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 How much is a day's charter from Beijing to Pinggu Shilin Gorge


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Product No.: 6726

How much is a day's charter from Beijing to Pinggu Shilin Gorge

Landscape price: ¥2300 Market price: ¥2500 element Starting price description
Number of seats: fifty-one (set)
Self driving: not allowed
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How much is a day's charter from Beijing to Pinggu Shilin Gorge
Lease month:
June July August
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one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
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The enterprise providing the car rental is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: November 6, 2018
How much is a day's charter from Beijing to Pinggu Shilin Gorge

Model Introduction

Beijing Quotation Sheet of Car Rental Price to Shilin Gorge

Three wonders of Shilin Gorge

Shilin Gorge is located in Pingping Gucheng It is 20 kilometers northeast of the district and 100 kilometers away from the urban area of Beijing. It is the core scenic spot of the Huangsongyu Geopark, named after the four steep and straight stone forest peaks in the canyon. The total length of the scenic spot is 6 kilometers, the area is 12 square kilometers, and there are more than 50 large and small landscapes. The first drum in China, the first gong in the Olympic Games, and the first bell in ancient and modern times are known as the three wonders of Shilin Gorge.


Ticket price: 78 yuan

UFO glass viewing platform: 40 yuan

One way cable car: 100 yuan/person  

For the above ticket types, the team can book in advance and enjoy discounts. The team reservation telephone is 13910128400

Student ticket: 39 yuan/person (with student card)

Old age ticket: 39 yuan/person (with old age certificate)

Rush ticket: 30 yuan/person

Collision ticket: 30 yuan/ship

canyon drift Ticket: 30 yuan/ship

Opening hours in peak season: 7:30-18:00

Off season opening time: 8:00-17:00

optimum Travel? Time: August October

Approximate browsing time: 1 day


Quotation List of Beijing Car Rental Price to Shilinxia Car Rental Round Trip

51 buses, 2300 yuan,

thirty-nine Zuoyutong 2100 yuan

twenty-two Coster 1800 yuan

seventeen Seat sea lion 1300 yuan

fifteen Mercedes Benz 1200 yuan

The above quotation includes driver, fuel, bridge toll, highway toll, parking fee and invoice

Reservation telephone: 13910128400

Beijing chartered bus to Shilin Gorge

Bus route: take 918 Express 1 at Dongzhimen to Pinggu District Hospital, then transfer to No. 25 bus in the area and get off at Shilinxia.

Take 852 bus at Dongzhimen to Pinggu District Hospital, then transfer to No. 25 bus in the area and get off at Shilinxia.

Self driving route 1: Jingmi Road - Shunyi Kuliushu Roundabout - Pinggu direction - turn left at the fork outside the 918 terminal in Pinggu County - Laopingji Road - Huzhuang intersection - Huangsongyu Shilin Gorge direction.

Self driving route 2: Airport Expressway - take Jingping Expressway in the direction of Terminal 3 (about 40 minutes) - turn left at the exit of Misan Road to Miyun (about 15 minutes) - turn right at the intersection of Changjin Jinhai Lake In the direction of Jixian County (about 25 minutes) - turn left at the intersection of Shilin Gorge in Huangsongyu (about 10 minutes). Drive 8 kilometers north from Huzhuang to Shilin Gorge Scenic Area.


Precautions for Pinggu Shilin Gorge Scenic Area

1、 Conscientiously abide by the order of visiting, buy tickets in order to enter the museum and park, without crowding, blocking roads and entrances.

2、 The environment shall be kept clean and tidy, and no spitting, defecation or littering shall be allowed.

3、 Protect cultural relics and public facilities. Do not paint or paint on trees, places of interest and public facilities, or lie on road chairs.

4、 Take care of every plant and grass, do not trample on the lawn, do not climb flowers and fruits.

5、 Protect wild and exhibited animals, do not hunt, intimidate, feed or beat, and do not fish in non fishing areas.

6、 Hire or return cruise ships according to regulations, and do not swim or skate in unopened waters.

7、 Do not sell goods, and do not distribute any form of advertising and other promotional materials.

8、 Do not fight, gather people to make trouble, engage in feudal superstition, gamble in any form and other illegal activities.

9、 Do not bring dangerous goods and animals into the tourist area, and do not use open fire in the fire prevention area




payment method

1. Cash;

2. Alipay transfer (timely arrival within 2 hours);

3. Cheque;

4. Company account transfer

Publish Consultation

You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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Service Centre

Chengzhi Tianhong (Beijing) Business Co., Ltd
Service hotline
Consulting telephone (preferred) 18701130517
Consulting hotline: 13910128400
Tel: 01056217641

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