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Why does the aircraft take off and land against the wind?

Shiyan Shuiyifang Travel Agency |Published on November 15, 2006 14:52:26 | Source: Internet | Common sense classification: Common sense of safety

Why does the aircraft take off and land against the wind?
The takeoff and landing of the aircraft should be carried out against the wind as far as possible, because taking off and landing against the wind can increase the lift or resistance to make the aircraft lift off the ground
Or the landing speed is reduced, which can shorten the takeoff run distance or landing distance of the aircraft. At the same time, taking off and landing against the wind is also beneficial to the directional stability and controllability of the aircraft in motion, which is safer. Since the speed of the aircraft during takeoff and landing is slow and the stability is poor, the aircraft will be skewed and inclined in case of strong crosswind, so generally speaking, Only when the upwind condition cannot be selected and the runway length is sufficient can the downwind landing be allowed. However, the speed, weight and stability of the current aircraft are greatly improved and improved than those of the past, and the wind direction has less impact on the takeoff and landing of aircraft

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