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Precautions for Tour Charter

Gansu Yuetu International Travel Agency |Published on July 29, 2013 09:52:37 | Source: Internet | Common sense classification: Travel transportation
choice Travel? Most of the tourists who charter cars generally want to enjoy the pleasure of traveling more easily. But what do we need to do to ensure the safety of travel?

The first and most important thing is to select vehicles and drivers with operating qualifications. All drivers engaged in travel charter services must undergo operational driver qualification training and pass the examination before they have operational qualification. If they fail to pass the training, they generally operate illegally. Therefore, it is necessary for drivers to have an operation license or driver qualification certificate. Moreover, it is better to have some contact with the driver before the journey starts, and have a preliminary understanding of the driver who will serve you. If you feel unable to get along with the driver, it is recommended that you change the driver immediately to avoid unhappiness and affect your travel quality and mood. Then, we should be honest with the drivers. We should treat the drivers as partners. Most of the drivers are local people. We know the local customs and can give you some explanations along the way. This will bring more fun to your journey. At the same time, the driver's rich experience can prevent you from being cheated during the journey.
Secondly, there should be a formal travel plan travel agency When chartering a tourist bus, you must negotiate with the travel agency's business representative about the route, itinerary and price in advance, and it is better to do so in writing. Only by going through the formal procedures can you ensure that your travel is secure.
Of course, you should never be greedy for bargains when choosing a car rental service, and choose a car that is lower than the market price, because you may choose a car without operating qualifications or a private car (commonly known as a black car), which will bring unpredictable insecurity to your travel.
reach Jiayuguan Grand View You can recommend the Great Wall Holiday Travel Agency's car rental service. First of all, there are a variety of models for you to choose from, such as small models such as Ruifeng, Buick Business and Jinbei Bread, as well as medium and large vehicles such as Jinlong (19-53 seats) and Kodak.
Secondly, drivers are trained professionally before taking up their posts. They can give you some introductions to the local customs and scenic spots, so that you don't need to spend money on a tour guide.
You can refer to the above suggestions, which will be very helpful for your travel Dunhuang The trip to Jiayuguan has no worries!

Go with you safely!

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