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Self driving knowledge
Self service travel knowledge
1. Determine the tourist destination Before determining the tourist destination, you should first consider time, followed by economic affordability. Combining these two factors, you can basically arrange the general orientation of the destination. 2. Knowing the traffic conditions and targeting the tourism goals, you need to master the traffic conditions so that you can know well. Find the land first
six hundred and thirty-one
  Gansu Longyuan International Travel Agency  2012-08-31
★ Baiyangdian Self driving Tour Strategy ★
1、 The tourism consumption and price are clear at a glance. For example, 10 people come to Baiyangdian for a day trip, and the average person is more than 100 yuan; If it is a two-day tour, the average price is more than 200 yuan per person. This price is all inclusive. However, if it is for two people, it will not be so cheap on average. Because to
five hundred and twenty-two
  Baiyangdian Tourist Reception Center  2012-08-25
Jiuzhaigou perennial temperature
The perennial temperature of Jiuzhaigou is about 3000 meters above sea level. Jiuzhaigou has a humid plateau climate, and the mountain top is covered with snow all the year round. The temperature in spring is relatively low and changes greatly. The average temperature is mostly between 9 ℃ and 18 ℃. Before April, there was frozen soil and residual snow; The temperature rises rapidly and steadily in summer. The average temperature is 19 ℃ - 22 ℃, and thin sweaters should be prepared when the night is cooler; In autumn, the sky is clear and the climate is pleasant
six hundred and sixty-four
  Sunshine Branch of Sichuan China Youth Travel Agency Co., Ltd  2012-08-21
Seven weapons for self driving travel
1. Route map: Don't underestimate the role of the map. Although there is a mouth under the nose, the map is often the guiding light at critical times. Especially when going to places you are not familiar with, it is necessary to prepare a map in advance. 2. Customs clearance certificate: the "legal certificate" of the vehicle is the premise for your smooth travel, driving cost, road maintenance
one thousand one hundred and seventy
  Anhui Shitai Guniujiang Travel Agency Co., Ltd  2012-08-09
How to save oneself when driving in a rainstorm
Xie Tingxin, a firefighter of the Shenzhen Public Security Fire Detachment, said that when the car owner encounters water on the road during driving, he should not continue to move forward. In case the accumulated water goes over the exhaust pipe, there will be danger such as flameout. Fire officers and soldiers remind that it is unsafe to stay in the car to shelter from the rain in case of rainstorm. Once the driver and passenger find that there may be water on the road, they should immediately hit
eight hundred and ninety-five
  Lianle Hotel of Macheng South Railway Station  2012-07-31
Driving Guide
1. Before traveling, you should plan the travel route in advance and check some complex roads in advance, so as to avoid that you don't know which direction to go when you arrive at the road section with many forks. If you do miss the exit, please do not stop, reverse or go backwards. Please drive forward to the next exit and turn back. 2. Check the car condition before traveling, especially tire wear
eight hundred and thirty-nine
  Qinhuangdao Tianji International Travel Agency Co., Ltd  2012-07-10
Self driving travel knowledge
The first is to pay attention to the three points of attention when driving. Before starting, you must design the driving route in advance to be sure, but no one can bear the situation of the national roads. At this time, you need to use the road traffic atlas. The selection of traffic atlas is very important. At present, the data of most traffic atlases on the market cannot keep up with the development of highways
nine hundred and eighteen
  Heilongjiang Songhuajiang International Travel Agency  2012-07-07
Precautions for driving in summer When you are driving in summer, it is recommended that you not only enjoy the charming scenery of the journey:
1. Do not wear sunglasses that are too dark and too large and heavy. The dark color of sunglasses can delay the time when the eyes send images to the brain. This visual delay also causes speed perception distortion, which makes drivers wearing sunglasses make wrong judgments. Especially when the car is traveling at 80 kilometers per hour, too deep sunglasses will extend the driver's response to the situation by 100 milliseconds, increasing
seven hundred and seventy
  Qinhuangdao Tianji International Travel Agency Co., Ltd  2012-07-01
★ Baiyangdian Self driving Tour Strategy ★
1、 The tourism consumption and price are clear at a glance. For example, 10 people come to Baiyangdian for a day trip, and the average person is more than 100 yuan; If it is a two-day tour, the average price is more than 200 yuan per person. This price is all inclusive. However, if it is for two people, it will not be so cheap on average. Because to
two thousand three hundred and ninety-eight
  Baiyangdian Tourist Reception Center  2012-06-29
Tide Schedule of Rizhao Sea Area
Date (lunar calendar) Time of high tide (low tide) Time of low tide (full tide) Time of high tide (low tide) Time of low tide (full tide) First day, 16:48 7:00 13:12 19:24 Second day, 17th day
one thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven
  Rizhao Huiyuan Travel Agency Co., Ltd  2012-06-28
Why do you get off the expressway in Xiongxian County when traveling to Baiyangdian?
Why do you get off the expressway in Xiongxian County when traveling to Baiyangdian? There are many docks for tourists to Baiyangdian Lake. The best shortcut is to enter the lake from the "Guolikou Folk Custom Village Dock", because it is the closest to the Baiyangdian tourist attractions and the original ecological folk custom village, which can better appreciate the customs of Baiyangdian Lake. Baiyangdian "Guolikou Folk Village Wharf" is also
three thousand one hundred and forty-seven
  Baiyangdian Tourist Reception Center  2012-06-22
12 month travel options in Xinjiang
The tourist season in Xinjiang is very short. How to visit the most beautiful scenery at the best time should be your expectation from afar. In March, Xinjiang is still covered in snow. The ice layer of Tianchi Lake has no intention of thawing yet, but it's still fun to play with ice skates and drive snowmobiles on it. In Turpan, besides the grapes in Grapevine Valley
five hundred and ninety-five
  Xinjiang Kanghui Business Exhibition Tourism Branch  2012-06-15
Ten Memos of Xinjiang Kanas Tourism
Take all the certificates to go out. The whole family has a huge battle to lead a family. Children can't have fewer toys, and the elderly can't have less clothes. Who knows, they have to pack up, but they found that they didn't take the certificates. The more busy they are, the more chaotic they are. So especially when a family goes on a trip, in addition to packing, they should also check whether they and their family have all their ID cards with them
seven hundred and sixty-one
  Xinjiang Kanghui Business Exhibition Tourism Branch  2012-06-15
Ten Highlights of Winter Tourism in Wutai Mountain, Shanxi
Shanxi Wutai Mountain, as the first of the four famous Buddhist mountains, has long been known around the world. Therefore, even in the cold winter, thousands of tourists come to Shanxi Wutai Mountain every year for sightseeing. So what are the highlights of Mount Wutai in Shanxi? Let me make a brief introduction to the Five Masters Temple: the Five Masters Temple is
one thousand and eighty-two
  Shanxi Hongma International Travel Agency  2012-06-14
Precautions for "self driving tour"
First, we must make preparations. You must design the travel route before starting. When selecting the driving route, the principle of expressway first and national highway second shall be followed. At the same time, we should also know the location of the road, food, accommodation, gas station, etc. It's better to book a hotel bed in advance through travel agencies, local friends or
six hundred and eighty-six
  Qinhuangdao Tianji International Travel Agency Co., Ltd  2012-06-13
Travel recommendation
Two day tour from Haikou to Sanya - Two day tour from Haikou to Sanya - Two day tour from Haikou to Sanya recommended three hundred and eighty

From yuan

Sanya Yalong Bay Aicubic Outdoor Diving One day Tour (including deep-sea diving+lunch+seafood barbecue dinner+bonfire party) four hundred and ninety-eight

From yuan

Sanya Yalong Bay Love Cube boutique outdoor one-day tour - diving+water dragon+lunch+beach development three hundred and sixty-eight

From yuan

How much does it cost to travel from Shijiazhuang to Suzhou? Six day leisure tour from Shijiazhuang to Suzhou two thousand two hundred and eighty

From yuan

How much does it cost to travel from Shijiazhuang to Chengdu? Five day tour from Shijiazhuang to Chengdu (pure play group) two thousand three hundred and eighty

From yuan

Tourist Routes from Shijiazhuang to Yunnan - Six day Luxury Double Flight Tour in Kunming, Dali and Lijiang two thousand and nine hundred

From yuan

How much is the one-day tour of Detian Falls | How much is the tour of Detian Falls one hundred and fifty

From yuan

Pinggu Peach Blossom Festival 2021, place and time of flower appreciation, one-day tour and two-day tour plan of Pinggu Peach Blossom Festival 2021 one hundred and ninety-eight

From yuan

One day tour and two-day tour of Pinggu Peach Blossom Festival 2021 two hundred and eighteen

From yuan

Tree planting around Beijing, one-day trip to Pinggu in 2021, and one-day trip to Jingdong Grand Canyon+strawberry picking two hundred and thirty-eight

From yuan

Hotel recommendation
Nanyue Hengshan Junya Yunji Hotel three hundred and fifty-eight

From yuan

Pinggu Shilinxia Farmyard Tanjia Courtyard zero

From yuan

Nanyue Hengshan Dongfang Spring Hot Spring Hotel one hundred and ninety-eight

From yuan

Nanyue Hengshan Yishan Yishui Hotel (formerly Gonghe Hotel) four hundred and ninety-eight

From yuan

Dandong Wulongshan Jiutian Hotel five hundred

From yuan

Pinggu Yuyang Hotel four hundred

From yuan

Friendship Hotel one hundred and sixty

From yuan

Hongfu Hotel three hundred and eighty

From yuan

Xinjiang Fulihua Hotel three hundred and eighty

From yuan

Manzhouli Hotel (Centennial Russian Hotel) two hundred and forty

From yuan

Tourism strategy
City Guide