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 One day special tour from Nanjing to Jurong Baohua Mountain, Longchang Temple, Qianhua Ancient Village

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Product No.: 145465

One day special tour from Nanjing to Jurong Baohua Mountain, Longchang Temple, Qianhua Ancient Village

Landscape price: ¥58 Market price: ¥128 element Starting price description
Date of dispatch: Saturday
Service commitment:
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Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 2018-10-16
CHQA01 Autumn Tour Baohua Mountain Health One day Tour

Reference travel

Nanjing - Jurong - Nanjing
08:00 Take the coach to the East Station of Nanjing Huayuan Road Zhenjiang Jurong (travel distance: about 40 km; driving time: about 60 minutes).
Go by bus Baohua Mountain National Forest Park 】(Coupon ticket 50 yuan/person Time shift, free of charge with ID card, 20 yuan/person for small traffic in the scenic spot, local pay as you go!), Bao Huashan Mountain It is one of the Buddhist holy places in China. In the mountains Longchang Temple More than 1400 years ago. temple The grand halls, thousands of Jialan rooms, winding corridors, main hall Carved beams and painted buildings, glazed roof, golden Buddha sitting precariously, golden steel standing upright, with different expressions Dali The square made of stone can accommodate thousands of people. When the morning sun shines and the evening sun shines, the morning bell and evening drum in the temple, and the Buddha's name resounds through the valley, which can be described as "the alley bamboo forest temple, and the night bell sounds." The Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty went to the south of the Yangtze River seven times, six times to Mount Baohua, and inscribed the plaque "Bright Dharma Realm" for the Mahavira Hall.
[Longchang Temple 】Because of its strict laws and regulations, "it is the highest among the 480 Buddhist temples in Jinling", and is called "the first mountain of Buddhism". Not only more than 70% of monks and nuns in China come here to receive precepts, but also monks from many Southeast Asian countries come here to receive precepts. Baohuashan Temple The hospital also has a collection of cultural relics, such as pillows and crutches used by the emperor, the word "goose" written by Wang Xizhi, paintings by Tang Bohu, the word "red across the river" written by Yue Fei, and a large pot that can cook 1000 kg of rice.
After lunch tour [Qianhua Ancient Village] (tickets included), market The street is the soul of the ancient village's cultural performance, and the Qing Dynasty town is the stage. Every passer-by and tourists present are participants. Professional directors, writers and performance teams perform different stories at different times, and let tourists participate in them. It is as if they were in the scene, and it is an all-round and in-depth experience of the charm of the Qing Dynasty town.
16: 00 Specify the assembly point and return to Nanjing after assembly. (Travel distance: 40 km, travel time: about 60 minutes);
17: Arrive in Nanjing at around 30 (the return journey only stops near Xinjiekou, and the long-distance east station does not stop along the way. Since Xinjiekou area is the center of the city, it is possible to stop at the 500m radius parking area when arriving in Nanjing at night).

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    Ticket type includes:
    Adult tickets: air-conditioned tour buses, tickets to the scenic spots listed in the itinerary (calculated at preferential prices), and tour guide service fees of 3 yuan/person/day. Other expenses shall be borne by themselves.
    Children's tickets: air-conditioned tourist bus seat tickets (seat tickets must be purchased for people over 0.1m), and other expenses are temporarily borne by parents!
    Accommodation standard: None

    Ticket type does not include:
    Adult ticket: other expenses shall be borne by yourself.
    Child ticket: other expenses are temporarily paid by parents!
    Dining instructions: self care
    Insurance description: It is recommended that tourists buy a travel accident insurance, with the cost of 10 yuan per person and the maximum insured amount of 100000 yuan. It can be purchased by travel agency. According to the regulations of the insurance company, the insured amount will be halved for those under the age of 18 and over the age of 65, and those under the age of 3 and over the age of 75 are not allowed to participate in the travel accident insurance. Our company will no longer provide insurance purchasing services for this group of tourists.
    For insurance liability problems and medical expenses caused by accident, the expenses shall be paid by the tourists in advance. When the treatment is terminated, the medical invoice shall be used to compensate according to the relevant regulations of the insurance company!


    Air conditioned bus and tour guide accompany the whole journey. After the confirmation of the tourists, if they temporarily cancel, they will have to pay 50-60 yuan of space loss fees.
    2. Children under 1.1 meters include fare, insurance and tour guide service fees; Others, if any, shall be taken care of by themselves.
    3. Please read this itinerary carefully before purchasing tickets. The schedule is for reference only. In case of force majeure and other reasons, the sequence of tourist attractions can be changed without reducing the number of tourist attractions; Please understand.
    4. Please leave your contact information when you buy the ticket. In case of special circumstances, we can contact you in time.
    7. Please do not leave the group and change the itinerary and accommodation standards without authorization. If you change the itinerary without authorization, you will bear all the consequences!

    payment method

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    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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    Service Centre

    Nanjing Jinqiu Travel Agency Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    Consultation 025-83617985
    East China Tourism 025-83213292
    Custom depth 025-83378344

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