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Basic Knowledge of Self driving Tour

|Published on 2016-07-27 11:22:17 | Source: | Common sense classification: Self driving knowledge

Self driving tour belongs to self-service Travel? It is a new form of tourism, which is different from the traditional group tourism. Self driving tourism provides tourists with flexible space in terms of selecting objects, participating procedures and experiencing freedom. It has its own inherent characteristics of liberalization and personalization, flexibility and comfort, selectivity and seasonality, and has its own characteristics and charm compared with the traditional way of joining the group. Today, the editor of YJBYS specially collected and sorted out the required notes for self driving travel for everyone. I hope you enjoy it!


1. Check the vehicle condition, check the aging and damage degree of the tires (including the spare tire), and judge whether they can complete your journey. Check the braking system, mainly to check the braking effect, whether there is leakage of brake fluid, and whether there is a lack of brake fluid. Check whether the battery, engine oil, coolant and power steering oil are normal. If the car has just been repaired or serviced, do not drive away immediately. If it is time to replace the timing belt according to the maintenance manual, it is better to replace it with a new one before traveling.

2. Check your health. Don't travel with illness. Be careful even if you have a small headache or cold.

3. Check the travel information, make early preparations, and understand the destination and the situation along the way. The information comes from the media, books and magazines, and the Internet, mainly involving road conditions, routes, social conditions along the way, consumption conditions, etc. According to these data, make travel plans and guidebooks.

4. Book hotels in advance. Only enough sleep can ensure the next day's energetic journey, and the choice of hotel cannot be careless. If you stay in a large hotel, you can enjoy high-quality service, and the accommodation and parking are safe. During the "National Day" Golden Week scenic spot City hotels are full. With advance booking, you don't need to spend time looking for hotels everywhere and worry about accommodation. At the end of the day's trip, record what you saw and spent that day as a souvenir, and also provide reference for "future generations". At the same time, according to the driving speed and distance comparison schedule, timely adjust the following schedule.


1. Three certificates and one card

In addition to carrying enough money, don't forget to bring your driver's license, driver's license, ID card and insurance card. If you are travelling for a long distance, one of the three certificates is indispensable. Also note whether the above certificates have been verified. In addition, some places need to check road maintenance fees and vehicle purchase tax certificates when checking vehicles, so as to be prepared.

2. Vehicle tools

① Jack, tire wrench, slotted and cross screwdriver, hand pliers, at least one dead wrench (according to the condition of your car), one adjustable wrench, a traction rope with a pulling force of not less than 1500kg and a working light (flashlight is also acceptable).

② If you have a long journey or go to a sparsely populated place, if possible, you might as well prepare a better starting power supply, an electric inflation pump (choose one that can work continuously for a long time), a tyre cone and several tyre filler strips (extremely convenient and simple to use), a spare oil tank, and a pair of 40A power cord.

3. Driving necessities

Maps and GPS navigators are indispensable for driving. The publication of maps will never catch up with the construction of roads, so in addition to preparing a comprehensive map of administrative regions and highways highway Outside the map, try to take a GPS navigator with you wherever you go.

4. Daily necessities during driving

① Clothes, as the saying goes, go out with dry food and tropical clothes. The necessary clothes are indispensable because of the impermanence of cold and warm. In addition to the clothes that you carry for washing and changing, you should take some clothes that are cold proof, windproof and rain proof according to the different seasons. The raincoat is necessary for driving.

② Emergency kit: Band Aid Yunnan White medicine, bandage, medical tape, thermometer, antipyretic, anti abdominal laxative, analgesic, essential balm or cooling oil. If there are often poisonous insects in the places you go, you'd better prepare some snake medicine.

③ Needling bag: prepare one or two sewing needles of different sizes, and the thread should be firm and thicker. In addition to sewing, needles can also be used for other purposes, such as picking thorns into meat.

④ Power supply: a 12V to 220V power inverter is provided with the vehicle, generally about 300W power can be selected, which can provide instant power supply and charging for mobile phones, DVs, computers and other appliances with 220V voltage requirements without damaging these devices.

⑤ Car/home dual purpose cold/warm box

⑥ Vehicle water dispenser

5. Safety equipment

① Fire extinguishers.

② Parking warning sign or warning light.

③ Self defense articles.

6. Before self driving, you must prepare the necessary tools for camping. Tents, shovels, some food, drinks, and pain killers are all necessary. Keep in mind the principle of safety when three people travel, and call for help or SOS alarm in case of danger. For self-help travel, you can buy short-term travel accident insurance by yourself, go to an insurance company or buy it online, with a price of about 20-50 yuan.

Travel Chapter

Avoid speeding on the expressway

Self driving travel Long distance self driving travel will encounter various road conditions. When driving on the highway, speeding is the most taboo. Ultra high speed driving requires the driver's attention to be highly concentrated, which is very easy to produce fatigue. In addition, the scenery on the highway is single, and the time is long, the driver is easy to be distracted, and the emergency response ability will also decline. It is difficult to cope with emergencies. The smoother the road, the more unexpected accidents are likely to occur. Therefore, on the expressway, it is better not to drive on the overtaking lane for a long time.

Drowsiness is the most dangerous

Don't drive for a long time is a platitude. However, many traffic accidents are caused by fatigue driving. Even if you arrive at the destination safely, after ten hours of continuous driving, I am afraid that there is no extra energy and physical strength to play again. It is wrong to play the role of driver in the wonderful self driving tour. During long distance travel, driving on the expressway can save energy and time, but walking on the provincial road can enjoy the scenery along the way and experience the local customs. Therefore, it is appropriate to make a dual choice. Since it is a self driving tour, there is no need to drive hard. The driving speed can be a little slow. For safety, you can also enjoy the surrounding scenery.

At least two people in the same industry can drive. Each person takes turns to drive for 2 hours. Maintaining physical strength and optimal driving condition is the best way to drive safely. If there is really no one to replace it, you might as well pull over when you feel tired, get out and stretch, take a walk, even take a nap in the car. After the fatigue is relieved, you can pick up your spirits and start again.

Emergency response

There is no median on some provincial roads. When driving, pay attention to the cars coming from the opposite side and keep the steering wheel slow down. Experienced old drivers know that large trucks with rocks and steel bars often appear on provincial roads. When driving, you must avoid these big men, especially not follow them. For one thing, the large freight car is easy to block the vision of the driver behind. For another, once an accident occurs in the front car, the rear car can't avoid it, so it can only be affected innocently.

The plan has not changed fast. Maybe the line section you designed is closed for maintenance, or the road section marked on the map has been diverted. Even the most advanced global navigator is not working. What you need to do is to get off the bus and ask the way. There are also skills in choosing the way. Road maintenance workers, police and local drivers know the route best. Ask them first, and it is better to ask more people for the most accurate information. It is better to ask while walking than to wait for a few kilometers and find that the road is wrong before returning.

Drive in the daytime and try not to stay up late, especially in unfamiliar environments where you are not familiar with the road conditions. Before driving every day, check the condition of the car, tires, water tanks, oil, batteries and brake fluid. If not enough, fill up the tank and remedy the leakage in a timely manner, so as to avoid failure when driving to the front of the village or the back of the store.

Driving skills

1. The snow falling in winter is the time that causes the most traffic accidents. Continuous braking shall be performed on snowy and flat roads. Low gears shall be used on downhill roads. It is better not to stop on uphill roads in case of failure to start. When driving normally, you can properly shift gears (low speed and high gear) to increase forward resistance. Turn the steering wheel in the swing direction when the rear wheels swing left and right.

2. If you meet a big car (full load) in the same direction in front of you that will not give way to you, follow closely behind, find the opportunity to overtake it.

3. If the car runs out of oil in the wild, stop a cart and suck out a few liters of oil from his car. No. 70 oil doesn't matter. Do not block the trolley. Generally, the trolley cannot pump oil.

4. Continuous downhill, overheated brake pads cause brake failure, stop and wait for natural cooling. Never use water to cool.

5. If it is driving in the middle of the night, the high and low beams shall be continuously changed during the meeting to remind the other party that they may be dozing off. If the other party's high beam is not turned off, it must slow down in advance to prevent unknown objects such as tractors in the same direction.

6. When driving on a mountain road curve in the daytime, you must drive in your own lane (you cannot see the opposite side). When turning downhill at high speed, you must slow down in advance.

7. For temporary parking in the field, do not park at the turning. Do not stop at places with poor vision in one direction, steep slopes, suspicious people staying, or other places where you feel unstable.

8. Drive for a long time (continuously driving for more than 3 hours), adjust the driver's seat back to the maximum extent, and drive on your back to reduce fatigue, so as to form this habit (not suitable for people with short stature).

9. Pay attention to the slippery road when it rains, because there is oil stain on the road. When too much rainwater accumulates on the road, do not increase the throttle to flush water, so as not to affect the braking and water ingress of electrical parts. Drive at a low gear and steady speed.


1. Keep in touch with the motorcade through mobile phones while driving. Do not play music on mobile phones or press the transmit button for a long time to chat.

2. If you find any abnormality or need to stop temporarily during driving, please report it immediately through your mobile phone.

3. Please pay attention to charging in time when you arrive at your accommodation.

Seven elements of safe driving in rainy days

1. Keep a good view

2. Prevent wheel side slip

3. Drive slowly at low gear

4. Prevent the vehicle from being trapped in wading

5. It is not suitable to accelerate to overtake

6. Prevent collision during driving

7. Self rescue method for vehicle stuck in mud

Seven dangerous situations should be noticed when driving in winter

1. Tire sideslip

2. Tire slipping

3. Brake problem

4. Engine shutdown

5. Vehicle semi rollover or rollover

6. Car collection and drainage

7. The tire is frozen on the ground

How to drive in water

1. When the car is wading in water, ensure that the engine runs normally, shift to low gear and drive steadily into the water to avoid slamming the accelerator or rushing, so as to prevent water splashing into the engine and stalling;

2. Keep the accelerator steady while driving, and pass through the water with one breath. Try to avoid shifting gears or making sharp turns in the middle. Pay more attention to this when there is sediment at the bottom of the water;

3. If there is quicksand at the bottom of the water and the wheels slip and spin, stop immediately. Do not force your way through, let alone step on the accelerator pedal in half linkage. Organize people to push the car out when the engine does not stop, so as to avoid getting deeper and deeper;

4. When driving, try to focus on the fixed target in the distance, hold the steering wheel with both hands and go straight ahead. Never focus on the current or spray, so as to avoid confusion of vision and illusion, causing the vehicle to deviate from the normal route;

5. When multiple vehicles are wading, wait for the front vehicle to arrive at the opposite bank, and then the rear vehicle will be launched to prevent the front vehicle from stopping due to failure, forcing the rear vehicle to also stop in the water in a dilemma;

6. When passing the overflow pavement or bridge deck with unknown conditions after being impacted by the flood, it is necessary to find out whether there is collapse or gap, otherwise it is very easy to cause rollover.


1. All over the country hot spring There are bubbles everywhere, and the water quality is different. It is not necessary to spend time to soak, and there are many people in such places on holidays.

  2、 drift The price is not low, there are many people in Golden Week, and such activities are really not suitable for the elderly and children to play, so it's better to give up.

3. Fees are very high temple Some temples and scenic spots that charge a lot of money, but I don't know their origins. For example, if I go to Jiangsu and Zhejiang, one of the top 10 water towns, I can choose one. It's really unnecessary to waste time and money by choosing to visit all of them!

4. No matter in cities or tourist areas, there are many hotels and residences with many grades to choose from (unless you go to a famous scenic spot far away from the city during the Golden Week). However, we usually check online and find that accommodation is very expensive no matter where it is, and each standard room is more than 200 yuan.

Star rated hotels are usually more expensive, while tourists also give less consideration to the parking safety of residential buildings. Currently, there is no problem with the parking safety of family apartments, which are all in a certain community. However, there is a problem of hygiene and responsibility in family apartments, and sometimes there are disputes. In addition, the family apartments come and go, and the sound insulation is poor, affecting the rest.

Therefore, it is a good choice to go to a new place, the company's hostels, such as the internal hostels of banks, commercial systems, schools, etc. These hostels are actually well equipped and sanitary, but they have not been rated as stars. Usually, they have their own compound and guards, and their safety is guaranteed. The key is that the price is cheap. Usually, the standard room is 60-150 yuan. There is no need to make a reservation. As long as you drive directly into a slightly larger hotel, stop and walk around, you can find that there are many guest houses of this type in the city, and the more old the city, the more. Since these large units are usually in the former busy areas, it is very convenient to go shopping.

5. It's a pity not to taste the local snacks in a city. You can taste the authentic local flavor and have a deeper understanding of the local customs by going to the local specialty snack bar. The other is to go shopping for leisure, looking for local food markets. When you go to the old street, you can usually find places where local people often go with good taste and cheap prices. As for big dishes, even if they are very famous, they don't have to be eaten. For example, Quanjude's ducks don't have to be all inclusive. However, we should pay attention to hygiene. We are tired on the journey, and our body's resistance declines. We should pay more attention to food hygiene during the journey. If we fall ill on the road, we will be in trouble.

6. The shopping malls in all cities of China are similar, but the free market is different, with a deep brand of the city. Visit the local market, and you can feel the city more deeply. This is a privilege that group tours cannot enjoy. Buy some local specialties and bring them back Beijing , is a good gift for friends.


1. It is recommended that novices do not rent cars for self driving tours. People who have just learned to drive are not familiar with cars and are prone to accidents.

2. When parking at the roadside or at night, be sure to check whether the doors and windows are locked; At the same time, valuables should not be exposed and left in the car, so as to avoid causing passers-by to suddenly become malicious and take risks.

3. Try to avoid driving at night. Regardless of the danger of stopping and robbing, fatigue of driving at night is also prone to major disasters.

4. When running a long distance, fill the fuel tank before starting; If the destination is remote, consider bringing some fuel by yourself. If self prepared fuel oil is required, it is required to use a fully enclosed, metal enclosed safety container.

5. For long-distance driving, it is better to choose a person who knows the basic vehicle repair skills; At the same time, if conditions permit, it is better for more than two vehicles to travel together and take care of each other.

6. Every 2-3 hours, it is better to stop for a rest, which can not only avoid the danger of fatigue driving, but also prevent long-term driving from harming your health; In addition, it is also conducive to alleviating the fatigue damage caused by long-distance driving.

7. Don't ride on strangers, and put personal protective equipment, fire extinguishers and anti-theft locks on the handy parts to prevent accidents.

8. Carry a phone book with you and write down your name, unit, relatives and friends' phone numbers on the first page. In case of an accident, the rescuers can contact their families in time.

9. Control the vehicle speed. When traveling on an open and straight road, people are likely to exceed the speed limit due to excitement, which will lead to danger.

10. Prepare enough money for travel. In addition to preparing the expected expenses and carrying credit cards, be sure to prepare some extra cash in case of personal accidents such as scratching.


1. Return safety is more important

After a few days of travel, I felt more tired when I returned to the city, and the excitement of the trip has passed. The people in the car will not chatter in your ear, and may have fallen asleep in the car. This is a high-risk period for traffic accidents. Drivers must get enough sleep before returning to the city, so that they can have the spirit to deal with long-distance driving. More importantly, don't forget to fasten your seat belt, even if your car has the safest airbag. Before arriving at the destination, we have to keep the string of "safety". In the last three days of the Golden Week, the car owners who left the city returned to Beijing in succession, and there were long lines of highway intersections in the direction of entering Beijing psychology Prepare. Even if it is blocked at the entrance, don't be impatient even if you are eager to return home. It is most important to go home safely.

2. Cleaning

In addition to cleaning and waxing the car body, it is better to clean or replace the air intake channel, fuel injection nozzle, carburetor and air filter. As a result of long distance travel or walking in dirt roads, a large amount of dust in the air will accumulate on the air conditioner filter or evaporation box. If not cleaned in time, some air inlet passages will be blocked. If the vehicle has poor acceleration, increased fuel consumption and unqualified exhaust after refueling in other places, it is recommended to clean the fuel circuit, fuel tank and fuel injector.

3. Check

Chassis inspection is an important part of vehicle inspection after a long journey, including the inspection of radiator, condenser, air conditioning pipeline, oil pan, suspension and transmission components. In case of collision and deformation, it must be repaired or replaced in time. At the same time, tighten bolts at important parts of the chassis with standard torque, and lubricate relevant parts as necessary.

In addition, check the tire pressure, judge whether the tire is punctured or cracked, and observe the wear degree of the tire. If the tire is found to have abnormal wear, it means that there may be a problem with the dynamic balance of the tire or the four-wheel alignment, which is often caused by passing over too bumpy roads during the journey. It is recommended that no matter whether there is any abnormal situation, the four-wheel alignment should be done after a long journey back, which is a necessary protection for people and vehicles.

4. Supply

The environment of self driving tour varies, and the working load of the vehicle is large, so all kinds of oil are consumed faster than usual, so pay special attention. The coolant, engine oil, transmission oil, differential oil and other key oils are particularly important. If they are found to be deficient or deteriorated, they must be replenished and replaced in a timely manner. It must be noted that the added engine oil and water tank shall be the products with corresponding specifications specified by the manufacturer, and the battery electrolyte must be pure distilled water.

Tips: After the car is cleaned, carefully check the appearance of the car and the windshield to be sure. Because the front of the high-speed vehicle is likely to be hit by sand and gravel particles, which may easily cause damage to the front windshield glass and body paint. At this time, it can be timely waxed or painted for remedy, or reported to the insurance company for repair, so as to minimize the loss.

5. You can also send your car to a 4S store or a professional car repair center for inspection and maintenance.