Zhangjiajie Self driving Tour Guide (Zhangjiajie Self service Tour Route's Blog)

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The highlights of self driving tour routes and self-service tour routes from Shihezi and Urumqi to/from Zhangjiajie

[2012-09-23 10:54:00 | Author: zjjsqm | Origin: Original | Weather: Sunny]

Shihezi's mode of transportation to Zhangjiajie:
1) No direct train from Urumqi to Zhengzhou, then transfer to 1645, K267, K967, K507 in Zhengzhou to Zhangjiajie

2) No direct flight from Urumqi to Changsha or Xi'an, and then transfer to Zhangjiajie in Changsha or Xi'an (recommended)
Transportation mode from Urumqi to Zhangjiajie:
1) Train~~There is no direct train from "Urumqi" to "Zhangjiajie", so it needs to be transferred. The transfer scheme is as follows:
1. Take the train from Urumqi to Zhengzhou to Zhengzhou
2. Take the train from Zhengzhou to Zhangjiajie to Zhangjiajie

From "Urumqi" to "Zhangjiajie" in Xinjiang, you can't take a direct train. You need to transfer from "Zhengzhou" or "Zhengzhou", but it is also troublesome. It takes more than 40 hours to reach Zhangjiajie, which is very tiring. Therefore, it is recommended to take a plane (every day) to Zhangjiajie and transfer from Changsha, which is convenient and time-saving.

2) There is no direct flight from Urumqi to Zhangjiajie. You need to transfer from Changsha:
1. Take the flight from Urumqi to Changsha to Changsha;
2. Take a bus from "Changsha" to "Zhangjiajie" (the whole journey is a high-speed bus, leaving every hour from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., 3.7 hours' drive) to Zhangjiajie

Urumqi is really far from Zhangjiajie. It takes more than 40 hours by train, so it is recommended to take a plane (there are flights every day, as shown in the figure above, and the shortest time is 4 hours to reach Changsha), and then transfer from Changsha. It takes 3.7 hours to take a high-speed bus from Changsha to Zhangjiajie (the whole high-speed bus, which leaves every hour from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.).

The following points should be paid attention to by self driving tourists in Zhangjiajie:
1. The temperature difference between the scenic spot and the urban area is about 5 degrees. It is not an exaggeration to cover the scenic spot thin in summer;  
2. The less luggage the better, the lighter the better. It's better to bring an umbrella or rainproof clothes (you can also buy a raincoat once in the local area, 5-8 yuan for one piece). Because the weather in the mountains is unpredictable. In summer, you must take anti mosquito water. Prepare some simple medicines such as wet paper towels, Band Aids, anti-inflammatory tablets, anti diarrhea tablets (to prevent acclimatization) for disinfection; Shoes should wear anti-skid sports shoes, film, and more batteries. It is expensive to buy them in scenic spots.
3. Prepare a little dry food (it takes physical strength to climb mountains) to satisfy hunger. Bottled drinks and water (reduce travel expenses). Keep your money scattered. If you have a national general bank magnetic card, you'd better take it with you, as well as your ID card.
4. It's better to have several people together, so that many expenses can be shared equally, and they can take care of each other.
5. After leaving the railway station, do not chat up and listen to others. It is better to contact the guide in advance (the guide will come to pick you up). There are 6 bus routes to the bus station. You should take care of your belongings to prevent being picked up. There are many people in the tourist city, so be careful!
6. If there are students, the elderly (over 70), disabled, officers, provincial press cards, don't forget to bring them before going out, and you can enjoy the corresponding preferential tickets.
7. Zhangjiajie is famous for its mountains, so most of the time we climb mountains, so we must choose flat shoes. It's best to carry a backpack. No
The things in the suitcase will drag you down!
8. Self driving friends should be careful not to be fooled by the fake traffic police. As long as you don't drive a police car, those who take ordinary cars are all fake traffic police. You can ignore it. Most of them are under the pretext of helping you arrange accommodation and travel reception. Do not chat up!
9. It is reported that the weekly ticket system for Wulingyuan core scenic spot in Zhangjiajie has been implemented since April 25, 2010. According to the price standard approved by the Price Bureau of Hunan Province, the trial weekly ticket price is 298 yuan/person. Tourists can enter and leave the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie within one week with the weekly ticket. In addition, the current price of "one ticket for two days" for the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie remains unchanged at 245 yuan per person. If tourists who buy the "one ticket for two days" ticket need to increase the number of days to visit, they can make up the difference by referring to the "weekly ticket" price and extend the visit time to one week.
10. Friends visiting Zhangjiajie please don't take plastic bags with you during the tour (Macaques in Zhangjiajie like to grab bags from tourists, thinking there is something to eat in them) and lesbians should not wear red skirts to prevent exposure (Macaques are sensitive to red, and may pull your skirts)

What are the tourist attractions in Zhangjiajie?

Zhangjiajie gathers the scenery of the north and south, and has the beauty of mountains. There are more than 3000 strange peaks and rocks. It combines the six wonders of mountains, waters, rocks, clouds, animals and plants. It is beautiful, primitive, quiet, complete and fresh. It is famous for its strange peaks, rocks, blue streams and rare birds and animals. The mountain scenery here has a world-class crown: the World Geopark, the World Natural Heritage, etc. Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan core scenic spot (Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Tianzishan Nature Reserve, Yangjiajie Nature Reserve, Yuanjiajie Nature Reserve) is a place that tourists have to visit. The newly launched Tianmen Mountain is especially good at mountains.
Objectively speaking, Zhangjiajie's scenery is more appreciated than Guilin and Huangshan, and the reception facilities are quite complete. The tourism market is relatively mature, so it is feasible to join a group and travel by yourself. You can save a lot of things by joining the tourist group at the starting place, such as food, accommodation, transportation, etc., but it is not just about playing. Relatively speaking, many self funded projects and necessary shopping links are indispensable after joining the group. Moreover, if the guests do not contribute to the tour guide, they may not look good, which is impossible to change, because all the mature scenic spots in the country are receiving tour groups at zero cost or at a loss due to the competitive pressure, and the remuneration of the local agencies and tour guides basically comes from the secondary income of the tour guides. Moreover, it is not free to join a tourist group, and every place is just a quick glance. In addition, tourists who participate in the contract of a tour group are with the travel agency

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Route book and route guide of self driving tour from Mianyang to Zhangjiajie

[2012-09-23 10:50:00 | Author: zjjsqm | Origin: Original | Weather: Sunny]

Mianyang City -- Chengdu -- (Expressway) -- Suining -- (Expressway) -- Chongqing -- (Expressway) -- Fuling -- (Expressway) -- → Wulong -- (Expressway) -- → Pengshui -- (Expressway) -- → Qianjiang -- (National Road) -- → Xianfeng -- (National Road) -- → Hunan Longshan -- (National Road) -- → Sangzhi County -- → Zhangjiajie -- Yangjiajie Ticket Station Tianzi Mountain Ticket Station, about 13 hours
The following points should be paid attention to by the self driving tourists in Zhangjiajie:
1. The temperature difference between the scenic spot and the urban area is about 5 degrees. It is not an exaggeration to cover the scenic spot thin in summer;  
2. The less luggage the better, the lighter the better. It's better to bring an umbrella or rainproof clothes (you can also buy a raincoat once in the local area, 5-8 yuan for one piece). Because the weather in the mountains is unpredictable. In summer, you must take anti mosquito water. Prepare some simple medicines such as wet paper towels, Band Aids, anti-inflammatory tablets, anti diarrhea tablets (to prevent acclimatization) for disinfection; Shoes should wear anti-skid sports shoes, film, and more batteries. It is expensive to buy them in scenic spots.
3. Prepare a little dry food (it takes physical strength to climb mountains) to satisfy hunger. Bottled drinks and water (reduce travel expenses). Keep your money scattered. If you have a national general bank magnetic card, you'd better take it with you, as well as your ID card.
4. It's better to have several people together, so that many expenses can be shared equally, and they can take care of each other.
5. After leaving the railway station, do not chat up and listen to others. It is better to contact the guide in advance (the guide will come to pick you up). There are 6 bus routes to the bus station. You should take care of your belongings to prevent being picked up. There are many people in the tourist city, so be careful!
6. If there are students, the elderly (over 70), disabled, officers, provincial press cards, don't forget to bring them before going out, and you can enjoy the corresponding preferential tickets.
7. Zhangjiajie is famous for its mountains, so most of the time we climb mountains, so we must choose flat shoes. It's best to carry a backpack. No
The things in the suitcase will drag you down!
8. Self driving friends should be careful not to be fooled by the fake traffic police. As long as you don't drive a police car, those who take ordinary cars are all fake traffic police. You can ignore it. Most of them are under the pretext of helping you arrange accommodation and travel reception. Do not chat up!
9. It is reported that the weekly ticket system for Wulingyuan core scenic spot in Zhangjiajie has been implemented since April 25, 2010. According to the price standard approved by the Price Bureau of Hunan Province, the trial weekly ticket price is 298 yuan/person. Tourists can enter and leave the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie within one week with the weekly ticket. In addition, the current price of "one ticket for two days" for the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie remains unchanged at 245 yuan per person. If tourists who buy the "one ticket for two days" ticket need to increase the number of days to visit, they can make up the difference by referring to the "weekly ticket" price and extend the visit time to one week.
10. Friends visiting Zhangjiajie please don't take plastic bags with you during the tour (Macaques in Zhangjiajie like to grab bags from tourists, thinking there is something to eat in them) and lesbians should not wear red skirts to prevent exposure (Macaques are sensitive to red, and may pull your skirts)

What are the tourist attractions in Zhangjiajie?

Zhangjiajie gathers the scenery of the north and south, and has the beauty of mountains. There are more than 3000 strange peaks and rocks. It combines the six wonders of mountains, waters, rocks, clouds, animals and plants. It is beautiful, primitive, quiet, complete and fresh. It is famous for its strange peaks, rocks, blue streams and rare birds and animals. The mountain scenery here has a world-class crown: the World Geopark, the World Natural Heritage, etc. Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan core scenic spot (Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Tianzishan Nature Reserve, Yangjiajie Nature Reserve, Yuanjiajie Nature Reserve) is a place that tourists have to visit. The newly launched Tianmen Mountain is especially good at mountains.
Objectively speaking, Zhangjiajie's scenery is more appreciated than Guilin and Huangshan, and the reception facilities are quite complete. The tourism market is relatively mature, so it is feasible to join a group and travel by yourself. You can save a lot of things by joining the tourist group at the starting place, such as food, accommodation, transportation, etc., but it is not just about playing. Relatively speaking, many self funded projects and necessary shopping links are indispensable after joining the group. Moreover, if the guests do not contribute to the tour guide, they may not look good, which is impossible to change, because all the mature scenic spots in the country are receiving tour groups at zero cost or at a loss due to the competitive pressure, and the remuneration of the local agencies and tour guides basically comes from the secondary income of the tour guides. Moreover, it is not free to join a tourist group, and every place is just a quick glance. In addition, the contract for tourists to join a tour group is signed with the travel agency, but the executors are the destination travel agency and the destination tour guide. Inevitably, many errors will occur in the process, and travelers who want to have other trips beyond the contract after arriving at the destination cannot implement them. Contract modification is also very troublesome. It is precisely because of many restrictions on participating in tour groups that the current self-help travel is hot. Because self-help travel is unrestricted, unrestrained, and very free, it can be easily handled as long as you select a travel destination and contact the local self-help guide or hotel. Compared with other scenic spots in the country, Zhangjiajie has its own advantages in self-help tourism, that is, it is absolutely impossible to join the tourist group at the starting place to visit the most attractive boutique scenic spots in Zhangjiajie, such as Tianbo Mansion and Wulong Stronghold in Yangjiajie, which can be seen in the sky, the air corridor, the Grand Sightseeing Platform, the Fairy Bridge, the Son of Heaven, the gathering of the supernatural forces in the old house, and other elite scenic spots, I collected relevant information and personal experience of Zhangjiajie tourism and wrote the above strategy, hoping to help everyone. What is self-help travel? Answer: It is free from time restrictions, free from group travel, and full journey travel. Self help tourism can freely see many beautiful sceneries that can not be seen by participating in tourist groups. You don't need to go to places you don't want to go to to buy local specialties. It wastes a lot of time to go into jewelry stores. Zhangjiajie and Phoenix, the two popular scenic spots in the world, are like twin sisters, closely linked. This is a paradise for self-help tourists

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Self driving tour from Yiyang to Zhangjiajie/tour route guide/accommodation in Zhangjiajie scenic spot must read

[2012-09-23 10:49:00 | Author: zjjsqm | Origin: Original | Weather: Sunny]

Recommended self driving routes from Yiyang to Zhangjiajie:
Yiyang Changde Zhangjiajie Yangjiajie Ticket Station (3 hours)

The following points should be paid attention to by the self driving tourists in Zhangjiajie:
1. The temperature difference between the scenic spot and the urban area is about 5 degrees. It is not an exaggeration to cover the scenic spot thin in summer;  
2. The less luggage the better, the lighter the better. It's better to take an umbrella or rainproof clothes, and you can also buy a raincoat in the local area for 5-8 yuan. Because the weather in the mountains is unpredictable. In summer, you must take anti mosquito water. Prepare some simple medicines such as wet paper towels, Band Aids, anti-inflammatory tablets, anti diarrhea tablets for disinfection to prevent acclimatization; Shoes should wear anti-skid sports shoes, film, and more batteries. It is expensive to buy them in scenic spots.
3. Prepare a little dry food. Climbing the mountain takes more energy to satisfy hunger. Bottled drinks and water reduce travel expenses. Keep your money scattered. If you have a national universal bank magnetic card, you'd better take it with you, as well as your ID card.
4. It's better to have several people together, so that many expenses can be shared equally, and they can take care of each other.
5. After leaving the railway station, don't chat up and listen to others. It's better to contact the guide in advance. The guide will come to pick you up. There are 6 bus routes to the bus station. You should take care of your belongings to prevent being picked up. There are many people in the tourist city, so be careful!
6. If there are students, the elderly (over 70), disabled, officers, provincial press cards, don't forget to bring them before going out, and you can enjoy the corresponding preferential tickets.
7. Zhangjiajie is famous for its mountains, so most of the time we climb mountains, so we must choose flat shoes. It's best to carry a backpack. No
The things in the suitcase will drag you down!
8. Self driving friends should be careful not to be fooled by the fake traffic police. As long as you don't drive a police car, those who take ordinary cars are all fake traffic police. You can ignore it. Most of them are under the pretext of helping you arrange accommodation and travel reception. Do not chat up!
9. It is reported that the weekly ticket system for Wulingyuan core scenic spot in Zhangjiajie has been implemented since April 25, 2010. According to the price standard approved by the Price Bureau of Hunan Province, the trial weekly ticket price is 298 yuan/person. Tourists can enter and leave the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie within one week with the weekly ticket. In addition, the current price of "one ticket for two days" for the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie remains unchanged at 245 yuan per person. If tourists who buy the "one ticket for two days" ticket need to increase the number of days to visit, they can make up the difference by referring to the "weekly ticket" price and extend the visit time to one week.
10. Friends visiting Zhangjiajie please don't take plastic bags with you during the tour (Macaques in Zhangjiajie like to grab bags from tourists, thinking there is something to eat in them) and lesbians should not wear red skirts to prevent exposure (Macaques are sensitive to red, and may pull your skirts)

What are the tourist attractions in Zhangjiajie?

Zhangjiajie gathers the scenery of the north and south, and has the beauty of mountains. There are more than 3000 strange peaks and rocks. It combines the six wonders of mountains, waters, rocks, clouds, animals and plants. It is beautiful, primitive, quiet, complete and fresh. It is famous for its strange peaks, rocks, blue streams and rare birds and animals. The mountain scenery here has a world-class crown: the World Geopark, the World Natural Heritage, etc. Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan core scenic spot (Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Tianzishan Nature Reserve, Yangjiajie Nature Reserve, Yuanjiajie Nature Reserve) is a place that tourists have to visit. The newly launched Tianmen Mountain is especially good at mountains.
Objectively speaking, Zhangjiajie's scenery is more appreciated than Guilin and Huangshan, and the reception facilities are quite complete. The tourism market is relatively mature, so it is feasible to join a group and travel by yourself. You can save a lot of things by joining the tourist group at the starting place, such as food, accommodation, transportation, etc., but it is not just about playing. Relatively speaking, many self funded projects and necessary shopping links are indispensable after joining the group. Moreover, if the guests do not contribute to the tour guide, they may not look good, which is impossible to change, because all the mature scenic spots in the country are receiving tour groups at zero cost or at a loss due to the competitive pressure, and the remuneration of the local agencies and tour guides basically comes from the secondary income of the tour guides. Moreover, it is not free to join a tourist group, and every place is just a quick glance. In addition, the contract for tourists to join a tour group is signed with the travel agency, but the executors are the destination travel agency and the destination tour guide. Inevitably, many errors will occur in the process, and travelers who want to have other trips beyond the contract after arriving at the destination cannot implement them. Contract modification is also very troublesome. It is precisely because of many restrictions on participating in tour groups that the current self-help travel is hot. Because self-help travel is unrestricted, unrestrained, and very free, it can be easily handled as long as you select a travel destination and contact the local self-help guide or hotel. Compared with other scenic spots in the country, Zhangjiajie has its own advantages in self-help tourism, that is, it is absolutely impossible to join the tourist group at the starting place to visit the most attractive boutique scenic spots in Zhangjiajie, such as Tianbo Mansion and Wulong Stronghold in Yangjiajie, which can be seen in the sky, the air corridor, the Grand Sightseeing Platform, the Fairy Bridge, the Son of Heaven, the gathering of the supernatural forces in the old house, and other elite scenic spots, I collected relevant information and personal experience of Zhangjiajie tourism and wrote the above strategy, hoping to help everyone. What is self-help travel? Answer: It is free from time restrictions, free from group travel, and full journey travel. Self help tourism can freely see many beautiful sceneries that can not be seen by participating in tourist groups. You don't need to go to places you don't want to go to to buy local specialties. It wastes a lot of time to go into jewelry stores. Zhangjiajie and Phoenix, the two popular scenic spots in the world, are like twin sisters, closely linked. This is a paradise for self-help tourists. If you are unfamiliar here, let me improve a simple and affordable Zhangjiajie Phoenix Self help Tour.
Hello, friends from all over the country! I am Wu Xianzhong, the owner of Wulongzhai Inn, a family hotel in Yangjiajie Scenic Area, one of the four scenic spots of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. Before the 1980s, our place was a big valley in the backcountry; Because friends from home and abroad keep coming to us

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The highlights of self driving tour routes from Qingdao, Jinan to Zhangjiajie and self-help tour routes

[2012-09-23 10:48:00 | Author: zjjsqm | Origin: Original | Weather: Sunny]

Transportation mode from Jinan to Zhangjiajie:
1) Trains~~Trains from Zhangjiajie Railway Station can't go directly to Jinan, Shandong Province. There is a railway station nearby that can transfer. It is Changsha Railway Station in Hunan Province. Therefore, from Jinan, Shandong to Zhangjiajie, you can't travel directly by train. You need to transfer to a transit city before you can arrive by train or bus.
Jinan - (train, 14 hours) T179/1072/1073 - Changsha - (train, 3-7 hours) - Zhangjiajie
Jinan - (train, 14 hours) - Changsha - (car, 4 hours) - Zhangjiajie
The bus from Changsha to Zhangjiajie will arrive in Zhangjiajie in 4 hours via the Changsha Zhangjiajie Expressway, and take a bus at Changsha West Bus Station every hour (7:30-19:00).
2) Airplane~~Jiajie Lotus Airport is a branch airport for domestic tourism and a 4D airport. It has direct flights to major cities in China, but no direct flights to Jinan. It can only transfer from Changsha. Therefore, from Jinan to Zhangjiajie, you can't travel directly by air. You need to transfer to the transit city by plane, train or bus.
Jinan - (plane, 2 hours) - Changsha - (plane, 50 minutes) - Zhangjiajie
Departure time: 17:00 Jinan Yaoqiang Airport (TNA) Model: Boeing 737-800 Arrival time: 19:10 Changsha Huanghua Airport (CSX) Mileage: 1228 km Duration: 0210
Departure time: 18:05 Jinan Yaoqiang Airport (TNA) Model: Boeing 737-800 Arrival time: 20:05 Changsha Huanghua Airport (CSX) Mileage: 1228 km Duration: 02:00
Departure time: 13:40 Jinan Yaoqiang Airport (TNA) Model: Boeing 737-800 Arrival time: 15:40 Changsha Huanghua Airport (CSX) Mileage: 1228 km Duration: 02:00
Departure time: 21:00 Jinan Yaoqiang Airport (TNA) Model: 73G Arrival time: 22:55 Changsha Huanghua Airport (CSX) Mileage: 1228km
Departure time: 18:30 Changsha Huanghua Airport (TNA) Flight number: CZ3984 Arrival time: 19:20 Zhangjiajie Hehua Airport (DYG) Off season flight cancellation

Transportation mode from Qingdao to Zhangjiajie:
1) Trains~~Trains from Zhangjiajie Railway Station can't go directly to Qingdao, Shandong Province. There is a railway station nearby that can transfer. It is Changsha Railway Station in Hunan Province. Therefore, from Qingdao, Shandong Province to Zhangjiajie, you can't travel directly by train. You need to transfer to a transit city before you can arrive by train or bus.
Qingdao - (train, 5-13 hours) - Beijing - (train, 14-20 hours) - Zhangjiajie
Or: Qingdao - (train, 5-13 hours) - Changsha - (car, 4 hours) - Zhangjiajie
The bus from Changsha to Zhangjiajie will arrive in Zhangjiajie in 4 hours via the Changsha Zhangjiajie Expressway, and take a bus at Changsha West Bus Station every hour (7:30-19:00).
2) Airplane~Zhangjiajie Hehua Airport is a branch airport for domestic tourism and a 4D airport. It has direct flights to major cities in China, but no direct flights to Qingdao. It can only transfer from Changsha. Therefore, from Qingdao to Zhangjiajie, you can't travel directly by air. You need to transfer to the transit city by plane, train or bus.

The following points should be paid attention to by the self driving tourists in Zhangjiajie:
1. The temperature difference between the scenic spot and the urban area is about 5 degrees. It is not an exaggeration to cover the scenic spot thin in summer;  
2. The less luggage the better, the lighter the better. It's better to bring an umbrella or rainproof clothes (you can also buy a raincoat once in the local area, 5-8 yuan for one piece). Because the weather in the mountains is unpredictable. In summer, you must take anti mosquito water. Prepare some simple medicines such as wet paper towels, Band Aids, anti-inflammatory tablets, anti diarrhea tablets (to prevent acclimatization) for disinfection; Shoes should wear anti-skid sports shoes, film, and more batteries. It is expensive to buy them in scenic spots.
3. Prepare a little dry food (it takes physical strength to climb mountains) to satisfy hunger. Bottled drinks and water (reduce travel expenses). Keep your money scattered. If you have a national general bank magnetic card, you'd better take it with you, as well as your ID card.
4. It's better to have several people together, so that many expenses can be shared equally, and they can take care of each other.
5. After leaving the railway station, do not chat up and listen to others. It is better to contact the guide in advance (the guide will come to pick you up). There are 6 bus routes to the bus station. You should take care of your belongings to prevent being picked up. There are many people in the tourist city, so be careful!
6. If there are students, the elderly (over 70), disabled, officers, provincial press cards, don't forget to bring them before going out, and you can enjoy the corresponding preferential tickets.
7. Zhangjiajie is famous for its mountains, so most of the time we climb mountains, so we must choose flat shoes. It's best to carry a backpack. No
The things in the suitcase will drag you down!
8. Self driving friends should be careful not to be fooled by the fake traffic police. As long as you don't drive a police car, those who take ordinary cars are all fake traffic police. You can ignore it. Most of them are under the pretext of helping you arrange accommodation and travel reception. Do not chat up!
9. It is reported that the weekly ticket system for Wulingyuan core scenic spot in Zhangjiajie has been implemented since April 25, 2010. According to the price standard approved by the Price Bureau of Hunan Province, the trial weekly ticket price is 298 yuan/person. Tourists can enter and leave the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie within one week with the weekly ticket. In addition, the current price of "one ticket for two days" for the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie remains unchanged at 245 yuan per person. If tourists who buy the "one ticket for two days" ticket need to increase the number of days to visit, they can make up the difference by referring to the "weekly ticket" price and extend the visit time to one week.
10. Friends visiting Zhangjiajie please don't take plastic bags with you during the tour (Macaques in Zhangjiajie like to grab bags from tourists, thinking there is something to eat in them) and lesbians should not wear red skirts to prevent exposure (Macaques are sensitive to red, and may pull your skirts)

Classification: Default classification |Comments: 1| read the whole passage (251)

Route book, self-help tour and route strategy of self driving tour from Guangyuan to Zhangjiajie

[2012-09-23 10:47:00 | Author: zjjsqm | Origin: Original | Weather: Sunny]

Guangyuan, Sichuan -- Mianyang -- Dezhou -- Chengdu -- (Expressway) -- Suining -- (Expressway) -- Chongqing -- (Expressway) -- Fuling -- (Expressway) -- → Wulong -- (Expressway) -- → Pengshui -- (Expressway) -- → Qianjiang -- (National Highway) -- → Xianfeng -- (National Highway) -- → Longshan, Hunan -- (National Highway) ----→ Sangzhi County → Zhangjiajie -- Yangjiajie Ticket Station, Tianzishan Ticket Station. About 13 hours
The following points should be paid attention to by the self driving tourists in Zhangjiajie:
1. The temperature difference between the scenic spot and the urban area is about 5 degrees. It is not an exaggeration to cover the scenic spot thin in summer;  
2. The less luggage the better, the lighter the better. It's better to bring an umbrella or rainproof clothes (you can also buy a raincoat once in the local area, 5-8 yuan for one piece). Because the weather in the mountains is unpredictable. In summer, you must take anti mosquito water. Prepare some simple medicines such as wet paper towels, Band Aids, anti-inflammatory tablets, anti diarrhea tablets (to prevent acclimatization) for disinfection; Shoes should wear anti-skid sports shoes, film, and more batteries. It is expensive to buy them in scenic spots.
3. Prepare a little dry food (it takes physical strength to climb the mountain) to satisfy hunger. Bottled drinks and water (reduce travel expenses). Keep the money scattered. If you have a national general bank magnetic card, you'd better take it with you, as well as your ID card.
4. It's better to have several people together, so that many expenses can be shared equally, and they can take care of each other.
5. After leaving the railway station, do not chat up and listen to others. It is better to contact the guide in advance (the guide will come to pick you up). There are 6 bus routes to the bus station. You should take care of your belongings to prevent being picked up. There are many people in the tourist city, so be careful!
6. If there are students, the elderly (over 70), disabled, officers, provincial press cards, don't forget to bring them before going out, and you can enjoy the corresponding preferential tickets.
7. Zhangjiajie is famous for its mountains, so most of the time we climb mountains, so we must choose flat shoes. It's best to carry a backpack. No
The things in the suitcase will drag you down!
8. Self driving friends should be careful not to be fooled by the fake traffic police. As long as you don't drive a police car, those who take ordinary cars are all fake traffic police. You can ignore it. Most of them are under the pretext of helping you arrange accommodation and travel reception. Do not chat up!
9. It is reported that the weekly ticket system for Wulingyuan core scenic spot in Zhangjiajie has been implemented since April 25, 2010. According to the price standard approved by the Price Bureau of Hunan Province, the trial weekly ticket price is 298 yuan/person. Tourists can enter and leave the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie within one week with the weekly ticket. In addition, the current price of "one ticket for two days" for the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie remains unchanged at 245 yuan per person. If tourists who buy the "one ticket for two days" ticket need to increase the number of days to visit, they can make up the difference by referring to the "weekly ticket" price and extend the visit time to one week.
10. Friends visiting Zhangjiajie please don't take plastic bags with you during the tour (Macaques in Zhangjiajie like to grab bags from tourists, thinking there is something to eat in them) and lesbians should not wear red skirts to prevent exposure (Macaques are sensitive to red, and may pull your skirts)

What are the tourist attractions in Zhangjiajie?

Zhangjiajie gathers the scenery of the north and south, and has the beauty of mountains. There are more than 3000 strange peaks and rocks. It combines the six wonders of mountains, waters, rocks, clouds, animals and plants. It is beautiful, primitive, quiet, complete and fresh. It is famous for its strange peaks, rocks, blue streams and rare birds and animals. The mountain scenery here has a world-class crown: the World Geopark, the World Natural Heritage, etc. Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan core scenic spot (Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Tianzishan Nature Reserve, Yangjiajie Nature Reserve, Yuanjiajie Nature Reserve) is a place that tourists have to visit. The newly launched Tianmen Mountain is especially good at mountains.
Objectively speaking, Zhangjiajie's scenery is more appreciated than Guilin and Huangshan, and the reception facilities are quite complete. The tourism market is relatively mature, so it is feasible to join a group and travel by yourself. You can save a lot of things by joining the tourist group at the starting place, such as food, accommodation, transportation, etc., but it is not just about playing. Relatively speaking, many self funded projects and necessary shopping links are indispensable after joining the group. Moreover, if the guests do not contribute to the tour guide, they may not look good, which is impossible to change, because all the mature scenic spots in the country are receiving tour groups at zero cost or at a loss due to the competitive pressure, and the remuneration of the local agencies and tour guides basically comes from the secondary income of the tour guides. Moreover, it is not free to join a tourist group, and every place is just a quick glance. In addition, the contract for tourists to join a tour group is signed with the travel agency, but the executors are the destination travel agency and the destination tour guide. Inevitably, many errors will occur in the process, and travelers who want to have other trips beyond the contract after arriving at the destination cannot implement them. Contract modification is also very troublesome. It is precisely because of many restrictions on participating in tour groups that the current self-help travel is hot. Because self-help travel is unrestricted, unrestrained, and very free, it can be easily handled as long as you select a travel destination and contact the local self-help guide or hotel. Compared with other scenic spots in the country, Zhangjiajie has its own advantages in self-help tourism, that is, it is absolutely impossible to join the tourist group at the starting place to visit the most attractive boutique scenic spots in Zhangjiajie, such as Tianbo Mansion and Wulong Stronghold in Yangjiajie, which can be seen in the sky, the air corridor, the Grand Sightseeing Platform, the Fairy Bridge, the Son of Heaven, the gathering of the supernatural forces in the old house, and other elite scenic spots, I collected relevant information and personal experience of Zhangjiajie tourism and wrote the above strategy, hoping to help everyone. What is self-help travel? Answer: It is free from time restrictions, free from group travel, and full journey travel. Self help tourism can freely see many beautiful sceneries that can not be seen by participating in tourist groups. You don't need to go to places you don't want to go to to buy local specialties. It wastes a lot of time to go into jewelry stores. Zhangjiajie and Phoenix, the two popular scenic spots in the world, are like twin sisters, closely linked. this

Classification: Default classification |Comments: 1| read the whole passage (411)

Guide to self driving tour from Guigang to Zhangjiajie

[2012-09-23 10:45:00 | Author: zjjsqm | Origin: Original | Weather: Sunny]

Guigang, Guangxi -- Laibin City -- Liuzhou City -- Guilin -- Yongzhou, Hunan -- Hengyang -- Zhuzhou -- Yiyang -- Changde -- Cili -- the exit of Zhangjiajie urban expressway (never get off the expressway in "Yanghe") -- Take Provincial Highway S228 to pass Dayong Bridge -- Zhangjiajie urban Mingzu Middle School -- Toward Sangzhi -- Jiaoziya Town -- and then pass Xinglong and Zhonghu along a cement road, Buy tickets at Yangjiajie Ticket Station in Wulingyuan District, and then drive directly into the scenic spot. You can reach the destination within 10 minutes
The following points should be paid attention to by self driving tourists in Zhangjiajie:
1. The temperature difference between the scenic spot and the urban area is about 5 degrees. It is not an exaggeration to cover the scenic spot thin in summer;  
2. The less luggage the better, the lighter the better. It's better to bring an umbrella or rainproof clothes (you can also buy a raincoat once in the local area, 5-8 yuan for one piece). Because the weather in the mountains is unpredictable. In summer, you must take anti mosquito water. Prepare some simple medicines such as wet paper towels, Band Aids, anti-inflammatory tablets, anti diarrhea tablets (to prevent acclimatization) for disinfection; Shoes should wear anti-skid sports shoes, film, and more batteries. It is expensive to buy them in scenic spots.
3. Prepare a little dry food (it takes physical strength to climb mountains) to satisfy hunger. Bottled drinks and water (reduce travel expenses). Keep your money scattered. If you have a national general bank magnetic card, you'd better take it with you, as well as your ID card.
4. It's better to have several people together, so that many expenses can be shared equally, and they can take care of each other.
5. After leaving the railway station, do not chat up and listen to others. It is better to contact the guide in advance (the guide will come to pick you up). There are 6 bus routes to the bus station. You should take care of your belongings to prevent being picked up. There are many people in the tourist city, so be careful!
6. If there are students, the elderly (over 70), disabled, officers, provincial press cards, don't forget to bring them before going out, and you can enjoy the corresponding preferential tickets.
7. Zhangjiajie is famous for its mountains, so most of the time we climb mountains, so we must choose flat shoes. It's best to carry a backpack. No
The things in the suitcase will drag you down!
8. Self driving friends should be careful not to be fooled by the fake traffic police. As long as you don't drive a police car, those who take ordinary cars are all fake traffic police. You can ignore it. Most of them are under the pretext of helping you arrange accommodation and travel reception. Do not chat up!
9. It is reported that the weekly ticket system for Wulingyuan core scenic spot in Zhangjiajie has been implemented since April 25, 2010. According to the price standard approved by the Price Bureau of Hunan Province, the trial weekly ticket price is 298 yuan/person. Tourists can enter and leave the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie within one week with the weekly ticket. In addition, the current price of "one ticket for two days" for the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie remains unchanged at 245 yuan per person. If tourists who buy the "one ticket for two days" ticket need to increase the number of days to visit, they can make up the difference by referring to the "weekly ticket" price and extend the visit time to one week.
10. Friends visiting Zhangjiajie please don't take plastic bags with you during the tour (Macaques in Zhangjiajie like to grab bags from tourists, thinking there is something to eat in them) and lesbians should not wear red skirts to prevent exposure (Macaques are sensitive to red, and may pull your skirts)

What are the tourist attractions in Zhangjiajie?

Zhangjiajie gathers the scenery of the north and south, and has the beauty of mountains. There are more than 3000 strange peaks and rocks. It combines the six wonders of mountains, waters, rocks, clouds, animals and plants. It is beautiful, primitive, quiet, complete and fresh. It is famous for its strange peaks, rocks, blue streams and rare birds and animals. The mountain scenery here has a world-class crown: the World Geopark, the World Natural Heritage, etc. Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan core scenic spot (Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Tianzishan Nature Reserve, Yangjiajie Nature Reserve, Yuanjiajie Nature Reserve) is a place that tourists have to visit. The newly launched Tianmen Mountain is especially good at mountains.
Objectively speaking, Zhangjiajie's scenery is more appreciated than Guilin and Huangshan, and the reception facilities are quite complete. The tourism market is relatively mature, so it is feasible to join a group and travel by yourself. You can save a lot of things by joining the tourist group at the starting place, such as food, accommodation, transportation, etc., but it is not just about playing. Relatively speaking, many self funded projects and necessary shopping links are indispensable after joining the group. Moreover, if the guests do not contribute to the tour guide, they may not look good, which is impossible to change, because all the mature scenic spots in the country are receiving tour groups at zero cost or at a loss due to the competitive pressure, and the remuneration of the local agencies and tour guides basically comes from the secondary income of the tour guides. Moreover, it is not free to join a tourist group, and every place is just a quick glance. In addition, the contract for tourists to join a tour group is signed with the travel agency, but the executors are the destination travel agency and the destination tour guide. Inevitably, many errors will occur in the process, and travelers who want to have other trips beyond the contract after arriving at the destination cannot implement them. Contract modification is also very troublesome. It is precisely because of many restrictions on participating in tour groups that the current self-help travel is hot. Because self-help travel is unrestricted, unrestrained, and very free, it can be easily handled as long as you select a travel destination and contact the local self-help guide or hotel. Compared with other scenic spots in the country, Zhangjiajie has its own advantages in self-help tourism, that is, it is absolutely impossible to join the tourist group at the starting place to visit the most attractive boutique scenic spots in Zhangjiajie, such as Tianbo Mansion and Wulong Stronghold in Yangjiajie, which can be seen in the sky, the air corridor, the Grand Sightseeing Platform, the Fairy Bridge, the Son of Heaven, the gathering of the supernatural forces in the old house, and other elite scenic spots, I collected relevant information and personal experience of Zhangjiajie tourism and wrote the above strategy, hoping to help everyone. What is self-help travel? Answer: It is free from time restrictions, free from group travel, and full journey travel. Self help tourism can freely see many beautiful sceneries that cannot be seen by the tourist group. You don't need to go to places you don't want to go to to buy local specialties. You waste a lot of time in jewelry stores. Zhangjiajie and Phoenix, the two popular scenic spots in the world, are like twin sisters

Classification: Default classification |Comments: 1| read the whole passage (210)

Introduction to Self driving Tour Routes and Self service Tour Routes from Wuxi to Zhangjiajie Scenic Spot

[2012-07-20 21:33:00 | Author: zjjsqm | Origin | Weather: Sunny]

1. Wuxi - → Nanjing - → Hefei - → Buried Hill - → Huanggang - → Huangshi - → Wuhan - (via Beijing Zhuhai Expressway) → Changsha - (via Changsha Changsha Expressway) → Changde - (Changchang Zhangjiajie Expressway) → Zhangjiajie City

2. Wuxi - → Nanjing - → Hefei - → Qianshan - → Huanggang - → Huangshi - → Wuhan - (via Hanyi Expressway) → Jingzhou - → Public Security - → Lixian County in Hunan - → Shimen County - → Cili County - Zhangjiajie

3. Wuxi → Hangzhou → Quzhou → Yingtan → Nanchang → Pingxiang → Xiangtan → Changsha → Yiyang → Changde → Zhangjiajie

The following points should be paid attention to by the self driving tourists in Zhangjiajie:
1. The temperature difference between the scenic spot and the urban area is about 5 degrees. It is not an exaggeration to cover the scenic spot thin in summer;  
2. The less luggage the better, the lighter the better. It's better to bring an umbrella or rainproof clothes (you can also buy a raincoat once in the local area, 5-8 yuan for one piece). Because the weather in the mountains is unpredictable. In summer, you must take anti mosquito water. Prepare some simple medicines such as wet paper towels, Band Aids, anti-inflammatory tablets, anti diarrhea tablets (to prevent acclimatization) for disinfection; Shoes should wear anti-skid sports shoes, film, and more batteries. It is expensive to buy them in scenic spots.
3. Prepare a little dry food (it takes physical strength to climb mountains) to satisfy hunger. Bottled drinks and water (reduce travel expenses). Keep your money scattered. If you have a national general bank magnetic card, you'd better take it with you, as well as your ID card.
4. It's better to have several people together, so that many expenses can be shared equally, and they can take care of each other.
5. After leaving the railway station, do not chat up and listen to others. It is better to contact the guide in advance (the guide will come to pick you up). There are 6 bus routes to the bus station. You should take care of your belongings to prevent being picked up. There are many people in the tourist city, so be careful!
6. If there are students, the elderly (over 70), disabled, officers, provincial press cards, don't forget to bring them before going out, and you can enjoy the corresponding preferential tickets.
7. Zhangjiajie is famous for its mountains, so most of the time we climb mountains, so we must choose flat shoes. It's best to carry a backpack. No
The things in the suitcase will drag you down!
8. Self driving friends should be careful not to be fooled by the fake traffic police. As long as you don't drive a police car, those who take ordinary cars are all fake traffic police. You can ignore it. Most of them are under the pretext of helping you arrange accommodation and travel reception. Do not chat up!
9. It is reported that the weekly ticket system for Wulingyuan core scenic spot in Zhangjiajie has been implemented since April 25, 2010. According to the price standard approved by the Price Bureau of Hunan Province, the trial weekly ticket price is 298 yuan/person. Tourists can enter and leave the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie within one week with the weekly ticket. In addition, the current price of "one ticket for two days" for the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie remains unchanged at 245 yuan per person. If tourists who buy the "one ticket for two days" ticket need to increase the number of days to visit, they can make up the difference by referring to the "weekly ticket" price and extend the visit time to one week.
10. Friends visiting Zhangjiajie please don't take plastic bags with you during the tour (Macaques in Zhangjiajie like to grab bags from tourists, thinking there is something to eat in them) and lesbians should not wear red skirts to prevent exposure (Macaques are sensitive to red, and may pull your skirts)

What are the tourist attractions in Zhangjiajie?

Zhangjiajie gathers the scenery of the north and south, and has the beauty of mountains. There are more than 3000 strange peaks and rocks. It combines the six wonders of mountains, waters, rocks, clouds, animals and plants. It is beautiful, primitive, quiet, complete and fresh. It is famous for its strange peaks, rocks, blue streams and rare birds and animals. The mountain scenery here has a world-class crown: the World Geopark, the World Natural Heritage, etc. Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan core scenic spot (Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Tianzishan Nature Reserve, Yangjiajie Nature Reserve, Yuanjiajie Nature Reserve) is a place that tourists have to visit. The newly launched Tianmen Mountain is especially good at mountains.
Objectively speaking, Zhangjiajie's scenery is more appreciated than Guilin and Huangshan, and the reception facilities are quite complete. The tourism market is relatively mature, so it is feasible to join a group and travel by yourself. You can save a lot of things by joining the tourist group at the starting place, such as food, accommodation, transportation, etc., but it is not just about playing. Relatively speaking, many self funded projects and necessary shopping links are indispensable after joining the group. Moreover, if the guests do not contribute to the tour guide, they may not look good, which is impossible to change, because all the mature scenic spots in the country are receiving tour groups at zero cost or at a loss due to the competitive pressure, and the remuneration of the local agencies and tour guides basically comes from the secondary income of the tour guides. Moreover, it is not free to join a tourist group, and every place is just a quick glance. In addition, the contract for tourists to join a tour group is signed with the travel agency, but the executors are the destination travel agency and the destination tour guide. Inevitably, many errors will occur in the process, and travelers who want to have other trips beyond the contract after arriving at the destination cannot implement them. Contract modification is also very troublesome. It is precisely because of many restrictions on participating in tour groups that the current self-help travel is hot. Because self-help travel is unrestricted, unrestrained, and very free, it can be easily handled as long as you select a travel destination and contact the local self-help guide or hotel. Compared with other scenic spots in the country, Zhangjiajie has its own advantages in self-help tourism, that is, it is absolutely impossible to join the tourist group at the starting place to visit the most attractive boutique scenic spots in Zhangjiajie, such as Tianbo Mansion and Wulong Stronghold in Yangjiajie, which can be seen in the sky, the air corridor, the Grand Sightseeing Platform, the Fairy Bridge, the Son of Heaven, the gathering of the supernatural forces in the old house, and other elite scenic spots, I collected relevant information and personal experience of Zhangjiajie tourism and wrote the above strategy, hoping to help everyone. What is self-help travel? Answer: It is free from time restrictions, free from group travel, and full journey travel. Self service tourism can freely see many beautiful sceneries that can not be seen by participating in the tour group. You don't need to go to places you don't want to go to to buy local products. You waste a lot of time in jewelry stores. Zhangjiajie and Phoenix are two popular scenic spots in the world

Classification: Default classification |Comments: 1| read the whole passage (214)

The highlights of self driving tour routes and self-service tour routes from Shihezi and Urumqi to/from Zhangjiajie

[2012-07-20 21:32:00 | Author: zjjsqm | Origin | Weather: Sunny]

Shihezi's mode of transportation to Zhangjiajie:
1) No direct train from Urumqi to Zhengzhou, then transfer to 1645, K267, K967, K507 in Zhengzhou to Zhangjiajie

2) No direct flight from Urumqi to Changsha or Xi'an, and then transfer to Zhangjiajie in Changsha or Xi'an (recommended)
Transportation mode from Urumqi to Zhangjiajie:
1) There is no direct train from "Urumqi" to "Zhangjiajie", so it needs to be transferred. The transfer scheme is as follows:
1. Take the train from Urumqi to Zhengzhou to Zhengzhou
2. Take the train from Zhengzhou to Zhangjiajie to Zhangjiajie

From "Urumqi" to "Zhangjiajie" in Xinjiang, you can't take a direct train. You need to transfer from "Zhengzhou" or "Zhengzhou", but it is also troublesome. It takes more than 40 hours to reach Zhangjiajie, which is very tiring. Therefore, it is recommended to take a plane (every day) to Zhangjiajie and transfer from Changsha, which is convenient and time-saving.

2) There is no direct flight from Urumqi to Zhangjiajie. You need to transfer from Changsha:
1. Take the flight from Urumqi to Changsha to Changsha;
2. Take a bus from "Changsha" to "Zhangjiajie" (the whole journey is a high-speed bus, leaving every hour from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., 3.7 hours' drive) to Zhangjiajie

Urumqi is really far from Zhangjiajie. It takes more than 40 hours by train, so it is recommended to take a plane (there are flights every day, as shown in the figure above, and the shortest time is 4 hours to reach Changsha), and then transfer from Changsha. It takes 3.7 hours to take a high-speed bus from Changsha to Zhangjiajie (the whole high-speed bus, which leaves every hour from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.).

The following points should be paid attention to by self driving tourists in Zhangjiajie:
1. The temperature difference between the scenic spot and the urban area is about 5 degrees. It is not an exaggeration to cover the scenic spot thin in summer;  
2. The less luggage the better, the lighter the better. It's better to bring an umbrella or rainproof clothes (you can also buy a raincoat once in the local area, 5-8 yuan for one piece). Because the weather in the mountains is unpredictable. In summer, you must take anti mosquito water. Prepare some simple medicines such as wet paper towels, Band Aids, anti-inflammatory tablets, anti diarrhea tablets (to prevent acclimatization) for disinfection; Shoes should wear anti-skid sports shoes, film, and more batteries. It is expensive to buy them in scenic spots.
3. Prepare a little dry food (it takes physical strength to climb mountains) to satisfy hunger. Bottled drinks and water (reduce travel expenses). Keep your money scattered. If you have a national general bank magnetic card, you'd better take it with you, as well as your ID card.
4. It's better to have several people together, so that many expenses can be shared equally, and they can take care of each other.
5. After leaving the railway station, do not chat up and listen to others. It is better to contact the guide in advance (the guide will come to pick you up). There are 6 bus routes to the bus station. You should take care of your belongings to prevent being picked up. There are many people in the tourist city, so be careful!
6. If there are students, the elderly (over 70), disabled, officers, provincial press cards, don't forget to bring them before going out, and you can enjoy the corresponding preferential tickets.
7. Zhangjiajie is famous for its mountains, so most of the time we climb mountains, so we must choose flat shoes. It's best to carry a backpack. No
The things in the suitcase will drag you down!
8. Self driving friends should be careful not to be fooled by the fake traffic police. As long as you don't drive a police car, those who take ordinary cars are all fake traffic police. You can ignore it. Most of them are under the pretext of helping you arrange accommodation and travel reception. Do not chat up!
9. It is reported that the weekly ticket system for Wulingyuan core scenic spot in Zhangjiajie has been implemented since April 25, 2010. According to the price standard approved by the Price Bureau of Hunan Province, the trial weekly ticket price is 298 yuan/person. Tourists can enter and leave the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie within one week with the weekly ticket. In addition, the current price of "one ticket for two days" for the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie remains unchanged at 245 yuan per person. If tourists who buy the "one ticket for two days" ticket need to increase the number of days to visit, they can make up the difference by referring to the "weekly ticket" price and extend the visit time to one week.
10. Friends visiting Zhangjiajie please don't take plastic bags with you during the tour (Macaques in Zhangjiajie like to grab bags from tourists, thinking there is something to eat in them) and lesbians should not wear red skirts to prevent exposure (Macaques are sensitive to red, and may pull your skirts)

What are the tourist attractions in Zhangjiajie?

Zhangjiajie gathers the scenery of the north and south, and has the beauty of mountains. There are more than 3000 strange peaks and rocks. It combines the six wonders of mountains, waters, rocks, clouds, animals and plants. It is beautiful, primitive, quiet, complete and fresh. It is famous for its strange peaks, rocks, blue streams and rare birds and animals. The mountain scenery here has a world-class crown: the World Geopark, the World Natural Heritage, etc. Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan core scenic spot (Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Tianzishan Nature Reserve, Yangjiajie Nature Reserve, Yuanjiajie Nature Reserve) is a place that tourists have to visit. The newly launched Tianmen Mountain is especially good at mountains.
Objectively speaking, Zhangjiajie's scenery is more appreciated than Guilin and Huangshan, and the reception facilities are quite complete. The tourism market is relatively mature, so it is feasible to join a group and travel by yourself. You can save a lot of things by joining the tourist group at the starting place, such as food, accommodation, transportation, etc., but it is not just about playing. Relatively speaking, many self funded projects and necessary shopping links are indispensable after joining the group. Moreover, if the guests do not contribute to the tour guide, they may not look good, which is impossible to change, because all the mature scenic spots in the country are receiving tour groups at zero cost or at a loss due to the competitive pressure, and the remuneration of the local agencies and tour guides basically comes from the secondary income of the tour guides. Moreover, it is not free to join a tourist group, and every place is just a quick glance. In addition, tourists who participate in the contract of a tour group are with the travel agency

Classification: Default classification |Comments: 1| read the whole passage (254)

Self driving tour, self-help tour and route strategy from Ya'an to Zhangjiajie

[2012-07-20 21:31:00 | Author: zjjsqm | Source: original | Weather: sunny]

Ya'an, Sichuan -- Chengdu -- (Expressway) -- Suining -- (Expressway) -- Chongqing -- (Expressway) -- Fuling -- (Expressway) -- → Wulong -- (Expressway) -- → Pengshui -- (Expressway) -- → Qianjiang -- (National Highway) -- → Xianfeng -- (National Highway) -- → Longshan, Hunan -- (National Highway) ----→ Sangzhi County → Zhangjiajie -- Yangjiajie Ticket Station, Tianzishan Ticket Station. About 13 hours
The following points should be paid attention to by self driving tourists in Zhangjiajie:
1. The temperature difference between the scenic spot and the urban area is about 5 degrees. It is not an exaggeration to cover the scenic spot thin in summer;  
2. The less luggage the better, the lighter the better. It's better to bring an umbrella or rainproof clothes (you can also buy a raincoat once in the local area, 5-8 yuan for one piece). Because the weather in the mountains is unpredictable. In summer, you must take anti mosquito water. Prepare some simple medicines such as wet paper towels, Band Aids, anti-inflammatory tablets, anti diarrhea tablets (to prevent acclimatization) for disinfection; Shoes should wear anti-skid sports shoes, film, and more batteries. It is expensive to buy them in scenic spots.
3. Prepare a little dry food (it takes physical strength to climb the mountain) to satisfy hunger. Bottled drinks and water (reduce travel expenses). Keep the money scattered. If you have a national general bank magnetic card, you'd better take it with you, as well as your ID card.
4. It's better to have several people together, so that many expenses can be shared equally, and they can take care of each other.
5. After leaving the railway station, do not chat up and listen to others. It is better to contact the guide in advance (the guide will come to pick you up). There are 6 bus routes to the bus station. You should take care of your belongings to prevent being picked up. There are many people in the tourist city, so be careful!
6. If there are students, the elderly (over 70), disabled, officers, provincial press cards, don't forget to bring them before going out, and you can enjoy the corresponding preferential tickets.
7. Zhangjiajie is famous for its mountains, so most of the time we climb mountains, so we must choose flat shoes. It's best to carry a backpack. No
The things in the suitcase will drag you down!
8. Self driving friends should be careful not to be fooled by the fake traffic police. As long as you don't drive a police car, those who take ordinary cars are all fake traffic police. You can ignore it. Most of them are under the pretext of helping you arrange accommodation and travel reception. Do not chat up!
9. It is reported that the weekly ticket system for Wulingyuan core scenic spot in Zhangjiajie has been implemented since April 25, 2010. According to the price standard approved by the Price Bureau of Hunan Province, the trial weekly ticket price is 298 yuan/person. Tourists can enter and leave the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie within one week with the weekly ticket. In addition, the current price of "one ticket for two days" for the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie remains unchanged at 245 yuan per person. If tourists who buy the "one ticket for two days" ticket need to increase the number of days to visit, they can make up the difference by referring to the "weekly ticket" price and extend the visit time to one week.
10. Friends visiting Zhangjiajie please don't take plastic bags with you during the tour (Macaques in Zhangjiajie like to grab bags from tourists, thinking there is something to eat in them) and lesbians should not wear red skirts to prevent exposure (Macaques are sensitive to red, and may pull your skirts)

What are the tourist attractions in Zhangjiajie?

Zhangjiajie gathers the scenery of the north and south, and has the beauty of mountains. There are more than 3000 strange peaks and rocks. It combines the six wonders of mountains, waters, rocks, clouds, animals and plants. It is beautiful, primitive, quiet, complete and fresh. It is famous for its strange peaks, rocks, blue streams and rare birds and animals. The mountain scenery here has a world-class crown: the World Geopark, the World Natural Heritage, etc. Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan core scenic spot (Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Tianzishan Nature Reserve, Yangjiajie Nature Reserve, Yuanjiajie Nature Reserve) is a place that tourists have to visit. The newly launched Tianmen Mountain is especially good at mountains.
Objectively speaking, Zhangjiajie's scenery is more appreciated than Guilin and Huangshan, and the reception facilities are quite complete. The tourism market is relatively mature, so it is feasible to join a group and travel by yourself. You can save a lot of things by joining the tourist group at the starting place, such as food, accommodation, transportation, etc., but it is not just about playing. Relatively speaking, many self funded projects and necessary shopping links are indispensable after joining the group. Moreover, if the guests do not contribute to the tour guide, they may not look good, which is impossible to change, because all the mature scenic spots in the country are receiving tour groups at zero cost or at a loss due to the competitive pressure, and the remuneration of the local agencies and tour guides basically comes from the secondary income of the tour guides. Moreover, it is not free to join a tourist group, and every place is just a quick glance. In addition, the contract for tourists to join a tour group is signed with the travel agency, but the executors are the destination travel agency and the destination tour guide. Inevitably, many errors will occur in the process, and travelers who want to have other trips beyond the contract after arriving at the destination cannot implement them. Contract modification is also very troublesome. It is precisely because of many restrictions on participating in tour groups that the current self-help travel is hot. Because self-help travel is unrestricted, unrestrained, and very free, it can be easily handled as long as you select a travel destination and contact the local self-help guide or hotel. Compared with other scenic spots in the country, Zhangjiajie has its own advantages in self-help tourism, that is, it is absolutely impossible to join the tourist group at the starting place to visit the most attractive boutique scenic spots in Zhangjiajie, such as Tianbo Mansion and Wulong Stronghold in Yangjiajie, which can be seen in the sky, the air corridor, the Grand Sightseeing Platform, the Fairy Bridge, the Son of Heaven, the gathering of the supernatural forces in the old house, and other elite scenic spots, I collected relevant information and personal experience of Zhangjiajie tourism and wrote the above strategy, hoping to help everyone. What is self-help travel? Answer: It is free from time restrictions, free from group travel, and full journey travel. Self help tourism can freely see many beautiful sceneries that can not be seen by participating in tourist groups. You don't need to go to places you don't want to go to to buy local specialties. It wastes a lot of time to go into jewelry stores. Zhangjiajie and Phoenix, the two popular scenic spots in the world, are like twin sisters, closely linked. Here are self-help tourists

Classification: Default classification |Comments: 1| read the whole passage (235)

Boutique tour routes from Baoding, Zhangjiakou to/from Zhangjiajie

[2012-07-20 21:29:00 | Author: zjjsqm | Source: original | Weather: sunny]

Transportation mode from Baoding to Zhangjiajie:
1) Trains~~There are direct trains from Zhangjiajie Railway Station to Baoding, Hebei. Therefore, the recommended modes of transportation from Baoding, Hebei to Zhangjiajie are as follows:
Baoding Zhangjiajie Train Time: Baoding Zhangjiajie K967/K966/K507/K510
2) Airplane~Zhangjiajie Hehua Airport is a branch airport for domestic tourism, which is a 4D airport with direct flights to major cities in China. However, there is no direct flight from Baoding to Zhangjiajie, so the recommended modes of transportation are as follows: Baoding - (1-2 hours by train) - Shijiazhuang - (1 hour and 50 minutes by plane) - Changsha - (50 minutes by plane) - Zhangjiajie

Transportation mode from Zhangjiakou to Zhangjiajie:
1) Trains~~There are direct trains from Zhangjiajie Railway Station to Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, so you can travel from Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province to Zhangjiajie by train, and you can reach Zhangjiajie directly.
Zhangjiakou - (3-4h train) - Beijing (22-23h train) - Zhangjiajie Train Time: Zhangjiakou - Beijing - Zhangjiajie
Zhangjiakou Beijing Railway: K274/K275/K277/T284/T281
Train from Beijing to Zhangjiajie: K967/K966/k507/k510/K267

2) There is no direct flight from Zhangjiakou to Zhangjiajie! Need to fly from Beijing! Air China CA1359 departure time 18:25 (Beijing Capital Airport) arrival time 20:55 (Zhangjiajie Hehua Airport)

The following points should be paid attention to by self driving tourists in Zhangjiajie:
1. The temperature difference between the scenic spot and the urban area is about 5 degrees. It is not an exaggeration to cover the scenic spot thin in summer;  
2. The less luggage the better, the lighter the better. It's better to bring an umbrella or rainproof clothes (you can also buy a raincoat once in the local area, 5-8 yuan for one piece). Because the weather in the mountains is unpredictable. In summer, you must take anti mosquito water. Prepare some simple medicines such as wet paper towels, Band Aids, anti-inflammatory tablets, anti diarrhea tablets (to prevent acclimatization) for disinfection; Shoes should wear anti-skid sports shoes, film, and more batteries. It is expensive to buy them in scenic spots.
3. Prepare a little dry food (it takes physical strength to climb the mountain) to satisfy hunger. Bottled drinks and water (reduce travel expenses). Keep the money scattered. If you have a national general bank magnetic card, you'd better take it with you, as well as your ID card.
4. It's better to have several people together, so that many expenses can be shared equally, and they can take care of each other.
5. After leaving the railway station, do not chat up and listen to others. It is better to contact the guide in advance (the guide will come to pick you up). There are 6 bus routes to the bus station. You should take care of your belongings to prevent being picked up. There are many people in the tourist city, so be careful!
6. If there are students, the elderly (over 70), disabled, officers, provincial press cards, don't forget to bring them before going out, and you can enjoy the corresponding preferential tickets.
7. Zhangjiajie is famous for its mountains, so most of the time we climb mountains, so we must choose flat shoes. It's best to carry a backpack. No
The things in the suitcase will drag you down!
8. Self driving friends should be careful not to be fooled by the fake traffic police. As long as you don't drive a police car, those who take ordinary cars are all fake traffic police. You can ignore it. Most of them are under the pretext of helping you arrange accommodation and travel reception. Do not chat up!
9. It is reported that the weekly ticket system for Wulingyuan core scenic spot in Zhangjiajie has been implemented since April 25, 2010. According to the price standard approved by the Price Bureau of Hunan Province, the trial weekly ticket price is 298 yuan/person. Tourists can enter and leave the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie within one week with the weekly ticket. In addition, the current price of "one ticket for two days" for the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie remains unchanged at 245 yuan per person. If tourists who buy the "one ticket for two days" ticket need to increase the number of days to visit, they can make up the difference by referring to the "weekly ticket" price and extend the visit time to one week.
10. Friends visiting Zhangjiajie please don't take plastic bags with you during the tour (Macaques in Zhangjiajie like to grab bags from tourists, thinking there is something to eat in them) and lesbians should not wear red skirts to prevent exposure (Macaques are sensitive to red, and may pull your skirts)

What are the tourist attractions in Zhangjiajie?

Zhangjiajie gathers the scenery of the north and south, and has the beauty of mountains. There are more than 3000 strange peaks and rocks. It combines the six wonders of mountains, waters, rocks, clouds, animals and plants. It is beautiful, primitive, quiet, complete and fresh. It is famous for its strange peaks, rocks, blue streams and rare birds and animals. The mountain scenery here has a world-class crown: the World Geopark, the World Natural Heritage, etc. Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan core scenic spot (Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Tianzishan Nature Reserve, Yangjiajie Nature Reserve, Yuanjiajie Nature Reserve) is a place that tourists have to visit. The newly launched Tianmen Mountain is especially good at mountains.
Objectively speaking, Zhangjiajie's scenery is more appreciated than Guilin and Huangshan, and the reception facilities are quite complete. The tourism market is relatively mature, so it is feasible to join a group and travel by yourself. You can save a lot of things by joining the tourist group at the starting place, such as food, accommodation, transportation, etc., but it is not just about playing. Relatively speaking, many self funded projects and necessary shopping links are indispensable after joining the group. Moreover, if the guests do not contribute to the tour guide, they may not look good, which is impossible to change, because all the mature scenic spots in the country are receiving tour groups at zero cost or at a loss due to the competitive pressure, and the remuneration of the local agencies and tour guides basically comes from the secondary income of the tour guides. Moreover, it is not free to join a tourist group, and every place is just a quick glance. In addition, the contract for tourists to join a tour group is signed with the travel agency, but the executors are the destination travel agency and the destination tour guide. Inevitably, many errors will occur in the process, and travelers who want to have other trips beyond the contract after arriving at the destination cannot implement them. Contract modification is also very troublesome. Because

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