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Taipei City Finds the Best Photography Spots for 12 Iconic Buildings

Shaanxi Overseas Tourism Co., Ltd. Xi'an Weiyang Road South Section Sales Department |Published on January 21, 2016 08:35:43 | Source: | Common sense classification: Photography

China news agency, Taipei, January 19, Radio Beishi Tourism Bureau will launch "the best photo spots" near 12 landmark buildings in Taipei from January 20, allowing people and tourists to easily take photos of the 101 building Longshan Temple Zhongshan The beautiful figure of Tang and other landscapes will better promote Taipei tourism.

According to Jian Yuyan, director of the Taipei Municipal Bureau of Tourism and Communication, the 12 selected landmark buildings span the 130 year history of Taipei, ranging from the North Gate of Taipei in the Qing Dynasty Longshan Temple, Futai Street Western style Building, Zhongshan Hall, Xibenyuan Temple, Mengjia Longshan Temple Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall , Taipei Hotel Taiwan Museums Taipei Museum of Contemporary Art Until the 101 building was opened in 2004.

It is reported that these best photography spots were selected by Chen Chonghong, a well-known travel photographer. Jian Yuyan said that in the future, we will also consider making signs with copper bricks. It is expected that at the end of February and the beginning of March, the first copper brick sign will be laid on the best photo spot of Building 101.

According to the statistics of the Bureau, from January to October 2015, the number of tourists in Taipei increased by about 4% over the previous year, which is in a stable and continuous growth.

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