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Self service travel knowledge

Hubei Hailv Baishitong International Travel Agency Co., Ltd |Published on July 16, 2015 17:41:38 | Source: | Common sense classification: Self driving knowledge

Travel? What are the common sense?

self-help Tourism knowledge 1. Determine the tourist destination Before determining the tourist destination, you should first consider time, followed by economic affordability. Combining these two factors, you can basically arrange the general orientation of the destination. 2. Knowing the traffic conditions and targeting the tourism goals, you need to master the traffic conditions so that you can know well. First, look for a map to find out how to take the best way to save time and money. Write down the names of the main towns you will pass, and then decide whether to take land, air or water, or both sea, land and air. Know the departure time of the transport you want to take, and the exact location of the station, wharf and airport. Try to book tickets well to reduce the pressure of temporary ticket purchase. 3. Preparation before departure A. Master the general situation of the tourist destination; B. Choose clothes according to the weather forecast; C. Bring some commonly used internal and external medicine, such as medicine for gastrointestinal system and cardiovascular system, Band Aids, cotton, alcohol, etc; D. Camera, battery, film and toiletries; E. Take a few fruits or snacks, bottled drinks and water (reduce the high price purchase expenses during the journey), and keep the money scattered. If there is a national general bank magnetic card, it is better to take it with you; F. Special reminder, take your ID card. Of course, if you go near, you don't need to be so complicated. Just have a sense of direction, use your mouth frequently, and have enough money. For some underdeveloped and remote areas, it is better to have several people together, so that we can share the cost of car rental and take care of each other. During the travel, tourists are killed from time to time. It is passive to complain when the legitimate rights and interests are damaged. If you master some common knowledge of tourism and learn to be "better", you can avoid being "killed". First of all, do not trust the hype or evasive advertising. You must choose the one with high transparency, good reputation and good service travel agency In this way, your trip will be guaranteed. Otherwise, the luxury bus you plan to take may become an ordinary bus. The star hotel you stay in will be changed into a guest house, and six dishes, two soups will become four dishes, one soup. At home and abroad, there are many scenic spots with big scenery and small scenery, large gardens and small gardens. You have to buy tickets to enter the gate, and you have to buy tickets to see the small scenery. Some tickets are provided by tourists themselves. In this regard, you should consider at your discretion. If you are not interested in or think there is no ornamental value of the scenery, stay away from it. If you wander blindly, your pocket will soon be emptied. Travel shopping should be more cautious. For local products and souvenirs in the scenic area and roadside stores, it is better not to buy or buy less. If you decide to buy, you should shop around and bargain to avoid losses. Because the prices of goods sold in scenic spots and roadside stores are generally much higher than those in local shops. If you like to follow the crowd, join in the fun, show your wealth and be generous, then you will be killed without discussion. Visit Hong Kong Ocean Park There are always some gentlemen and ladies who come to take photos for you on the dolphin show or on the cruise ship to enjoy the night scenery on both sides of Hong Kong and Kowloon. If you do not decline politely, these gentlemen and ladies will give you the key ring with your head portrait on it when you leave the sightseeing site. Of course, asking for a price will frighten you. At this moment, it's too late to regret. Traveling shopping is a common psychology for tourists to go out more, buy local specialties and souvenirs, and experience the taste of consumption in different places. How to shop on the journey can also be regarded as a knowledge. 1、 Take local characteristics as a choice. Local characteristic commodities are not only memorable, but also authentic, with price advantage, and consumers are worth buying. For example, Longjing in Hangzhou Hainan Coconut Yunnan National costumes Tibet It is a pleasure to buy and keep it as a souvenir or give it to relatives and friends. 2、 Small and light is preferred. Some special commodities are bulky and bulky, which is inconvenient to carry around and is not suitable for purchase. It is not easy for people to travel by car or boat when traveling. The less luggage, the better. Some items may also be fragile. If you accidentally break them in the middle, don't waste money on them. 3、 Never be greedy for bargains. In some scenic spots, there are often people selling fake and inferior goods, such as pearls, necklaces, tea, etc. Tourists can resist the temptation of price and hawking. Sometimes they think they have picked up a bargain. After a lot of identification, there are many people who shout that they have been cheated. Go to return the goods again. It's not worthwhile to toss and turn again and again. You have to admit that you are unlucky. 4、 Believe in your own judgment. The current tourist market has been purified, and most tour guides can abide by professional ethics and will not distort tourists' money bags. However, there are a few guides who try their best to pull the team to the stores that give rebates, extend the shopping time at will, and happily introduce and buy goods for tourists. However, they do not know that this series of arrangements is a big trap, and tourists are still in the dark when they are killed gently. When shopping in other places, you should not blindly trust others and follow others impulsively. Instead, you should trust your own judgment, control your own purse, learn to protect yourself and become a mature consumer. How to deal with accidents in field tourism When you travel in the field, you may encounter various accidents. Here are some emergency measures. Bitten by poisonous snakes and insects: If bitten by poisonous snakes in the wild, the patient will have bleeding, local redness, swelling, pain and other symptoms, and will die within a few hours in serious cases. At this time, quickly tie the upper part of the wound with a cloth strip, handkerchief, tie, etc. to prevent the spread of snake venom, then cut a 1 cm long and 0.5 cm deep knife edge on the wound with a sterilized knife, and suck out the venom with your mouth. If the oral mucosa is not damaged, its digestive fluid can play a neutralizing role, so there is no need to worry about poisoning. When being bitten or stung by insects: after cold compress with ice or cold water, apply ammonia water on the wound. If you are stung by a bee, use tweezers to pull out the sting and then apply ammonia or milk. Fracture: In case of fracture or dislocation, use splint for fixation and then use ice cold compress. When you fall from a tree or rock and hurt your spine, place the patient on a flat and solid stretcher to fix it without shaking, and then send the patient to the hospital. Traumatic bleeding: If you are cut by a knife or other sharp tools when preparing meals in the field, you can use clean water to wash it, and then wrap it with a towel. Slight bleeding can be stopped by pressing. After an hour, loosen it every 10 minutes to ensure blood circulation. Food poisoning: Eating decayed food will not only cause abdominal pain and diarrhea, but also cause fever, weakness and other symptoms. Drink more drinks or salt water, or vomit food by means of emesis. Common sense of tourism complaints: 1. How to guard against fraud in the tourism industry? The most common fraudulent behavior in the tourism industry often occurs in the all inclusive travel of group travel. All inclusive travel refers to all kinds of service items, including food, accommodation, transportation, travel, entertainment and other activities of tourists along the way and at various destinations. In fact, it is a half package tour, that is, it only includes the cost of some items, such as accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, and other aspects. Some so-called "all inclusive tours" also require tourists to pay for their own tickets, meals, airport construction fees, etc. To prevent this fraud, it is best to sign a contract with the travel company first, or write down the accommodation standards and daily travel arrangements with the travel company before the trip, so that the fraud can be complained to the relevant departments. 2、 How to implement tourism complaints? On June 1, 1991, the National Tourism Administration promulgated the Interim Provisions on Tourism Complaints. The Regulations pointed out that "in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of tourists or tourism operators, tourism complaints should be handled in a timely and fair manner, and the national reputation should be maintained." Complaints are a phenomenon that often occurs in tourism activities. When tourists or tour operators think their legitimate rights and interests have been infringed, they can make complaints to the tourism administration department or local tourism bureaus in written or oral form. Note to tourists: When making a complaint, there should be relevant evidence, such as the contract signed with the travel agency.

Recommended tourist routes
Shennongjia Exploration Double Action 3-day Tour seven hundred and ninety-eight

From yuan

Chaotianhou Drifting Motor Train 1-day Tour three hundred and fifty-eight

From yuan

Three day trip to Enshi Grand Canyon and Tusi City seven hundred and ninety-eight

From yuan

One day tour in Wuhan one hundred and eighty-eight

From yuan

Boat into Shennongjia/Tour the New Three Gorges/Three Gorges Falls 3-day tour nine hundred and eight

From yuan

Hotel reservation recommendation
Bo Daofeng Resort Hotel two hundred and forty-eight

From yuan

Xiaogan Tianzihu Hotel four thousand six hundred and eighty

From yuan

Xingyuan Hotel one hundred and ninety-eight

From yuan

Hubei Zhonghe International Hotel three hundred and ninety-eight

From yuan

Wuhan Changhang Hotel two hundred and eighty-eight

From yuan

Recommended tourist attractions
Jiuwanxi Drifting one hundred and ten

From yuan

Roar to the sky and drift one hundred and ten

From yuan

Bi Sheng Drifting one hundred and eighty-seven

From yuan

Yuanyang River Rafting one hundred and thirty-eight

From yuan

Mulan Tianchi National Forest Park sixty-five

From yuan