline: 13051906288
    Green fast service hotline 18901066209
    24-hour SMS registration phone 13051246388
    Group enterprise customer 13051243988

    Classification of tourist routes


    Booking process