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The lifelike earthquake bridge gives you a different journey

[2013-01-25 15:52:00 | Author: Continuation of Dream | Source: Original | Weather: Sunny]

If you think South Africa's Sun City just appreciates its external charm? Just enjoy its famous hotels? Or just go to Vegas to play. You are wrong. There are lifelike earthquake bridges and exciting surfing in Sun City, South Africa. They will add a different color to your trip to Sun City, South Africa, and let you enjoy the exciting side of Sun City, South Africa.

Earthquake bridge - the sound of earthquake is false, and the shaking is true

When you come to Sun City in South Africa, you have to go to the "Bridge of Time", also known as the Earthquake Bridge. This earthquake bridge is more than 100 meters long, and every hour there will be an earthquake like simulation scene, accompanied by the roar of the earthquake, so that visitors to the earthquake bridge will experience a sense of landslides.

When you come to the earthquake bridge, you will see a pedestrian bridge of more than 100 meters. There are also very lifelike elephants on the mountain beside it, making you feel immersive. The whole earthquake bridge is on a large steel plate. There will be machines shaking under the steel plate, so standing on the bridge will feel an earthquake. When the earthquake starts, there will be the sound of landslides. This is their sound effect, but it is very realistic. You will also see thick white smoke, as if you were at the scene of an earthquake.

According to the data, the simulated earthquake of the earthquake bridge is equivalent to a magnitude 8 earthquake, but in fact, when you stand on the earthquake bridge and enjoy the terrible feeling of the earthquake, it is not like a magnitude 8 earthquake at all, just like the vibration of a motorcycle when it is on fire. Some people said that the aftershocks of the Wenchuan earthquake were much more severe than the simulated earthquakes here.

According to the local people, Kosner designed this earthquake bridge to commemorate the "Lost City". According to legend, the beautiful "Lost City" was destroyed after a huge earthquake. In addition to the volcanic magma, the lost city disappeared overnight.

Chinese people living in South Africa like to call this bridge "earthquake bridge". They will often experience the feeling of earthquake bridge and the disaster and pain suffered by Wenchuan compatriots because they miss Wenchuan earthquake. If you also want to see the lifelike earthquake bridge, why don't you come to Sun City in South Africa and experience it? It will give you a different journey.

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you and me

[2013-01-25 15:50:00 | Author: Continuation of Dream | Source: Original | Weather: No Weather Record]

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  • Registration date: January 25, 2013
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