Hainan Liao Ge

Hainan Huanghuali Furniture Appreciated 400 Times in 7 Years Suspected of Human hype[ Previous ]

[2013-10-17 23:34:00 | Author: liao bb | Origin | Weather: Sunny] Font: large in Small

On April 20, Wu Xinjian, General Manager of Beijing Feiyu Trading Co., Ltd. Jinfei Redwood Furniture Factory, held a press conference at his office in Qiliqu Village, Xiaotangshan, Changping, Beijing, "Huanghua pear is fragrant wood", and formally announced at the conference that according to the identification results of the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, Huanghua pear is fragrant wood. Previously, on March 15, the Daily Economic News published the article "Huanghuali Furniture is too hard to make money, even harder than real estate", which reported that the company had a dispute with customers about the source of boards after selling Hainan Huanghuali furniture worth 8.6 million yuan. Since the court was unable to make a judgment because it was unable to identify the origin, the incident seemed to be a mystery of "the public said that the public was reasonable, and the woman said that the woman was reasonable". Industry insiders believe that Wu Xinjian tried to end the long-standing debate on Hainan Huanghuali (commonly known as Haihuang) furniture and Vietnam Huanghuali (commonly known as Yuehuang) furniture through this press conference, which also ended the crisis of the company. However, after interviewing the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences and more experts, the reporter found that the truth is still far from us. Gold (1140.40, -2.50, -0.22%) for wood to push up the price of Yellow Sea On March 16, the day after the publication of the report "Huanghuali Furniture is too hard to make money, harder than real estate", Wu Xinjian found the reporter of the Daily Economic News and reported to the reporter that the abnormally high price of Hainan Huanghuali furniture was the result of speculation by unscrupulous businessmen. "When I first engaged in the trade of Huanghua pear wood furniture, the price was almost the same whether it was Haihuang or Yuehuang, but later someone maliciously hyped it up." Wu Xinjian said that in 2002, the price of materials like Haihuang and Yuehuang was about 20000 yuan per ton. "Since the second half of 2002, some people have started to maliciously hype Hainan Huanghua Pear. By means of newspapers, television, false news and other means, the so-called Haihuang has been hyped from 20000 yuan per ton to 8 million yuan, but ordinary materials above 4 million yuan per ton have never been sold." Wu Xinjian told reporters that the driver behind the operation was an advertising company. At first, he came to him, but he didn't accept it. Later, another enterprise hyped it up. Another enterprise that Wu Xinjian refers to is Yuanhengli Classical Furniture Co., Ltd., which is successfully engaged in mahogany furniture trade in Beijing. Yang Bo, the general manager of the company, told reporters that the increase in the price of Hainan Huanghua pear wood furniture is a normal reflection of the market. On the one hand, there are fewer and fewer Haihuang raw materials, and on the other hand, there are more and more people with purchasing power, so the price will naturally rise. "If there are still a lot of Haihuang, it is hype to raise the price through the same way as the current house speculation and garlic speculation a while ago. But this is not the case, and the main reason is that resources are indeed scarce." However, according to the reporter, Yang Bo once did an influential activity in Beijing in January 2007 - "gold for wood". It was reported that at that time, Yang Bo publicly publicized the collection of Hainan rosewood furniture from the people, saying that rolling pins, old pot covers, lame stools, etc. could all become treasures, which could be exchanged for gold bars of equal value by weight. Yang Bo told the reporter: "The purpose of exchanging gold for wood is to arouse the awareness of social protection of Haihuang. Haihuang is on the verge of extinction and is as precious as gold." However, according to insiders, the result of this activity is that none of the gold bars have been exchanged, but the price of Haihuang has been raised. Is Vietnam Huanghua Pear a fragrant wood? Wu Xinjian also told the reporter that at the beginning of his furniture business, he also followed the trend to mark Hainan Huanghua Pear Wood and Vietnam Huanghua Pear Wood. Later, he found that the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences could only identify it as fragrant wood, and he no longer clearly marked it as sea yellow or yellow, but only as fragrant wood. "Whether it is Haihuang or Yuehuang, the Academy of Forest Sciences can only identify it as Xiangzhimu. If you don't believe it, you can ask." According to the report published by the Daily Economic News, among the Hainan Huanghua pear wood furniture sold in April and July 2008, Wu's enterprises marked the scientific name of Hainan Huanghua pear wood "Dalbergia odorifera" on the quality certificate and delivery note. It is understood that Hainan Huanghua pear is just a common name, and its scientific name is "Dalbergia odorifera". In the national standard for rosewood formulated by the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, Dalbergia odorifera is classified as fragrant wood. Yang Jiaju, a professor of the Academy of Forestry Sciences and the main drafter of the national standard of Chinese rosewood, who is known as the "first person of Chinese rosewood", told reporters on April 21 that there was only Dalbergia odorifera in the category of incense sticks, and Dalbergia odorifera was the incense sticks. Yang Jiaju said that when he first formulated the national mahogany standard, he separated Dalbergia odorifera from rosewood and named it as fragrant wood according to the long-standing custom of Guangdong furniture manufacturers. "As long as it is identified as fragrant wood, it is Hainan Huanghua Pear and Dalbergia odorifera." As for the practice that some people also identified Vietnam Huanghua Pear as fragrant wood, Yang Jiaju said that Vietnam Huanghua Pear was a kind of rosewood after the promulgation of the national standard for rosewood. Someone found that Vietnam Huanghua Pear was similar to Sea Yellow in material, color and fragrance, so they named it "Vietnam Huanghua Pear". In fact, it was not a rosewood at all, let alone fragrant wood. "Hainan Huanghua Pear is a cultural phenomenon, which has been widely used in China for hundreds of years and thousands of years. However, Vietnam Huanghua Pear was introduced after the promulgation of the national standard for rosewood, aiming to sell at a high price." But even among experts, opinions are not completely consistent. Jiang Xiaomei, a researcher of the Wood Industry Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences and one of the drafters of the national standard for rosewood, told reporters that from the perspective of slices, Hainan Huanghua Pear and Vietnam Huanghua Pear have similar cell and tissue structures, so in general, Hainan Huanghua Pear and Vietnam Huanghua Pear are identified as fragrant trees. "Whether Vietnam Huanghua Pear is really an incense tree or not, now we can only maintain the standards we set and maintain the rules of the game." The differences remain, and the truth is still unclear Wu Xinjian told reporters that the purpose of this press conference is to invite Hainan Huanghuali down from the "altar". third person
On April 20, Wu Xinjian, General Manager of Beijing Feiyu Trading Co., Ltd. Jinfei Redwood Furniture Factory, held a press conference at his office in Qiliqu Village, Xiaotangshan, Changping, Beijing, "Huanghua pear is fragrant wood", and formally announced at the conference that according to the identification results of the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, Huanghua pear is fragrant wood.

Previously, on March 15, the Daily Economic News published the article "Huanghuali Furniture is too hard to make money, even harder than real estate", which reported that the company had a dispute with customers about the source of boards after selling Hainan Huanghuali furniture worth 8.6 million yuan. Since the court was unable to make a judgment because it was unable to identify the origin, the incident seemed to be a mystery of "the public said that the public was reasonable, and the woman said that the woman was reasonable". Industry insiders believe that Wu Xinjian tried to end the long-standing debate on Hainan Huanghuali (commonly known as Haihuang) furniture and Vietnam Huanghuali (commonly known as Yuehuang) furniture through this press conference, which also ended the crisis of the company. However, after interviewing the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences and more experts, the reporter found that the truth is still far from us.

Gold (1140.40, -2.50, -0.22%) for wood to push up the price of Yellow Sea

On March 16, the day after the publication of the report "Huanghuali Furniture is too hard to make money, harder than real estate", Wu Xinjian found the reporter of the Daily Economic News and reported to the reporter that the abnormally high price of Hainan Huanghuali furniture was the result of speculation by unscrupulous businessmen.

"When I first engaged in the trade of Huanghua pear wood furniture, the price was almost the same whether it was Haihuang or Yuehuang, but later someone maliciously hyped it up." Wu Xinjian said that in 2002, the price of materials like Haihuang and Yuehuang was about 20000 yuan per ton. "Since the second half of 2002, some people have started to maliciously hype Hainan Huanghua Pear. By means of newspapers, television, false news and other means, the so-called Haihuang has been hyped from 20000 yuan per ton to 8 million yuan, but ordinary materials above 4 million yuan per ton have never been sold."

Wu Xinjian told reporters that the driver behind the operation was an advertising company. At first, he came to him, but he didn't accept it. Later, another enterprise hyped it up.

Another enterprise that Wu Xinjian refers to is Yuanhengli Classical Furniture Co., Ltd., which is successfully engaged in mahogany furniture trade in Beijing. Yang Bo, the general manager of the company, told reporters that the increase in the price of Hainan Huanghua pear wood furniture is a normal reflection of the market. On the one hand, there are fewer and fewer Haihuang raw materials, and on the other hand, there are more and more people with purchasing power, so the price will naturally rise. "If there are still a lot of Haihuang, it is hype to raise the price through the same way as the current house speculation and garlic speculation a while ago. But this is not the case, and the main reason is that resources are indeed scarce."

However, according to the reporter, Yang Bo once did an influential activity in Beijing in January 2007 - "gold for wood". It was reported that at that time, Yang Bo publicly publicized the collection of Hainan rosewood furniture from the people, saying that rolling pins, old pot covers, lame stools, etc. could all become treasures, which could be exchanged for gold bars of equal value by weight. Yang Bo told the reporter: "The purpose of exchanging gold for wood is to arouse the awareness of social protection of Haihuang. Haihuang is on the verge of extinction and is as precious as gold." However, according to insiders, the result of this activity is that none of the gold bars have been exchanged, but the price of Haihuang has been raised.

Is Vietnam Huanghua Pear a fragrant wood?

Wu Xinjian also told the reporter that at the beginning of his furniture business, he also followed the trend to mark Hainan Huanghua Pear Wood and Vietnam Huanghua Pear Wood. Later, he found that the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences could only identify it as fragrant wood, and he no longer clearly marked it as sea yellow or yellow, but only as fragrant wood. "Whether it is Haihuang or Yuehuang, the Academy of Forest Sciences can only identify it as Xiangzhimu. If you don't believe it, you can ask."

According to the report published by the Daily Economic News, among the Hainan Huanghua pear wood furniture sold in April and July 2008, Wu's enterprises marked the scientific name of Hainan Huanghua pear wood "Dalbergia odorifera" on the quality certificate and delivery note.

It is understood that Hainan Huanghua pear is just a common name, and its scientific name is "Dalbergia odorifera". In the national standard for rosewood formulated by the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, Dalbergia odorifera is classified as fragrant wood. Yang Jiaju, a professor of the Academy of Forestry Sciences and the main drafter of the national standard of Chinese rosewood, who is known as the "first person of Chinese rosewood", told reporters on April 21 that there was only Dalbergia odorifera in the category of incense sticks, and Dalbergia odorifera was the incense sticks.

Yang Jiaju said that when he first formulated the national mahogany standard, he separated Dalbergia odorifera from rosewood and named it as fragrant wood according to the long-standing custom of Guangdong furniture manufacturers. "As long as it is identified as fragrant wood, it is Hainan Huanghua Pear and Dalbergia odorifera."

As for the practice that some people also identified Vietnam Huanghua Pear as fragrant wood, Yang Jiaju said that Vietnam Huanghua Pear was a kind of rosewood after the promulgation of the national standard for rosewood. Someone found that Vietnam Huanghua Pear was similar to Sea Yellow in material, color and fragrance, so they named it "Vietnam Huanghua Pear". In fact, it was not a rosewood at all, let alone fragrant wood. "Hainan Huanghua Pear is a cultural phenomenon, which has been widely used in China for hundreds of years and thousands of years. However, Vietnam Huanghua Pear was introduced after the promulgation of the national standard for rosewood, aiming to sell at a high price."

But even among experts, opinions are not completely consistent. Jiang Xiaomei, a researcher of the Wood Industry Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences and one of the drafters of the national standard for rosewood, told reporters that from the perspective of slices, Hainan Huanghua Pear and Vietnam Huanghua Pear have similar cell and tissue structures, so in general, Hainan Huanghua Pear and Vietnam Huanghua Pear are identified as fragrant trees. "Whether Vietnam Huanghua Pear is really an incense tree or not, now we can only maintain the standards we set and maintain the rules of the game."

The differences remain, and the truth is still unclear

Wu Xinjian told reporters that the purpose of this press conference is to invite Hainan Huanghuali down from the "altar". He said that many experts had previously said that it was impossible to identify the place of origin of Huanghua pear wood, because the wood identification was based on its anatomical characteristics. Generally, only "genus" could be identified, or "class" could be identified, but "species" could not be identified. "The Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences and other authoritative institutions firmly do not identify the origin, which is out of respect for science, because they are the same tree species, it is impossible to identify the origin. Identifying the origin is actually misleading consumers, allowing malicious speculators more opportunities."

Wu Xinjian also revealed that it is unreliable to judge the quality of Huanghua Pear by its origin. He told reporters that he had two pieces of yellow pear wood, one of which was dark and bought from Vietnam, but when he got it to the Academy of Forest Sciences for identification, a senior expert told him that "it must be Haihuang"; Later, he took a piece of light colored Huanghuali board bought from Hainan to identify it, and the experts told him that "the yellower it must be".

"The flower pattern, oiliness and color of Huanghua Pear are mainly affected by the environmental soil and light." Wu Xinjian said, "If Huanghua Pear grows between sandstone cracks and is located on the sunny side with sufficient light, because of its slow growth and long sunshine time, there will be more grimaces after it becomes a mature pear, with beautiful patterns, high density, more grease and dark brown color; On the contrary, if you grow in more fertile soil and have fewer photo pairs, the growth rate will be faster, so there will be fewer grimaces, fewer patterns, light yellow color, low density, less oil, and poor appearance. "

Wu Xinjian suggested that when purchasing Huanghuali furniture, consumers should not only ask whether it is Haihuang or Yuehuang, but also look at the appearance. "Most of the so-called Hainan Huanghua Pears now grow in the northern mountains of Vietnam and Laos, commonly known as the northern materials of Vietnam. Because some northern materials have better growth environment, soil and lighting conditions than Hainan Huanghua Pears, some of them are better than the real Haihuang."

However, Zhang Zhiyang, president of Hainan Huali Wood Research Association, told the Daily Economic News that Hainan Huanghua Pear belongs to the genus Dalbergia of Pterocarpaceae, whose scientific name is Dalbergia odorifera, and is recognized by the botanical community as only found in Hainan, China, worldwide; The Vietnamese rosewood belongs to the red sandalwood in the butterfly family, and the plant name is "Vietnamese red sandalwood". Although both plants are commonly known as "Huali", they are actually a multi plant and belong to different plant categories.

Zhang Zhiyang wrote in the book "National Treasure Pears" that Haihuang was first introduced into the Central Plains for the use of spices, and became the top wood for furniture production in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, while Yuehuang has no such brilliant history. The former has extremely low output and is particularly valuable, while the latter is distributed in Vietnam and Laos with large reserves. In terms of quality, Haihuang and Yuehuang are quite different in texture, texture, wood color, fragrance, wood property, etc.

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