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 Shijiazhuang Putuo Mountain Tourist Route Shijiazhuang Putuo Mountain Tourist Group

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Product No.: 119200

Shijiazhuang Putuo Mountain Tourist Route Shijiazhuang Putuo Mountain Tourist Group

Landscape price: ¥1570 Market price: ¥1580 element Starting price description
Date of sending group: every day
Additional items:
Package type:
Default type_1
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

  • Line features
  • Reference travel
  • Scenic spots passing by
  • Instructions for participation
  • reminder
  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2019-01-13
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Reference travel

Mount Putuo One floor two bedroom five-day tour
1、 Schedule:
D1: K233 (13:35-08:52) or K1011 (15:32-10:18) Shanghai
D2: Arrive in Shanghai in the morning and take the subway to get on Hainan Pu Travel? After checking in the hotel, the passenger transport center will have free activities in Shanghai.
D3、 6:40 a.m. Shanghai Nanpu Tourism Passenger Transport Center meets, and at 07:20, take the bus to Zhujiajian Island The tour guide at the Centipede Standing Dock meets the group, and the speedboat takes you 10 minutes to Mount Putuo to visit the Xitian Scenic Spot (Guanyin Ancient Cave, Ergui Tingfa, Pantuo Stone, Meifu Temple, Heart Stone), Haiyin Pool and Imperial Stele Pavilion, Puji Temple The Inner Circle Tongbao Hall, the Medicine King Hall, the God of Wealth Hall and other eight halls worship incense and Buddha, and then the Fayu Buddhist Temple worship incense and Buddha, thousand steps of sand walk on the waves and water, and sleep on Mount Putuo.
D4 In the morning, you will visit the Purple Bamboo Forest (unwilling to go to the Guanyin Temple and Chaoyin Cave), the 33 meter high Nanhai Guanyin Giant Buddha. At noon, the speedboat will return to Zhujiajian Centipede Standing Wharf, and the bus will take you to Zhoushan Take bus back to Shanghai at 14:40 at the distribution center of the specialty city, and take K374 at night (20:52-14:27) to Shijiazhuang
D5: Arrive in Shijiazhuang and end the pleasant journey smoothly!
3、 Service standard:
one Round trip transportation: hard sleeper or hard seat
2. Transportation: Shanghai Zhoushan air-conditioned tourist bus, Zhujiajian Putuo Mountain speedboat two way, Putuo Mountain island three times, Centipede Zhili Special Product City distribution center short delivery;
3. Admission: Entrance ticket of Putuo Mountain;
4. Accommodation: standard hotel room for 2-3 people;
5. Dining: self-care;
6. Tour guide: tour guide explanation service;

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    1: The temple incense coupon is at your own expense (21 yuan).
    2: A single individual guest who lives in a double standard room needs to make up room difference of 80 yuan/person at ordinary times; 160 yuan/person is needed for the weekend.
    3: The tangible or intangible losses and additional costs caused by human force majeure factors (such as fog, typhoon, rainstorm) shall be borne by the guests themselves and arranged by our club,
    5: The tourist order of the scenic spots can be adjusted accordingly, but the listed scenic spots will not be reduced.
    6: Ask about the price before ordering during meals to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding
    7: Advocate low-carbon environmental protection, please bring your own sun visor.


    This information is provided by Shijiazhuang Yanzhao Travel Agency. Travel information hotline: 0311-85357822, 89808981 Mobile phone: 15032828751 Manager Li Online QQ: 527537935 Company website: www.hblvyou.com www.lblvyou.com Shijiazhuang Tourism Website

    payment method

    1. If you see our route and are ready to book to participate, please contact our customer service representative first to confirm the price, itinerary, flight and train tickets. Because the travel price is changing at any time, our customer service representative will inform you when confirming with you in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding two After confirming the price, itinerary and flight, you can choose one of the following two contract signing methods.

    A : Go directly to the address of the company, sign a written travel contract, and pay the travel expenses. Yuhua East Road, Qiaodong District, Shijiazhuang City sixty-two No. (southwest corner of the intersection of Yuhua Road, Jianshe Street), in the west courtyard of Huanyu Hotel one hundred and one room ride two six ten sixteen nineteen twenty-nine thirty-two thirty-four thirty-five thirty-six fifty-one fifty-five sixty-six seventy eighty-three ninety-two ninety-nine five hundred and sixteen , Tourism eleven , Tourism twelve Luhebei Grand Theater, get off and go west one hundred Mi Lunan   Telephone: 0311-85357822  15032828751  Li Xiaobing

    B : Book online, contact our customer service representative, and send you the electronic travel contract and itinerary by email. Just fill in the content, confirm the price, and reply to the company's email address according to the contract prompts sjzyzlxs@126.com , and transfer through Alipay or online banking.


    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
    • Consultation content:

    Service Centre

    Shijiazhuang Yanzhao Travel Agency Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    Individual Customer Department: 0311-85357822
    Fax: 0311-85357833
    Mobile: 15032828751 15369187567

    Classification of tourist routes


    Booking process