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Health care principles that need our attention during travel

Beijing Youth Travel Agency Co., Ltd |Published on 2016-12-19 19:04:15 | Source: Network | Common sense classification: Travel health care

Travel is a way that many people will pursue to relax, and this way is very useful. However, travel is also a great test for people's health, You should pay more attention to your health care when traveling Now let's introduce the Chinese medicine channel on the website of Seeking Medicine Several health principles in travel.

Code 1: Preventive injection is necessary before going abroad

To avoid various infectious diseases, Travel? Please refer to the environment of the tourist site and take necessary precautions before departure, such as influenza vaccines, hepatitis A and B vaccines, tetanus, diphtheria and other vaccines, as well as anti malaria drugs to avoid infectious diseases.

Rule 2: Drink more water

When traveling, more water should be added to reduce the chance of gastrointestinal discomfort; Drinking more water can make your skin watery and take photos more beautiful (beautiful food); Drink more water on the plane to reduce the chance of being infected with bacteria; Patients with hypertension and ischemic heart disease especially need to supplement more water when traveling, and should pay attention to sleep (sleep food) and blood pressure (blood pressure food) at any time.

Rule 3: When taking a long flight, you should exercise (sports food) in good time

After a long flight, when you arrive at the destination, you will often feel soreness and edema in your lower limbs. You can get up every hour, do simple stretching exercises, and gently press and massage your lower legs, neck and back to reduce soreness and edema in your lower limbs after sitting for a long time, and prevent venous embolism; It is especially reminded that patients with ischemic heart disease and hypertension who sit in a chair for a long time are likely to suffer from vascular embolism on the legs, which may lead to sudden death due to pulmonary embolism. Therefore, they must get up and walk at regular intervals.

Rule 4: Eating gum and yawning can reduce tinnitus during takeoff and landing

Whenever an aircraft takes off or lands, there are often tinnitus, earache, earplugs or dizziness. You can take a pack of chewing gum with you to let your mouth chew to alleviate this phenomenon. However, if you have a serious cold, chronic hearing impairment or poor function of the eustachian tube, you should first seek medical treatment before taking the flight, otherwise the discomfort will be aggravated.

Rule 5: Wash your hands frequently, avoid drinking or eating raw food, or touching wild animals and plants

During the journey, people are most afraid of eating bad stomachs, which will affect their physical strength and destroy their travel mood. "Washing hands more" is the only way to prevent gastrointestinal infection. Avoiding raw drinking and eating can reduce the chance of infection.

Rule 6: Sunshine after arriving at the destination can relieve jet lag

Do you always feel that day and night are reversed due to jet lag during your journey? It's better to bask in the sun after arriving at the destination, which can ease the problem of jet lag. This is because the body's physiological clock will adjust itself with the rise and fall of the sun. If this still makes you unable to sleep, you can take a small amount of sleeping pills to help you sleep.

In general travel, we may be in a state of excitement, so the energy consumption is also great. We'd better pay attention to our own health care problems when traveling, so that we can get a better experience in travel.