Hainan Liao Ge

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Hainan Huanghuali Furniture Appreciated 400 Times in 7 Years Suspected of Human hype

[2010-04-23 11:33:00 | Author: liao bb | Source: original | Weather: sunny]

On April 20, Wu Xinjian, General Manager of Beijing Feiyu Trading Co., Ltd. Jinfei Redwood Furniture Factory, held a press conference at his office in Qiliqu Village, Xiaotangshan, Changping, Beijing, "Huanghua pear is fragrant wood", and formally announced at the conference that according to the identification results of the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, Huanghua pear is fragrant wood.

Previously, on March 15, the Daily Economic News published the article "Huanghuali Furniture is too hard to make money, even harder than real estate", which reported that the company had a dispute with customers about the source of boards after selling Hainan Huanghuali furniture worth 8.6 million yuan. Since the court was unable to make a judgment because it was unable to identify the origin, the incident seemed to be a mystery of "the public said that the public was reasonable, and the woman said that the woman was reasonable". Industry insiders believe that Wu Xinjian tried to end the long-standing debate on Hainan Huanghuali (commonly known as Haihuang) furniture and Vietnam Huanghuali (commonly known as Yuehuang) furniture through this press conference, which also ended the crisis of the company. However, after interviewing the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences and more experts, the reporter found that the truth is still far from us.

Gold (1140.40, -2.50, -0.22%) for wood to push up the price of Yellow Sea

On March 16, the day after the publication of the report "Huanghuali Furniture is too hard to make money, harder than real estate", Wu Xinjian found the reporter of the Daily Economic News and reported to the reporter that the abnormally high price of Hainan Huanghuali furniture was the result of speculation by unscrupulous businessmen.

"When I first engaged in the trade of Huanghua pear wood furniture, the price was almost the same whether it was Haihuang or Yuehuang, but later someone maliciously hyped it up." Wu Xinjian said that in 2002, the price of materials like Haihuang and Yuehuang was about 20000 yuan per ton. "Since the second half of 2002, some people have started to maliciously hype Hainan Huanghua Pear. By means of newspapers, television, false news and other means, the so-called Haihuang has been hyped from 20000 yuan per ton to 8 million yuan, but ordinary materials above 4 million yuan per ton have never been sold."

Wu Xinjian told reporters that the driver behind the operation was an advertising company. At first, he came to him, but he didn't accept it. Later, another enterprise hyped it up.

Another enterprise that Wu Xinjian refers to is Yuanhengli Classical Furniture Co., Ltd., which is successfully engaged in mahogany furniture trade in Beijing. Yang Bo, the general manager of the company, told reporters that the increase in the price of Hainan Huanghua pear wood furniture is a normal reflection of the market. On the one hand, there are fewer and fewer Haihuang raw materials, and on the other hand, there are more and more people with purchasing power, so the price will naturally rise. "If there are still a lot of Haihuang, it is hype to raise the price through the same way as the current house speculation and garlic speculation a while ago. But this is not the case, and the main reason is that resources are indeed scarce."

However, according to the reporter, Yang Bo once did an influential activity in Beijing in January 2007 - "gold for wood". It was reported that at that time, Yang Bo publicly publicized the collection of Hainan rosewood furniture from the people, saying that rolling pins, old pot covers, lame stools, etc. could all become treasures, which could be exchanged for gold bars of equal value by weight. Yang Bo told the reporter: "The purpose of exchanging gold for wood is to arouse the awareness of social protection of Haihuang. Haihuang is on the verge of extinction and is as precious as gold." However, according to insiders, the result of this activity is that none of the gold bars have been exchanged, but the price of Haihuang has been raised.

Is Vietnam Huanghua Pear a fragrant wood?

Wu Xinjian also told the reporter that at the beginning of his furniture business, he also followed the trend to mark Hainan Huanghua Pear Wood and Vietnam Huanghua Pear Wood. Later, he found that the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences could only identify it as fragrant wood, and he no longer clearly marked it as sea yellow or yellow, but only as fragrant wood. "Whether it is Haihuang or Yuehuang, the Academy of Forest Sciences can only identify it as Xiangzhimu. If you don't believe it, you can ask."

According to the report published by the Daily Economic News, among the Hainan Huanghua pear wood furniture sold in April and July 2008, Wu's enterprises marked the scientific name of Hainan Huanghua pear wood "Dalbergia odorifera" on the quality certificate and delivery note.

It is understood that Hainan Huanghua pear is just a common name, and its scientific name is "Dalbergia odorifera". In the national standard for rosewood formulated by the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, Dalbergia odorifera is classified as fragrant wood. Yang Jiaju, a professor of the Academy of Forestry Sciences and the main drafter of the national standard of Chinese rosewood, who is known as the "first person of Chinese rosewood", told reporters on April 21 that there was only Dalbergia odorifera in the category of incense sticks, and Dalbergia odorifera was the incense sticks.

Yang Jiaju said that when he first formulated the national mahogany standard, he separated Dalbergia odorifera from rosewood and named it as fragrant wood according to the long-standing custom of Guangdong furniture manufacturers. "As long as it is identified as fragrant wood, it is Hainan Huanghua Pear and Dalbergia odorifera."

As for the practice that some people also identified Vietnam Huanghua Pear as fragrant wood, Yang Jiaju said that Vietnam Huanghua Pear was a kind of rosewood after the promulgation of the national standard for rosewood. Someone found that Vietnam Huanghua Pear was similar to Sea Yellow in material, color and fragrance, so they named it "Vietnam Huanghua Pear". In fact, it was not a rosewood at all, let alone fragrant wood. "Hainan Huanghua Pear is a cultural phenomenon, which has been widely used in China for hundreds of years and thousands of years. However, Vietnam Huanghua Pear was introduced after the promulgation of the national standard for rosewood, aiming to sell at a high price."

But even among experts, opinions are not completely consistent. Jiang Xiaomei, a researcher of the Wood Industry Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences and one of the drafters of the national standard for rosewood, told reporters that from the perspective of slices, Hainan Huanghua Pear and Vietnam Huanghua Pear have similar cell and tissue structures, so in general, Hainan Huanghua Pear and Vietnam Huanghua Pear are identified as fragrant trees. "Whether Vietnam Huanghua Pear is really an incense tree or not, now we can only maintain the standards we set and maintain the rules of the game."

The differences remain, and the truth is still unclear

Wu Xinjian told reporters that the purpose of this press conference is to invite Hainan Huanghuali down from the "altar". third person

Classification: Default classification |Tribe: Flying in Hainan | Comment: 1| read the whole passage (655)

Professionalization of "business travel housekeeper" (speech)

[2010-03-15 15:15:00 | Author: liao bb | Source: original | Weather: sunny]

Distinguished leaders and guests
How do you do! ­
The annual meeting is coming again. It was originally said that this annual meeting would be postponed because of the H1N1 flu, but it must be held as usual because of your warm appeal. Finally, this long-awaited meeting was successfully ushered in. Through this event, we only have gratitude and greater motivation to work together in the future! Thank you! (Bowing)
I think you are no stranger to the business travel industry. The business travel industry has been advocating the realization of four modernizations: "large-scale operation, professional service, diversified business and modern management". We also know more or less, but now there are all kinds of ways, so how can we really realize the four modernizations of business travel? Do we have these conditions? How do we do that? How can we get out of the current bottleneck situation of capital fault, declining business volume, serious brain drain, poor integrity and so on? What is our goal in the end? I will tell you my understanding of these issues through my valuable time here, and I would like to start an in-depth discussion with you and other professionals in the industry. ­
1、 Large scale operation
When it comes to scale and business travel industry, what do you think of first? Ctrip? Flying? The original Lesda? But have you ever thought that we should be the first to think about ourselves. We already have the strength to operate on a large scale. Why didn't we let people know and understand before them? Whether the resources have been fully integrated and utilized, and whether they have kept pace with the idea and pace of Chairman Li Qiang. ­
After many years of cooperation with the business travel platform, I believe you can deeply understand the company's protection principles for core suppliers, and there are always ideas and practices that should be brought to core suppliers. In fact, these are all to enable everyone to jointly realize the "large-scale operation" of business travel. ­
All the chairmen, general managers, and key cadres here have taken the trouble to come to Chengdu under the working condition of daily management. On behalf of our company, the society, and the business travel stewards who will dominate the business travel in the future, I would like to express my thanks to you! (Bowing)
2、 Service specialization
Our business travel platform is the first B2B electronic business travel trading platform launched in China. As early as January 2006, it was awarded the "Certificate of High tech Enterprise". With the support of the technical team and all of you, our technology has always been in a leading position, which shows one of the service specialization: technology specialization. ­
Everyone here and all the suppliers on the business travel platform are among the top three in the local market. The elite backbone in the ticketing field, which dominates the ticketing market everywhere, will also choose to participate in the business travel platform because they share the same ideas with the business travel platform's operation philosophy and overall planning, which is earlier than other businesses to understand the essence of business travel. No matter what project you do, as long as you do it, you will be specialized and refined, holding the belief of "sharpening a sword in ten years". Others believe that "three months see the direction, half a year decide the life and death". If we really believe that, we should also adhere to "seven years see the direction, ten years decide the life and death". To be honest, if I had not been so persistent, I would not have this opportunity to meet you here in this way and share my business travel steward operation experience summarized by years of hard work. These are enough to show our service specialization: project specialization. ­
In China, the most difficult thing is the management of "people", especially for the current situation, such as low economy and talent return. But for us, I think it is the best time. The stability of our platform in all aspects is definitely the best in China. We have painstakingly set up a business travel service highway green channel for many years. Users can use it for free for life, and finally achieve the four in one of "operating system+management system+self-service machine+people", achieving high transparency and flexibility, and naturally forming a national Global distance efficient communication and scheduling system. "People", both for business travel platforms and electronic business travel, will eventually retire to the second tier, simplifying complex things. However, people's retreat to the second tier does not mean that talent is not important. On the contrary, talent is quite important. We only need stable talents with high comprehensive quality who can fully exert their internal potential, and a salary system that guarantees the bottom and does not cap the top, so that talents have unlimited room for development. Let's wait for them in every city! Keep them! Appreciate them! Cherish them! To prove to them, the society, the country and the world that our business travel service model is the most correct. This highlights the third aspect of service specialization: pattern specialization. ­
3、 Business diversification
At present, whether in the air ticket industry, the hotel industry, the tourism industry, the car rental industry, etc., they are all aware of the squeeze on everyone caused by the problems of single products, services that can not keep up with, and the increasingly transparent market. The core problem is the single product. Now the world is shouting about transformation, transformation, of course, understand, how to change? How is it right to turn? How can we turn on the bright road? ­
First of all, we all know that a single business travel should lead to a relatively comprehensive one-stop service. At the current level of understanding, we all see that there are three major areas: air tickets, hotels and tourism. But is it feasible to stay only in these three projects for one-stop service of business travel? What will be the demand for more high-end business travel housekeepers? I think everyone's answer is affirmative: infeasible and unsatisfied. ­
Everyone knows that it is infeasible and unsatisfying. What can we do to make it feasible, and how can we satisfy the more high-end business travel butler customer base? I believe that the only way to go is to continuously reorganize business travel projects, optimize products, improve service quality, integrate national business travel resources, and quickly connect with global business travel information. Let all suppliers understand that our model is not what suppliers traditionally think. Tell us about online prices

Classification: Default classification |Tribe: Flying in Hainan | Comment: 1| read the whole passage (954)

The Value of "Nanhai I"

[2008-03-10 14:46:00 | Author: liao bb | Source: original | Weather: no weather record]

Classification: Nanming Qidian [Photo Album] |Comments: 3| read the whole passage (1866)

Dive into the South China Sea

[2008-02-04 14:04:00 | Author: liao bb | Source: repost | Weather: cloudy]

   The beautiful Hainan Island, surrounded by the sun and waves, is kissed by the waves of the South China Sea every day.

The vast South China Sea has attracted the attention of human exploration with its rich and diverse fish and benthic creatures. The widely distributed tropical ornamental fish in the South China Sea has already become the owners of major aquariums across the country. Their graceful figure floats in the aquarium, allowing people to enjoy their beautiful clothes. Tropical marine ornamental fish is the most promising ornamental fish in the world, and the rich and diverse ornamental fish and other benthic organisms in the South China Sea attract more and more underwater explorers. In many TV feature films, the beautiful fish watching at the bottom of the sea appear frequently, allowing people to enjoy the wonderful scene of mermaid.

With the footage and narration of Ma Xiaogang, the producer of the TV feature film "Ten Years of Diving", we will dive into the South China Sea to watch the beautiful fish and embark on the wonderful ocean journey of the Shanghai Underworld. In the magnificent underwater world, the green shade of seaweed spreads gently. The tropical sea water ornamental fish with different shapes, such as the conjugal fish, the three-point white, the silver backed clown, and the red flower dan, show you the underwater smart style.

Classification: Default classification |Tribe: Flying in Hainan | Comment: 3| read the whole passage (2203)

[Past events in Hainan] Tide rise and fall

[January 18, 2008 15:17:00 | Author: liao bb | Source: repost | Weather: sunny]

On April 13, 1988, the First Session of the Seventh National People's Congress adopted the Decision on the Establishment of Hainan Province and the Resolution on the Establishment of Hainan Special Economic Zone; On April 26, 1988, the CPC Hainan Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Hainan Province were officially listed. Since then, Hainan has become the youngest province and the largest special economic zone in China, and its development has entered a new historical period.

Classification: Default classification |Tribe: Flying in Hainan | Comment: 1| read the whole passage (1824)

Hainan place names with profound connotation are living fossils of island history and culture

[2007-12-01 13:10:00 | Author: liao bb | Source: repost | Weather: sunny]

Place names are the product of history, with its own cultural identity and continuity. In particular, the place names with a long history, with profound historical culture, unique geographical culture and simple local cultural connotation, are valuable national cultural heritage. At the 9th United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names held recently, geographical names were identified as intangible cultural heritage, which is applicable to the Convention for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
In view of the phenomenon of randomly changing place names in China in recent years, Liu Baoquan, the Chinese chairman of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names and the director of the China Institute of Geographical Names, pointed out that although there was some truth in changing and abandoning ancient place names in the context of the time, it was rarely reasonable to put them into the long history of the Chinese nation, which would substantially cause serious damage to historical and cultural resources. It is worrisome and distressing that Hainan has also changed its name in recent years, which has led to the disappearance and loss of some places with historical evolution and etymological culture. It is urgent to strengthen the protection of geographical names and cultural heritage.

Classification: Default classification |Tribe: Flying in Hainan | Comment: 3| read the whole passage (3178)

Hainan Ring Road Cycling Race Going Global

[2007-11-13 12:57:00 | Author: liao bb | Source: original | Weather: no weather record]

Classification: Flying in Hainan [photo album] |Comments: 1| read the whole passage (2564)

A section of Hainan Huanghuali is worth 34.88 million yuan for a car and a set of furniture

[2007-11-11 13:48:00 | Author: liao bb | Source: original | Weather: no weather record]

Classification: Hainan Sanbao [photo album] |Comments: 37| read the whole passage (9310)

It's hard for a thousand girls to find rosewood, and behind the wealth of the first village of Huanghuali in Hainan

[2007-10-27 16:25:00 | Author: liao bb | Source: repost | Weather: no weather record]

Classification: Hainan Sanbao [photo album] |Comments: 11| read the whole passage (7321)

Hainan Wenchang Base, the southernmost space launch center in China

[2007-10-23 15:33:00 | Author: liao bb | Source: repost | Weather: sunny]

Although the "Chang'e-1" has not yet been launched, people have begun to care about where the "Chang'e-2" and "Chang'e-3" will be launched. The news from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center yesterday showed that the "Chang'e Fairy" may leave Xichang and continue its journey to the moon in Wenchang, Hainan!

A department head of the Xichang Satellite Launch Center told reporters that "Chang'e-3" would definitely be transferred to Wenchang, Hainan for launch, and "Chang'e-2" would also choose the launch site according to the situation. The person in charge said that after the completion of the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center in Hainan, the Xichang Satellite Base may become a part of the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center. After the "Chang'e-1" launch mission is completed, they may be diverted to work in Hainan!

It is reported that Wenchang Satellite Launch Center will be mainly prepared by Xichang Satellite Launch Center. The Xichang Base also specially invited some party and government officials from Wenchang, Hainan to visit.

Why did the "moon exploration project" move to Hainan? The person in charge revealed that the launch power requirements of Chang'e-1 are not high at present, so the mission can be completed by choosing the "Long March 3A" rocket with more mature launch technology. However, after the second phase of the "Chang'e" project, the demand for rocket power has greatly increased, and the more powerful and advanced "Long March 5" rocket needs to be selected for launch. However, the railway to Xichang at present can only transport rockets with a diameter of more than 3 meters due to tunnel reasons. The diameter of the "Long March 5" rocket may exceed 5 meters, and it cannot be transported in at all. In contrast, Wenchang does not have this problem. It can be transported by water, whether from Beijing to Tianjin Port or from Shanghai, and the size of the rocket is not a problem. In addition, the lower the latitude, the smaller the power required for launch, and the easier it is to launch.

Classification: Default classification |Tribe: Flying in Hainan | Comment: 1| read the whole passage (2346)



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