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China's tourism laws and regulations
Regulations on Examination and Approval of Passport Applications

  1. Procedures for citizens to apply for passports when going abroad for private purposes

(1) Get the "Citizen's Application Form for Going Abroad for Private Affairs" in duplicate from the public security organ of the city or county where my residence is located. The form shall be completed by the citizen himself, and two recent bareheaded front photos of myself shall be affixed. The size is small 2 inches, 32mm × 40mm.

(2) Submit resident identity card, household register or other household registration certificate for examination.

(3) Submit the certificate corresponding to the reason for exit.

2. The corresponding certificates of reasons for exit include

(1) When going abroad to visit relatives and friends, the invitation letter of relatives and friends and the residence certificate of the inviter in the country of destination shall be submitted. Invitation letter refers to formal invitation letter and ordinary letter with invitation content, and one of them is enough. The residence certificate refers to the certificate of the inviter's residence qualification in the country of destination, a copy of the valid identity certificate being used by the inviter in the country of destination, and other certificates approved by the exit and entry administration department that can prove the inviter's legal residence in the country of destination, one of which is sufficient.

(2) When individuals travel abroad, they shall submit certificates of foreign exchange expenses required for travel, such as the applicant's bank deposit certificate. When the exit and entry administration department deems it necessary, the applicant shall also submit an invitation or guarantee letter from overseas relatives and friends.

(3) To study abroad at one's own expense, the applicant shall submit the admission notice issued by the accepting school. When the exit and entry administration department deems it necessary, the applicant shall also submit the necessary economic guarantee certificate. If a person with a college degree or above applies to study abroad at his own expense, he shall submit the "Certificate of Qualification for Studying Abroad at His Own Expense" issued by the provincial education authority.

(4) In case of going abroad to settle down, submit the residence permit of the competent authority of the national government or the embassy or consulate in China or the certificate of the relatives and friends in the proposed place of residence agreeing to settle down.

(5) When going abroad to inherit property, a certificate of legal inheritance right shall be submitted.

(6) When an individual goes abroad for employment, he or she shall submit the employment and employment certificate of the employer or employer that has the legal effect in the country of destination (certified by the notary office of the country of destination or our embassy or consulate in China).

(7) When going abroad to engage in other non official activities, submit the corresponding invitation letter abroad.

3. Time limit for examination and approval of exit application

The exit and entry administration department of the public security organ shall make a decision on whether to approve or disapprove the exit application within 20 working days (15 working days in large and medium-sized cities, 40 working days in remote places with inconvenient transportation) and notify the applicant. If the applicant fails to receive the notice of the examination and approval result within the specified time, he has the right to inquire, and the acceptance department shall reply; If the applicant considers that the disapproval of exit does not conform to the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Exit and Entry of Citizens, he has the right to appeal to the public security organ at the next higher level, which shall deal with and reply to him.

4. Passport validity

The passport is valid for 5 years and can be extended twice, each time not exceeding 5 years.

5. Passport application extension

The holder of the passport can apply for extension within 6 months before the expiration of the validity of the passport without submitting supporting materials. Under special circumstances (such as the validity period is not enough for the foreign visa), you can apply in advance with the relevant visa certificate. Passports that have expired are valid passports and do not need to go through extension procedures. The extension of passport shall be handled in China by the original license issuing authority or the exit and entry administration department of the public security organ where the residence is located; In foreign countries, it shall be handled by embassies and consulates stationed abroad.

6. Replacement and reissue of passports

If the passport has been extended twice and is about to expire, or the visa page is used up and cannot be extended again, or it is damaged and cannot be used any more, it can be applied for replacement without submitting supporting materials. If the passport is lost, after obtaining the loss report certificate issued by the public security organ in the place where the passport was lost and publishing a statement in the newspaper that the passport is invalid, you can apply for a new passport without submitting other supporting materials.

7. Exit Registration Card

When approving and issuing passports, the public security organ shall attach an exit registration card. The exit registration card shall be filled with "settle down", "short-term exit" and "travel" (referring to group travel abroad). Those who hold the exit registration card for the purpose of "settling down" can leave the country with any visa except group travel visa. For those who hold the exit registration card for "short-term exit" and then obtain a long-term residence visa, they can replace the exit registration card for "settlement" by submitting the opinions agreed by their units or police stations. If the country of destination is changed before the first exit after obtaining the passport, the exit registration card shall be renewed with the visa, and no other supporting materials need to be submitted.

8. Passport Fees

Cost of production is 100 yuan; The service charge is 5 yuan; Passport extension, passport endorsement, 20 yuan per person per time.