Syk Xiaomei, Jeju Island, South Korea (Jeju Island's Blog, South Korea)

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Introduction to Jeju Island Hotel, South Korea Ramada

[2013-01-15 16:52:00 | Author: Strange Stranger | Origin: Original | Weather: Sunny]

Ramada Hotel in Jeju Island, South Korea is located near Jeju Island. It takes about 5 minutes to drive. Although there are many hotels in Jeju Island, few are located on the coast. Ramada Hotel is one of them. The hotel rooms are generally divided into two types. One is a western-style seascape room, which can see the vast blue sea every morning when you wake up, to pave the way for the upcoming day. Experience that Haizi faces the sea and flowers bloom in spring. Another is the Korean traditional suite. The combination of antique log buildings and modern facilities can experience the traditional Korean culture while being comfortable.
Breakfast is also divided into western food and Korean food. Western food is buffet style. Naturally, when you come to South Korea, you should experience the delicious Korean food. On the largest blog website in South Korea, the menu unanimously recommended by netizens is oversized stone pot seafood soup. The soup is delicious enough, which can completely achieve the effect of refreshing behavior, especially the friend who drank freely the night before is shouting.
There are also souvenir shops, bakeries, bars, casinos and other ancillary facilities.

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  • Nickname: Strange Stranger
  • Registration date: January 15, 2013
  • City: Seoul, South Korea


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