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Autodesk Vault Pro Server / Office Client for Pro 2023.2.1 x64

What is Vault?

Vault data management software helps design, engineering, and construction teams organize, manage, and track data creation, simulation, and documentation processes.

All files can be organized and stored in the same location for easy access. All file versions are retained, so previous versions are never misplaced or replaced. The vault stores each version of the file, as well as all file dependencies, so that you can understand the history of the project when you use it. The vault also stores file properties for quick search and retrieval.

In the design team, all files and associated data are stored on the server, so all users can access this information and its historical information. The login name and password of each team member must be unique. Team members need to check out files to prevent multiple members from editing the same file at the same time. After checking the file back into the vault, team members can refresh the local copy of the model file to get the latest version from the vault, so that all members of the design team can work together.

Autodesk Vault has two main components: client and server. Other components, such as add ins, file servers, and job processors, help create a stable data management ecosystem.

The Vault client allows you to perform document management functions, such as checking in and checking out files or copying designs. The server is used to store the master copy of all documents and designs. By storing all data in a common centralized location, sharing and information management can be easily realized in the entire design team. This centralized location is called a vault. The first time you start the Vault client, you must select the vault you want to log in to before you can start managing your data.

What is Vault?

A vault is a repository for storing and managing documents and files. It has two main components: relational database and file storage.

  • A relational database is used to store information about files. The information stored in the database includes the current file status, file editing history, and file property data. Storing file information in the database provides a flexible, secure and high-performance platform for recording file relationships and historical information. You can also search, query, and report file information and relationships.
  • A file store is a folder hierarchy in which the Vault server stores Autodesk Vault  A physical copy of a managed file. The vault maintains a copy of each version of the file and saves these copies to the file store in the ownership configuration. File storage can be regarded as a closed system. Do not reconfigure any files in the file store or edit any files directly in the file store. The Vault server provides users with a collaborative work environment through databases and file stores.

Server and client applications have separate software components installed.

What is Vault?

Vault product data management (PDM) software integrates with Autodesk design tools and other CAD systems, enabling everyone to work from an organized central data source. Use Vault to enhance collaboration and streamline workflow between engineering, manufacturing, and extension teams.

  • Automate design and engineering processes.

  • Control what users can access and edit.

  • Track revisions and design history.

Vault Office

Autodesk Vault Office is a separately purchased product that provides basic vault functionality for non CAD users. Autodesk Vault Office provides single document check-in and check-out capabilities through the Vault Mobile application and add ins, allowing you to manage all Office data, including Word documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

With Autodesk Vault Office, you can organize all files and store them in one location for easy access. All file versions are retained, so previous versions are never misplaced or replaced. The vault stores each version of the file, as well as all file dependencies, so that you can understand the history of the project when you use it. The vault also stores file properties such as user names, dates, and notes for quick search and retrieval.

Installation Autodesk Vault  After Office, new ribbon tabs and menu items will be added to the Office application.

Official website:

Download address

Autodesk Vault Office Client for Professional 2023 x64
Baidu online disk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hPRXYVmXZOg434do0ZV_rg?pwd=lcna
123 Cloud Disk: https://www.123pan.com/s/PjcA-BpNRA.html
Quark cloud disk: https://pan.quark.cn/s/51f322a80f11

Autodesk Vault Professional Server 2023 x64
Baidu online disk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gPU57dd0L7umc9m-Xm4s_Q?pwd=amp7
123 Cloud Disk: https://www.123pan.com/s/PjcA-JpNRA.html
Quark cloud disk: https://pan.quark.cn/s/99be727ee2ff

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Article name: Autodesk Vault Pro Server/Office Client for Pro 2023.2.1 x64
Article link: https://www.luochenzhimu.com/archives/8171.html
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