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Hubei "Two Mountains and One River" Boutique Tour

Shiyan Shuiyifang Travel Agency |Published on 2007-05-09 09:19:54 | Related industries: travel agency |Type: Quote | Browse:
1、 Schedule
D1: After receiving the delegation from Yichang Enjoy the scenery of Yichang along the way, board the boat at 17:30 p.m. and leave at 18:00 p.m. It passes through Gezhouba Dam and Three Gorges Dam. On board (night)
D2: Boat watching Wu Gorge, changing boats to visit the Three Gorges, boat watching the magnificent Qutang Gorge, and going ashore to visit Baidi City
Boarding (morning, noon and evening)
D3: Take a boat tour of Xiling Gorge, arrive in Yichang in the afternoon, then take a bus to Shennongjia, check in at the hotel and stay at Muyu (morning, noon and evening)
D4: Tour after breakfast Shennongjia National Nature Reserve , after lunch Xiangxiyuan Scenic Spot Explore the source of Xiangxi. Go to Hongping Car Temple Hongping Gallery, Yema River Scenic Spot Suhongping (morning, noon and evening)
D5: Tour after breakfast Yantian Scenic Area (Yanzi Cave, Yanzi Pass, Rainbow Bridge, Tianmen Pass, Ancient Rhinoceros Cave). After lunch, take the bus to Wudang Mountain. Stay in Wudang Mountain (morning, noon and evening)
D6: After breakfast, take the bus to Wudang Mountain, the world cultural heritage and the birthplace of Chinese Neijiaquan. Traveling up by cable car is listed as the No. 1 Hall in China—— Jindian After lunch, take a bus to Crow Ridge to visit the most beautiful rock among the 36 rocks of Wudang Mountain—— Nan Yan , and then visit the most complete palace among the ancient buildings in the whole mountain, which can best reflect the royal spirit—— Zixiao Palace , You Prince Slope The scenic spot - nine bends of the Yellow River wall, one mile of four gates, ten miles of osmanthus fragrance, one pillar and twelve beams. Stay in Wudang Mountain (morning, noon and evening)
D7: See you off after breakfast, and end this pleasant trip! (Early)

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Publisher Information

Publisher: Wang Enlin Company name: Shiyan Shuiyifang Travel Agency Member level: ordinary member What is the membership level?
Address: Floor 2, Longma Hotel, No. 10, Jindi Plaza, Dongyue Road, Shiyan City Postal code: 442000
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Recommended tourist attractions
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Shennongjia (Yantian Scenic Spot) sixty

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Wudang Mountain Scenic Area one hundred and ten

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Wudang Mountain (Jinding/Jindian) twenty

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★ Wudang Mountain (Zixiao Palace) fifteen

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