Hainan Liao Ge

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[2006-08-24 13:07:00 | Author: liao bb | Source: original | Weather: no weather record]

Classification: Hainan Sanbao [photo album] |Comments: 1| read the whole passage (2432)

The bitterness behind the national treasure legend Hua Limu

[2006-08-24 12:06:00 | Author: liao bb | Source: repost | Weather: cloudy]

Huanghua pear: Huanghua pear, also known as Dalbergia odorifera, is mainly produced in Hainan Province, China. It belongs to the genus Dalbergia, subfamily Pterocarpae, leguminous plant, and is the main material for furniture in the Ming and early Qing dynasties.

Huanghua pear has solid wood, from light yellow to purple red, bright color, clear texture, and fragrance. When sawed, it is fragrant.

The preferred material for furniture in the Ming and Qing dynasties was Huanghua pear wood. The color of this material was not static, but its texture was hidden or visible, and it was vivid and changeable. Huanghua pear had no such name in ancient times, but only "Hua pear", or "Hua palm". Later, it was titled "Huang", mainly to distinguish the so-called "New Hua pear", which is still widely used to make furniture. Its distinctive feature is that there are grimaces on the pattern surface, that is, the tree knot is the best, and the flower with thick color and light color is low. Another feature is that the heartwood is very different from sapwood. Its heartwood is reddish brown to dark reddish brown or purplish reddish brown, with uneven depth, often with dark brown stripes, and its sapwood is grayish yellow brown or light yellow brown.

Classification: Default classification |Tribe: Flying in Hainan | Comment: 2| read the whole passage (1836)

Interpreting the Eight Monsters of Hainan's Major Versions

[2006-08-24 11:49:00 | Author: liao bb | Source: repost | Weather: sunny]

During the tour in Hainan, almost all tourists will hear various versions of Hainan's "Eight Monsters" and other jingles from the tour guides. These jingles sound very interesting and will leave a deep impression on tourists. The "Eight Strangers of Hainan" and other jingles compiled by everyone are not very rational and comprehensive, but they reflect the image of Hainan in the eyes of foreign tourists to some extent.

Classification: Default classification |Tribe: Flying in Hainan | Comment: 1| read the whole passage (1676)

Lingshan, Xiushui, Jianfengling

[2006-08-24 11:23:00 | Author: liao bb | Source: repost | Weather: rain]

Jianfengling National Forest Park is one of the "ten most beautiful forests in China", and also the only national forest park in China that connects mountains and seas. Its tropical rainforest is as complete and primitive as the world famous South American Amazon tropical rainforest. It enjoys the reputation of "gene bank of tropical northern edge species", "tropical cool mountain", "Hainan oxygen bar", "animal paradise", "bird paradise", etc
The peak rainforest can be called the most in China and even the world, and the rainforest valley is a wonderful flower blooming in the peak rainforest --- a treasure land of geomancy, occupying a lot of land; After vicissitudes of life, it still has infinite vitality; The beautiful appearance can hardly hide its full wildness; There are endless mysteries and wonders hidden in the seclusion. When you step into it, you can see the clouds on the mountain peaks, the winding paths in the dense forests, the gurgling springs in the valleys, the dangerous rocks on the beaches, the strange grass and flowers, and the blurred light and shadow. It is just "one day in different seasons, ten miles in different days"
The annual average temperature here is about 20 degrees Celsius, and the content of negative oxygen ions in the air is up to 20000 to 100000/cubic centimeter. Every mountain, water, grass and tree is full of "magic" of health care, which is the "Holy Land" of modern people's health care. Here, your body and mind can be fully recuperated, and life extension is no longer a fantasy, and your soul will return to its original state in the natural bath

Classification: Default classification |Tribe: Flying in Hainan | Comment: 1| read the whole passage (2386)

Hainan Wren

[2006-04-22 16:22:00 | Author: liao bb | Source: repost | Weather: sunny]

Wrens are produced in Yunnan, Guangxi Hainan Island In the fields of other areas, I like to live in a crowded place. It belongs to Passeriformes and Starlings in classification. Others call it Hainan Wren , Qin Jiniao, etc. The wren has orange beak, two bright yellow pendulums on its head, black and shiny feathers, and a beautiful posture. Wrens lay 2-4 eggs per nest, and can reproduce 1-4 nests a year. The egg is grayish white with brown spots. The hatching is mainly undertaken by female birds, and the incubation period is about 15 days. The nestling is jointly nurtured by both parents. It takes about one week to open its eyes, two weeks to grow feathers, and one month to go out of the nest and move independently.
Wrens are better at learning human language than starlings and parrots. Adult wrens have a strong imitation ability. They can learn a simple human language in only one week. The poet Bai Juyi praised it: "The ears are intelligent, the heart is intelligent and the heart is skillful, and there is no barrier between birds and human speech". Wrens have long been domesticated as cage birds. Its song is loud and clear, full of melody, and also good at imitating the calls of other birds and animals. The wren learns not only the sound but also the tone. Can learn sharp female voice and rich male voice, and speak clearly.

Classification: Default classification |Tribe: Flying in Hainan | Comment: 0| read the whole passage (2104)



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  • Registration date: April 15, 2006
  • City: Haikou


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