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10 Tips for Travel Photography

Chengdu China Youth Travel Agency Chenghua Aviation Travel Branch |Published on November 19, 2013 13:09:43 | Source: Internet | Common sense classification: Photography


Travel Guide: Travel? Photography is always exciting! But sometimes when I come back from a trip, I find that there are more than 500 photos in the photos, and few of them are worth sharing with my friends

To ensure that this will not happen to you (again), we have prepared some travel photography tips for you. The author also often travels. Although some online travel photography skills are very useful, most of them are teaching skills. What I will say here will not involve some difficult photographic techniques. But once you really can use the method when traveling.

1. Pack your luggage carefully We always pack up our clothes, documents and other travel supplies before we travel. But what about your camera and lens accessories? Think about where you want to go. What do you want to shoot? Sometimes even an experienced person will take all the photographic equipment to travel, but be careful that the few kilograms of luggage on your back will greatly reduce your interest! If you mainly shoot landscapes, maybe just a wide-angle lens is enough? The author's choice is to use Tianya Mirror, or do you just want to simply use a small camera? Mood is very important for photography. Don't let equipment reduce your interest in photography! Don't forget some small things, such as extra batteries, extra memory cards, camera cleaning supplies, and most importantly, chargers! (The author has tried several times to travel and forgot to bring it with him. It's really painful...)

2. It's OK to be a photographer, We often require our photos to be different. But with this attitude, you will fall into a very depressed situation. As a result, you will end up taking a lot of photos, but there is no one that can be seen. If you want to get some new inspiration before starting, try checking the pictures of the scenic spots you will visit on big websites such as Flickr or Google in advance. Photos taken by others can more or less give you some inspiration. 3. Wait, don't delete!
There are some photos that you will feel "old-fashioned" when you press the shutter. For example, it seems that there are a lot of chaotic foreign currency symbols and high-rise buildings in some cities. When you are abroad, you may feel that these landscapes are not very special, but it may be another feeling to see them after you go home! If you look at these photos a year later, they can make you smile again.

4. Eternal photographic subjects -- people, From the way people dress, walk, talk, how they treat others and express their emotions, you can deeply understand the country. Portraits are always the eternal subject of photography. Usually when you are a tourist with a big camera, local people will put down their guard and take pictures with you!

5. Take a picture before eating. People themselves don't like taking pictures of food, For example, sometimes I drink tea with friends in a restaurant and take a pat on every snack. I think it's nothing special... But if that person is a foreign friend, it's understandable, because many foreigners have never seen a snack! When I travel, I often try some new and strange food. Believe me, your friends will be very excited when they see the food they haven't eaten.

6. Please use props,
When we travel, we always buy some postcards and hand letters, Make good use of your creativity and help them enter the camera! Some of my friends always take dolls wherever they go. In fact, this is a good way to take interesting photos! 7. Take notes. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but sometimes it still can't really express your true feelings at that time. Cultural shock? Nostalgia? I tend to carry a small pen book with me (some more advanced people will use mobile phones or iPhones) to record how you feel when you take some pictures. Nowadays, many cameras allow you to write a short speech in one area. These short words will always make you memorable in the future.
8. Get rid of your friends,
When a group of people travel, not everyone is a photographer. Some of them are hard to understand why you can spend a few minutes watching a dead thing for so long. Or why are you more interested in the old street vendors selling balloons than in the whole Paris Tower? This is why you need a few hours, or even a day, to roam freely in the local area, so that you don't feel rushed, or just press the shutter to take photos at the next destination. In fact, the small squares I met during my travel sometimes make me miss more than some great buildings, because they can always give me some unique and warm photographic themes.
9. Put yourself in the mirror,
As photographers, we often forget to put ourselves in front of the lens. Don't just take a selfie or look at yourself with your arms outstretched. Give your camera to a reliable passer-by, and let them take a picture for you. Even if you are holding a complicated SLR, can you switch to automatic mode? I have also tried to ask foreigners to take photos to meet new friends. 10. Don't let accidents spoil your fun! Why does this hotel look like travel agency The presentation was different? How could the train be ten times more crowded than the Tsuen Wan line I usually rush to work on? Many people go to travel "excited before starting", but they are disappointed when they arrive at the destination. To take good photos, the most important thing is to have a relaxed mood, and enjoy the journey so that you can discover some interesting photography angles. I wish you a happy journey!