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National Craft Furniture: The Painting Scroll of Mongolian National Life in Ancient Times

Hohhot Mengde Travel Agency Co., Ltd |Published on 2015-07-01 15:26:23 | Source: | Common sense classification: Common sense of shopping

The snuff bottle, an ancient national handicraft, was first created and used by the Mongols, and later widely used by Manchu, Tibetan and other ethnic minorities, and combined with the development of Han culture. The snuff bottle is made of various materials, including copper, silver, porcelain, precious stones, crystal stone, agate, enamel and porcelain, bamboo, wood, sheep's horn, ox's horn, antelope's horn, carved lacquer, jade and coral. The production process is complex and exquisite. There are plain pots and flower pots, which can be skillfully made according to the materials. For example, the manufacturing process of jade bottle can be roughly divided into material selection, blank making, drilling and unloading, flower filling and shell filling. In the flourishing period of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, materials were fired in the Guannei Pass, and most of the material glaze color paintings were multicolored, with figures (including foreigners), flowers, animals, birds, landscapes, insects and fish in the patterns. It was called the "Ancient Moon Pavilion" because it was signed. Today, it is rare among the people. If one is worth hundreds of thousands to one million, it is worth hundreds of thousands. The custom of exchanging snuff bottles Alxa A traditional etiquette of Mongolian in the region, like shaking hands and hugging. After exchanging snuff bottles, even strangers will feel warm and friendly. Silver, white in color, beautiful in luster, rich in extension, soft in nature, suitable for carving and making jewelry. Mongolian silverware clearly presents national characteristics and styles, highlighting the generous and honest national character. It has various categories: tea sets, wine sets, tableware and other daily necessities. Mongolian knives, harnesses, camel gear, silver saddles, silver stirrups and other grazing articles, headwear, bracelets, rings and other jewelry, as well as various ornaments have reached the artistic realm of perfection. In history, Mongolian emperors and royal nobles mainly believed in Tibetan Buddhism, so silverware products were "made for the Buddha", such as the "eight treasures" offered in front of the Buddha: Falun, conch, umbrella, cap, lotus, vase, goldfish, pan. These eight "Eight Treasures" offerings, also known as "Eight Auspicious", are slightly different from the "Eight Treasures" wheels, Luo, umbrellas, lids, flowers, pots, fish, and long in the Central Plains. Mongolian silverware is extremely exquisite in the production process silver To make the body, carve on the body, inlay silver and wire, and add enamel glaze and silver blue glaze. The most famous one is called "Kaktulan". In the past, the gold and silver industry was called "Mongolian clothing", of course, the origin has already moved to today's Inner Mongolia Has. With a prosperous country and a harmonious nation, arts and crafts are bound to be fruitful and thriving.

Painting and embroidery are the artistic talents of Alashan Mongols. In order to meet the needs of daily life, they made exquisite paintings, embroideries and handicrafts. They designed and drew ancient buildings temple , monuments, memorial towers and other artistic forms of architectural art patterns. On the doors, windows and eaves columns of various buildings, there are sculptures reflecting history, legends and myths, as well as dragons, tigers, leopards phoenix , golden eagle, unicorn, beautiful pine and cypress, all kinds of flowers and patterns of sheep, horses, camels, goats and other five kinds of livestock and wild animals. Embroidery is a favorite art of Alashan Mongolian young women and girls. They learned to weave carpets and embroider clothes when they were young. Embroidering, weaving, patching, crocheting and cross stitch on their clothes, hats, shoes and trousers. Silk, leather, cloth and felt became the objects of their embroidery. They decorated gold, silver and copper ornaments, precious stones, pearls and agates on ornaments that showed great embroidery skills. Heshuote and Turhute women have been good at handicrafts since ancient times. They embroidered beautiful patterns on various articles of yurts and decorated them beautifully. Mongolian blankets are not only beautiful but also very good in quality. Their hungry paper-cut art, to increase the festive atmosphere.

Chinese furniture is mainly made of wood. Alashan Mongolian classical furniture is in Xixia. The form of furniture in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties gradually developed on the basis of strong national style and characteristics. At the same time, it highlights the texture of the wood itself, which is dignified in shape, perfect in manufacture, practical and solid. The types of furniture include chairs and stools, tables and tables, beds, cabinets and shelves, ornaments and other daily necessities. Due to the spiritual and material needs of Mongolian princes, temple lamas, monks, herdsmen, and rich businessmen living in cities and towns, Mongolian furniture has gradually become sophisticated, and has a bright, strong, and natural style of the times. The Chinese national culture is a fusion. You have me in you, and I have you in me. So does the national furniture. It has the same blood relationship, as well as the characteristics of the spring peach and autumn chrysanthemum. In recent hundreds of years, the shallow and deep carvings on Mongolian furniture have formed unique national forms and manufacturing styles such as "wear, flower, cross, stem, turn, fold, and tuck", which are full of charm and add a lot of natural interest with inlay. The basic structure of Mongolian furniture is to make the main components into a basic framework, then assemble various accessories according to the needs, and combine the components with the wedge and mao joint of traditional wood components, which is both scientific and shows the charm of lines. The combination and echo of straight lines and curves in furniture deepen the sense of hierarchy and enrich the artistic expression. Ornaments and jewelry boxes are practical handicrafts. Most of them are inlaid with ivory carvings, bone carvings and shells to form various auspicious patterns. Generally, there are some simple furniture in herdsmen's families, and the patterns mostly adopt the technique of highlighting the center, setting off four corners or four sides, and taking care of each other. The layout of this decorative pattern gives people a steady and dignified visual effect, and only Mongolian furniture has such an artistic realm.

from two thousand and two Since, Guangzhou Beijing The dealers in other places are the second setters, and the local dealers in Inner Mongolia are Ma Chai. They began to search and buy Mongolian furniture that people have always ignored. Mongolian furniture in the Western Xia, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties is flowing out. However, some remote Mongolian herdsmen do not know. Many Mongolian villagers said, "Take it away, we have used new furniture.". You can buy one for ten yuan and eight yuan. Some villagers will give it away for nothing after a drink. The foreign Mongolian furniture dealers have gone abroad. The FOB price of some Mongolian furniture has reached 20000 or 300000 yuan, while that of Japan and Australia is up to one million yuan. The purchase price is several times, dozens of times higher than the new furniture. The popularity of Mongolian furniture collection in the world is obviously related to the popularity of Genghis Khan in the world history. Many Mongolian furniture are painted with the history of Genghis Khan's war and the war generals of Genghis Khan. The time of Yuan Dynasty is relatively short, and there are few cultural relics left. Many Mongolian furniture is scattered among the people. In the past, no one paid attention to it. In recent years, the country has moderately liberalized the market for cultural relics, and some cultural relics of low quantity and grade can be exported. In order to rescue Mongolian furniture, what is the difference between Yuan, Ming and Qing Mongolian furniture? Mongolian furniture in the Yuan Dynasty was rough, which was covered with hemp and plastered and then painted, commonly known as "covered with hemp and plaster". At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, this practice continued, but in the Ming Dynasty, due to the large number of craftsmen from the south of the Yangtze River coming to the north, the workmanship was much more sophisticated. Mongolian furniture in the Ming Dynasty was more popular, while the color painting in the Qing Dynasty was more colorful. In Han areas, especially in Jiangnan areas, hollow carving techniques are often used, while Mongolian furniture is just a combination of several boards, thick, simple and rough - so that grazing fields are often moved and are not afraid of bumps. Its main characteristics are all in color painting. It is often painted with real gold, real silver, and real gemstones, which are grinded into powder and paint and never fade. The herdsmen of the "Cultural Revolution" painted a layer of red paint for fear of the "four old". Now they have made a kind of potion and wiped it from the corner, revealing the original gold powder paint painting.

The main colors of Alashan Mongolian furniture are red, white and blue. Its pictures include: character stories, the Great Khan's campaign, figures of meritorious officials, such as the figures of Muhuali, Borhu, Borshu and Chilewen, the four outstanding figures under Genghis Khan, Buddhist stories, songs and dances around the bonfire, picking up lambs, herding, picking up camel lambs, horse racing, horse training, eagle release, military siege, as well as dragons, beasts Birds, monsters...

They often draw the whole day life of Mongolian people, which is a picture of Mongolian national life in ancient times. Because of the popularity of Lamaism, the furniture of temples and nearby families are mostly painted with religious and cultural patterns such as Seven Treasures, Eight Treasures, Tsongkhapa, Dalai Lama, and Panchen Lama statues. Alxa's furniture is often Mongolian in style, but the pictures are the traditional ones of the Han nationality, such as magpies climbing the branches, zither, chess, calligraphy and painting, which reflects the blending of Mongolian and Han cultures. Mongolian furniture has been almost looted in the past two years. The relevant departments have tried to save it by establishing a Mongolian furniture museum. Fine furniture painted with gold and silver should always belong to the grassland.

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