Zhangjiajie Self service Tour (Zhangjiajie Self service Tour's Blog)

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Strategies and Experience of Four day Self service Tour in Zhangjiajie May 8, 2007 to May 11, 2007

[2013-03-03 14:26:00 | Author: gagadfw | Origin: original | Weather: sunny]

The four-day trip to Zhangjiajie has ended, and it's one o'clock in the morning when we returned home. Although it's a pity, the rain on the last day completely ruined our plan, and we didn't see any scenery. It's just rain and fog, but the overall feeling is good. Although we are playing in the mountains, we are not too tired in general. We are not as tired as we were when we stormed Jiuzhaigou last year. Maybe it is because we took the ladder and cableway!

When I decided to go to Zhangjiajie, it was less than a month before the departure time. I watched the travel notes and strategies of predecessors on the Internet, and I had to be fully prepared every time. Personally, it's easy to visit Zhangjiajie, but there are two very important factors: first, the weather. Only good weather can see the unique scenery of Zhangjiajie; 2、 Tour guide. It is still necessary for the friends of the self-help tour to find a local tour guide with good reputation. In this way, we can save effort and worry, and devote ourselves to enjoying the beautiful scenery. Of course, we also found a tour guide. The Tujia boy Daojiale recommended by our predecessors felt that it was OK after three days. He had a tour guide certificate, and the explanation was also good.

It is also noted that the current all inclusive 470 yuan only includes scenic spot tickets (245+3 yuan), 2 nights' accommodation, 5 meals, 2 breakfast and 3 days' tour guide fees, and does not include round-trip tickets from the urban area to the scenic spot (8+10 yuan).

D1. May 8, 2007

At 16:50 in the afternoon, Shanghai Airlines FM9341 took off on time and flew to Zhangjiajie. There were only seven or eight dozen people on the plane. There were many empty seats, but there were quite a lot of people in the Korean Senior League, who were not very quiet. 18: The plane landed safely. During taxiing, we saw Tianmen Mountain and the famous Tianmen Cave. Zhangjiajie Airport is really small. There is only one runway, and the plane can only turn around at the end. There is no covered bridge at the airport. What's more unexpected is that we did not get off the plane and there was no shuttle bus to pick us up. We walked about 200 meters to the exit. It felt strange, like we were at a long-distance bus station.

As the airport road from the downtown to the airport is undergoing major repair, all TAXI prices have increased. In addition, it was found that Zhangjiajie is one of the few cities where the airport is closer to the downtown than the railway station. 6km from the airport to the downtown, the originally agreed 30 yuan was temporarily added to the 10 yuan parking fee, totaling 40 yuan (strong BS), but if you are in a foreign country, you have no choice but to face it.

Check in the Jiaoyuan Hotel not far from the bus station. It costs 80 yuan on Jiefang Road. The room is old and dirty. It's not worth looking elsewhere. The weather in Zhangjiajie is more muggy than that in Shanghai, a bit like the yellow and musty days in Shanghai. In the evening, I went to the recommended chef Hu for three times and took a taxi for 4 yuan. Personally, I don't like spicy food. However, some people strongly recommend it, saying that it is super delicious. It seems that the difference in food culture varies from person to person.

D2. May 9, 2007

When I woke up in the morning, I had breakfast on Jiefang Road. At 8:30, I made an appointment with Daojiale, and a couple from Beijing and Wuhan went together. It was also a good choice for six people to play. 8: The bus to the scenic spot starts at 45 (8 yuan), arrives at the ticket station of Zhangjiajie Park at 9:45, and formally enters the park at 10:00 (245+3 yuan).

Suggestion: The departure time in the morning can be earlier, rather tight in the front and loose in the back, and the time can be freely controlled.

We walked for three hours at the 7.5km Jinbianxi. We had lunch at the farmhouse restaurant around the four gates of the water. After lunch, we took the bus to the Bailong Sky Ladder and took the Sky Ladder to the mountain (56 yuan). The so-called "three world's first" skywalk was criticized by many environmentalists, but it did facilitate many tourists. It took us to the mountain in one minute and 58 seconds, saw 48 General Rock, then took a bus to the World's First Bridge, then walked to Wulong Village, came to our accommodation, put down our luggage and easily went to Wulong Village.

Note: Zhangjiajie scenic spots are very scattered. It takes a long time to get from one scenic spot to another, and the environmental protection vehicles in the mountain are independent of each other. It takes more time to wait for the vehicle to transfer, which is not as convenient as the environmental protection vehicles in Jiuzhaigou.

To enter Wulong Stronghold, you need to pass three passes and one pass: one step is difficult; Second Pass: Who dares not to bow down; Sandaoguan: One day, fat people are very sad here. People like me have to take their shoulders back before they can walk through. Take a rest in the bandit's nest and go to Tianbo Mansion. This scenery is considered to be the best scenic spot in Zhangjiajie. Walk up a near vertical artificial iron ladder, climb up a large rock, and look around, you can see the most spectacular scenery in Zhangjiajie.

Note: As it was late, we visited Wulong Stronghold and Tianbo Mansion, which were close to our accommodation, in the afternoon of the first day, but also saw the most spectacular scenery of Tianbo Mansion, resulting in a discount on the scenery of Tianxia No.1 Bridge, Enchanting Terrace and Back Garden the next day.

It is strongly recommended that you visit the World's First Bridge, Enchanting Platform and Back Garden on the first day, and Wulong Stronghold and Tianbo Mansion on the second day. Therefore, you need to start early from the urban area on the first day.

D3, May 10, 2007

Get up at 7:00, have breakfast at 8:00, and leave at 8:30. In the morning, go to Daguantai Scenic Area. There are Immortal Bridge, Tianzizuo, Divine Chicken Picking Food and it's hard to walk. The scenery is good. Only the brave people can climb the Xianrenqiao Bridge to have a look. When they come back, they need to climb the steps continuously. It is also a slightly tired place in Zhangjiajie for three days, but it is a piece of cake for us.

Back to our accommodation for lunch, we can take an hour's lunch break to visit the World's First Bridge, Enchanting Terrace, and the back garden. Today's trip is loose, and the physical burden is not heavy.

D4, May 16, 2007

Today is the last day of our trip. The weather forecast says that it will turn from overcast to moderate rain. After getting up, we prayed that it would not rain, or the rain would come later.

Unfortunately, human beings are not as good as nature. Before breakfast, the big raindrops had already fallen, and our mood was at the bottom of the valley. Daojiale said that there would be fog in the mountains when it rained, and maybe the scenic spots would be invisible. We packed our bags and set out on time. The plan is Shentangwan

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Practical and detailed self-help tourism strategies in Zhangjiajie

[2013-03-03 14:25:00 | Author: gagadfw | Source: original | Weather: sunny]

Practical and detailed self-help tourism strategies in Zhangjiajie

Many tourists want to find useful information about self guided travel in Zhangjiajie on the Internet. After searching, they find that it is almost the same, with a wide range of content but no use. It is an old clich é: trains with the character "N" have long been canceled, but they still use the number "N" when they see it, which makes it impossible for tourists to find out. The new preferential ticket policy has been issued for more than half a year, but the price on the Internet is still the same as that before last year, and even Guanghe Supermarket, which has been closed for several years and now has changed its name, still appears on some posts from time to time. In order to let tourists get really useful information and practical help, I have collected and reorganized it again, and now it is announced as follows:

1. Xiuhua Mountain Pavilion has been closed for more than half a year due to business errors.
2. Several new roads have been opened in Zhangjiajie, including Tianmen Road, Renmin Road and Beizheng Street. There are great changes in bus routes
3. In June 2010, a new train K967 was opened from Beijing to Zhangjiajie. After passing Wuchang Station, Wuhan can directly reach Zhangjiajie.
4. The fare from Zhangjiajie to Fenghuang is 65 yuan per person (including 2 yuan insurance), and that from Wulingyuan is 75 yuan per person
5. Zhangjiajie has no noodles for a long time. They have all been replaced by taxis, starting at 4 yuan.
6. The online recommended chef Hu Sanxia Pot is 20 yuan, and has moved to Sanjianping to compete with another famous restaurant, Laowuyutou.
7. Since 2010, the preferential ticket price has risen to 163 yuan instead of the old price of 134 yuan.
8. Guanghe Supermarket is now renamed as Tiancheng Supermarket, but the station sign has not changed.
9. Zhangjiajie New Railway Station was opened in January 2008. Bus No.5 and No.6 can return to the urban area for 1 yuan/person, and air conditioning for 2 yuan/person
10. The fare to the forest park in the urban area is 10 yuan/person, and the fare to Wulingyuan in the urban area is also 11 yuan/person.
11. The rural inn accommodation is 60-120 yuan/person. A single person needs to make up for the room difference. In the golden week, the price increases vary, and the price at that time shall prevail.
12. Zhangjiajie is now experimenting with the weekly ticket system, with a three-day ticket of 245 yuan and a 3-7 day ticket of 298 yuan.
13. Self service travel is a fashionable travel mode emerging in recent years, such as shopping malls, where all products (services) are clearly priced, and tourists can freely choose the type of travel with service combination according to their own conditions (including time, budget, physical condition, etc.). There are still many people who have a wrong understanding of self-help tourism. Many people believe that self-help tourism is a way to save money. The content of tourism is rough, and there may be many dangers. If the hotel is not booked, it will feel unsafe. In fact, if you have a deep understanding of the characteristics of self-help tourism, you will find that self-help tourism is a very delicate and distinctive form of tourism. Self service travel enables all expenses to be controlled according to your own preferences. The itinerary can be adjusted flexibly, and you can also have a deep understanding of local customs. Self help tourism is not a way of traveling with more play and less spending, but a way of spending more time in the same place to deeply understand the characteristics of the place, contact with local people and things. Zhangjiajie Scarecrow Club will teach you what you want to see and take the road you want to go.

The Peach Blossom Garden described by Tao Yuanming, an idyllic poet of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, in his beautiful article "A Tale of the Peach Blossom Garden", is a fairyland on earth that is isolated from the world, beautiful, true and unreal, and has attracted people of all ages. "Spring is full of peach blossom water, so we can't tell where Xianyuan is. Who is the true prototype of the Peach Blossom Garden? Where is the Peach Blossom Garden? For thousands of years, the textual research has never stopped, and the arguments and disagreements are complex. There are also solid evidences for various theories, but there are no doubts. So far, no real scene of the Peach Blossom Garden has been recognized. Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan Mountains run through the western Hunan Province, becoming a barrier for east-west traffic. However, there are lower passes, such as holes, in some sections, which form a channel for east-west traffic, Walking through the mountains, valleys and clouds, the stream is bright and clean, full of ups and downs, and small fish are swimming in it. The flowers and plants beside the stream are fresh and beautiful, and birds sing and warblers sing. Walking along the clear stream is better than traveling in a painting. You should understand whether it is a paradise or not.

2. Different Hunan Flavor -- Tujia Local Cuisine

When talking about Hunan cuisine, I think of small meat and pepper. People who can't eat spicy food really suffer when coming to Hunan. In addition to ordinary Hunan cuisine, Zhangjiajie is located in the residential area of Tujia nationality, and its cuisine has its own characteristics: Zhangjiajie Tujia cuisine is famous and full of national characteristics. It is made from high mountains and mountains, and combines the sour, hot and spicy habits of "mountain people" to create a series of traditional delicacies with unique flavor, which can satisfy your taste.

3. Take the elevator or watch the elevator?

With three Guinness world records of "the highest outdoor elevator, the highest double-layer sightseeing elevator, and the fastest passenger elevator with the largest load", the elevator, known as "the world's first elevator", is located in the hotel office building in the bustling city, not at the station dock, but on a cliff rising from the four scenic spots in Wulingyuan Scenic Area, Zhangjiajie, Hunan. It has increased the income of the scenic spot and met the needs of new, strange and lazy people. However, the natural part-time job in the Cretaceous era has been bombarded by tourists and scholars. It still stands there amid the debate. Do you want to sit or watch?


2、 Zhangjiajie Scenic Spot

1. Tianmen Mountain

Tianmen Mountain was called Yunmeng Mountain and Yuping Mountain in ancient times. It is located 10 kilometers south of Zhangjiajie urban area. In 263 AD, the collapse of the mountain wall opened a door in the upper part of the mountain, connecting the north and south. During the Three Kingdoms period, Sun Xiu, the King of Wu, thought it auspicious and named it "Tianmen Mountain". Tianmen Cave is located on a precipice with an altitude of more than 1260 meters. It is 131.5 meters high, 57 meters wide and more than 60 meters deep. According to the research of geological experts, the central part of the doorway is the intersection of east and west rock synclines. The rocks were crushed and collapsed due to compression, and finally the doorway was formed in 263. Tianmen Mountain is 1517.9 meters above sea level, and its relative height difference with the downtown area under the mountain is more than 1300 meters, so it is particularly tall and straight. The beauty of its skyline is typical of the mountain.


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Ten enchanting sceneries in Zhangjiajie

[2013-03-03 14:22:00 | Author: gagadfw | Source: original | Weather: sunny]

In Zhangjiajie Scenic Area, three thousand strange peaks rise from the ground, eight hundred streams are winding, forests and seas are boundless, mountain flowers are blooming, and the scenery is beautiful and dangerous. It is known as "the original of Chinese landscape painting". Visiting Zhangjiajie is a great pleasure in life. There are too many places worth visiting in Zhangjiajie, but there are 10 elite scenic spots, too "wild" and too "enchanting". You must go to see them! Otherwise, you can return with regret!

1. "Jinbianxi": the well-known golden route. It is different from other scenery in Zhangjiajie Scenic Area. Because other scenic spots are viewed from the top or the top, while here it is viewed from the bottom. Different angles have different natural feelings. And along the flagstone road, Jinbianxi also follows along the way. Here, there are deep valleys, beautiful waters, green forests, gurgling streams, and cliffs, which are fascinating! The only pity is that this is the only way for almost all passengers, so there is less leisure and more noise!

2. "Wulong Stronghold": in Yangjiajie Scenic Area, it is famous for its extremely dangerous terrain and bandits. The three gates of death (Carmen, who dares not to bow down, shrinking valley) are highly respected on the Internet; Also, because the mountain path is too steep, the tourists who feel exhausted regret returning halfway;

"Tianbo Mansion": a typical bandit nest. The ladder on the top is basically at an angle of 90, and it is worth seeing. You will sigh: The bandits in Xiangxi are really good at choosing places. It's nice that they have occupied the place where the immortals live. The scenery here is unique!

The enchanting scenery of Zhangjiajie

3. "Climbing up to the sky": in Yangjiajie Scenic Spot: the best angle to view the panorama of Yangjiajie, Huangshi Stronghold and Shuirao four gates, you can see the "Six Wonderful Pavilions" of Huangshi Stronghold and the "Tianzi Pavilions" of Tianzi Mountain. The ladder is also steep. Standing on the platform, you will have a wide view. If you want to "see all the mountains", you will have the impulse to shout and vent; You will feel that the mountains are so small and people are even smaller. What kind of fame and wealth, what kind of earthly angry struggle, all is a joke, and all the troubles will disappear;

"Air Corridor": it is the highest viewing platform in the Wulingyuan Scenic Area. Its vision is also very broad. The road to there is under construction. In the morning, there is fog in the mountains, trees in the fog, dew in the trees, which is very delicious. In the evening, when the sun sets in the west, you can see the peaks in the golden cage;

4. "One step is hard" in Tianzi Mountain Scenic Area: it's really dangerous and exciting, because we have to step across two stone peaks! The two stone peaks are adjacent to each other to form a stone crevice. Below the stone crevice is the abyss. It is said that tourists have been killed here before! Since then, wire boards have been added. Although there is no original thrill and excitement, we can still vaguely find the traces of that year from the barbed wire at our feet

"Grand View Platform": one of the four wonders of Zhangjiajie (sunrise, peak forest, winter snow, sea of fog) - the only viewing point of sunrise;

"Divine Chicken Pecking": It is in the same scenic spot as "Immortal Pecking", "One Step Hard" and "Tianzizuo". It is the best angle to view "Shili Gallery".

"Fairy Bridge": It is said that it is the place where the fairy threw the belt to rescue the chieftain Xiang Dakun. The stone bridge is about one meter wide, and there is no fence on both sides. It is too dangerous! Without a certain courage and strong physique, it is impossible to go through;

The enchanting scenery of Zhangjiajie

5. "The First Bridge in the World", "Enchanting Platform" and "Back Garden": these scenic spots are representatives of Zhangjiajie's geology and geomorphology. Relatively speaking, the first few scenic spots are the more primitive and rugged side of Zhangjiajie, while these are more delicate. It is one of the four wonders of Zhangjiajie (sunrise, peak forest, winter snow, sea of fog) - the viewing point of the sea of fog. Here, fog appears and disappears, and I don't know when it appears or disappears; Clouds and fog billow, and mountains appear and disappear from time to time, unpredictable, making it difficult to distinguish between heaven and earth. Although this is a must for a tour group, it is still recommended to visit. You can ask the tour guide to arrange a tour at a time when the major forces are not concentrated. For leisure tourists, there is another advantage: it is easy to play with little physical consumption;

6. "Looking at the abutment": the best angle to see the best bridge in the world. Overlooking the best bridge in the world, there is only one intersection point on the top of two straight and independent stone peaks. It is amazing to see the magic of nature and the magic skill of Ghost Valley, which is worth seeing.

The enchanting scenery of Zhangjiajie

7. "Shentang Bay": It is very mysterious, so you must see it! There are mists winding around here. There are strange animals and mysterious legends. No one can beg here yet! It is said that Tujia people in the early Ming Dynasty committed suicide by jumping off a cliff here after their defeat to the Emperor Wang. When it rains, you can hear people shouting and horses hissing under the rock. You can feel the majesty and mystery of the mountain here! Some of the peaks here are like jade pillars and divine whips, standing on the top of the sky; Some are like iron walls, standing tall; Some of them are like laying eggs on a shaking board, tottering; Some are like bonsai antiques, exquisitely carved... It's unforgettable. Zhangjiajie Self service Tour

8. "Sky Garden": the old house in Tianzi Mountain Scenic Area. When we marvel at the magnificent peaks and the steaming sea of clouds, experience the tranquility of the primeval forest, and stretch our feelings of returning to nature, we also see the lifestyle of Tujia people who have lived here for generations on the high mountain top. Enjoy the idyllic scenery of crowing chickens and barking dogs, small bridges and flowing water.

"Mandarin Duck Waterfall": it is the only magnificent scenic spot in Zhangjiajie Scenic Area that can enjoy the high flowing water. A bay of clear spring breaks into two white chains from a mountain more than 30 meters high and flies down. It's spectacular! Especially in July and August, when the weather is hot, the tourists here will be unable to resist the temptation to undress and leave the waterfall pouring down from the top of their heads. However, the scenic spots here are remote, so there are few tourists and they belong to the original development zone.

The enchanting scenery of Zhangjiajie

9. "Tianzi Sightseeing Platform", "Yunqingyan", "Painting Tour": in Tianzi Mountain Scenic Area. It is one of the four wonders of Zhangjiajie (sunrise, peak forest, winter snow, sea of fog) --- peak forest viewing point. The peak forest here is different from other scenic spots

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The Best Photography Season in Zhangjiajie

[2013-03-03 14:21:00 | Author: gagadfw | Source: original | Weather: sunny]

The journey of photography creation in Zhangjiajie is different from that of tourism in Zhangjiajie, and the weather requirements are also different.

The best month for photography creation in Zhangjiajie in spring is April, because the forest is full of vitality in April, the branches are green, and the sprouts are tender. In April, there is more rain, which is easy to form a landscape surrounded by clouds;

In summer, it is the best in July and August. At that time, there are many heavy rains and thunderstorms. After the rain, it clears up, forming mountain fog and flourishing clouds, which are very magnificent;

Autumn is the best at the end of October and the beginning of November, but the autumn scenery in Zhangjiajie is not obvious everywhere. Zhangjiajie scenic spots are mainly evergreen trees, so it is generally difficult to shoot large areas of autumn scenery, but can be photographed locally. Generally, it is better to shoot in Wolong Ridge of Tianzi Mountain. The autumn scenery of Harrier Stronghold is thick, but the scenery is not as beautiful as Tianzi Mountain. However, different people have different views, and the wise have different views. I believe that your unique vision can capture the beautiful scenery that others have not captured;

In winter, we mainly shoot snow scenes around the Spring Festival. Every year around the Spring Festival, there are several heavy snowfalls in Zhangjiajie scenic area.

No matter what season and when you shoot, it seems that there is no lack of light. Without light, the film will look boring and difficult to produce good films. Therefore, whether it is scenery after rain or snow, we must wait for the moment when it clears up. Waiting is the most basic and difficult thing for photographers to do. The author is from Zhangjiajie. A group of photographers in Zhangjiajie are also waiting for the best shooting time all the time. Sometimes they stay in the mountains, and sometimes they drive from the urban area to the mountains at 3 am to shoot.

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Notes on Zhangjiajie

[2013-03-03 14:18:00 | Author: gagadfw | Source: original | Weather: sunny]

"Wuling has broken the quartzite, butterflies dance around the magpies, skyrocketing pillars rush into the sky, and the sky splits the cliff to shine the sunset glow."

Before each trip, there is always a thick frame of longing, not clear, waiting to fill in the enjoyment of mountains and waters with walking.

Zhangjiajie Scenic Area has two gates - Forest Park and Wulingyuan District. We enter from the Jinbianxi Canyon in the Forest Park and walk along the stream. There are green eyes and green trees scattered with sunlight. Here, the trees are not tall. In fact, not the trees themselves are not tall, but the stone pillars and stone peaks are too high. So many stone pillars are crowded that people feel that they are not walking through the forest, but walking among the stone forests. Small fish play, squirrels leap, butterflies dance around, magpies sing and leap... There are flashing sunlight flying on the leaves, water, rocks, grass, trees... There are layers of stone peaks guarding fresh life. At the bottom, along the stream, wash your face, skim over fish, walk around the forest, smell wild flowers, step on stone piers, play butterflies and sparrows, take a deep breath, often look up and look at the power of the sky!

After walking through the canyon and looking up, you will go up the mountain to overlook the mountains. There are three ways to go up the mountain - hiking, cableway and Bailong Sky Ladder. If you only have 2-3 days to travel, and you are not a good sportsman, you do not need to climb mountains on foot. So we chose to take the Bailong Heavenly Ladder up the mountain and take the cableway out of the mountain.

The Hundred Dragon Sky Ladder is a cultural wonder in the natural wonders. Although it is a destruction of the world natural heritage to add several steel bars and iron boxes to the magnificent stone columns, I can't give up the excitement and ecstasy of rushing up to the sky, rising with the stone peaks in an instant, and seeing all the small mountains! What a wonderful technology experience - at the speed of 3 meters per second, there is an abyss under your feet, leaning against the precipice, facing the mountains directly... My amazement is accelerating in speed!

"The best bridge in the world" is at the junction of Yuanjiajie and Yangjiajie. Its name is quite breathtaking and spectacular. A natural stone bridge connects two dangerous peaks. The flying stones are a stroke of magic! You can also invite the herb pickers to perform the stunt of flying people on the cliffs.

The scenery of Yuan's family circle is just like its name. For example, the "Enchanting Platform" and the "Back Garden" turn around to avoid the crowd, find peace, sit on a big stone, and easily enter the tranquility of enchanting -- under the shade of vegetation, on a narrow platform, the flat stone is across the space between mountains, and a large space is divided by stone pillars, The deep space is all in the upright room of the stone pillar. It is so deep that the thought cannot be spread. Only free fall, weightlessness and enchantment are available in the green back garden!

At the "reception point of Zhangjiajie Scarecrow Club" in Dingxiangrong Village, Tianzi Mountain, Jinbianxi and Yuanjiajie on the first day are the only routes for the tour group, which are classic but too lively. The Yangjiajie route on the second day is unforgettable, natural and adventurous.

I never thought that I could climb on a stone pillar. How can ordinary people climb such a vertical drop, such an unfathomable abyss? However, in "one step to the sky", it is OK. On the steel wire ladder, remind yourself not to look down, step by step, and finally "ascend to the sky" - there is only one stone under your feet, only a few meters around, and a few meters away is full of abyss, and everywhere you look, there are mountains and cliffs, extremely dangerous and beautiful!

It is said that "Tianbo Mansion" is suitable for watching sunset clouds. Sure enough, its platform is not at the top, but a convex place near the top. When sitting down, there is a back mountain, facing the sky, and a large cliff. The scenery is beautiful. The mountain reflects the sunset, sitting romantically, looking at the beauty!

Before going to the "air corridor", the guide said to show us the city wall, and I wondered: "How can we build the city wall in this place where it is difficult to find flat ground?" I summoned up the courage to climb the iron ladder again, and went up to the high place. I was stunned - not the man-made city wall, but the natural city wall! I have only seen stone columns and stone peaks, but I have never seen such a stone wall. This stone mountain is like a screen. It is tall, flat, wide, flat, and thin. Six, seven, and eight are spread out between the heaven and the earth. There are vegetation and strong stones, which make it a real natural barrier! Only a heaven made place like Zhangjiajie is worthy of the grand "city wall" made by God.

The Story of Suppressing Bandits in Wulong Mountain is deeply impressed in my childhood memory. This time, I finally brought my footprints to the "Wulong Stronghold". The man who occupies the mountain is the king. His residence is indeed dangerous, strange and beautiful. He can't look up and turn around along the mountain crack. It's a unique cave. "Carmen", "a thin line of sky"... It is full of arrogance and hidden secrets.

After visiting the classic scenic spots of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, the "Shili Gallery" and "Helong Park" with slightly less beautiful scenery have a sense of elimination that "except Wushan is not a cloud". However, it is the only way to cableway out of "Wulingyuan", not to yearn, but to pass by at a glance. In order to achieve the most beautiful goal in life, I must go to other post stations and have a look. This comparison will make the more beautiful come more confident and worthwhile.

I came and went in a hurry without seeing all the wonders. I look forward to next visit the legendary "Fairy Bridge", "Sky Garden", "Shentang Bay"


Summarized the five reasons for inviting local tour guides in online reviews: 1. Local tour guides can take you to all the scenic spots that are impossible for tour groups. 2. Even if you have done enough homework on the Internet and listed all the special attractions you want to visit, the logo of Zhangjiajie is not very obvious (it is a world apart from Jiuzhaigou). The driver of the environmental protection vehicle will not tell you that this is a scenic spot. There are too few stops and waiting time is too long. 3. If you have invited a guide, just tell him which scenic spots you must go to, and he can arrange routes for the rest. No matter how clear you look on the map, you can't be familiar with him. It takes time and effort to toss back and forth. (However, our tour guide has been fixed as a 2-day route and a 3-day route, not referring to our choice). 4. Mountain food is very expensive. Don't think you are a bargain hunter. The tour guide's package meal is more affordable, and there is no need to exercise before eating

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  • Nickname: gagadfw
  • Registration date: March 3, 2013
  • City: Zhangjiajie


Zhangjiajie Self service Tour

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