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Image processing Adobe Camera Raw v15.2 for Windows x64 v14.5 for macOS

Adobe Camera Raw allows you to import and enhance images in their original format, and has been an essential tool for professional photographers since its release in 2003. Applications supporting Adobe Camera Raw include Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, After Effects, and Bridge. In addition, Adobe Lightroom uses the same powerful original format image processing technology as Adobe Camera Raw.

About Camera Raw Data Files

A camera raw data file contains unprocessed and compressed grayscale image data from a digital camera image sensor and information about how to capture images (metadata). Photoshop ® Camera Raw software can interpret camera raw data files, which uses information about cameras and image metadata to build and process color images.

You can think of the camera's raw data file as a photo negative. You can reprocess the file at any time to get the desired effect, that is, adjust the white balance, hue range, contrast, color saturation, and sharpening. When adjusting the original camera image, the original camera data will be saved. The adjustment content will be stored as metadata in the attached file, database or file itself (for DNG format).

When you use the camera to capture JPEG files, the camera automatically processes JPEG files to improve and compress images. Often, you have little control over how this process is completed. Compared with taking JPEG images, taking camera raw images with a camera gives you better control, because the camera raw data does not limit you to the processing done by the camera. You can still edit JPEG and TIFF images in Camera Raw, but the pixels to be edited have been processed by the camera. The camera raw data file always contains raw uncompressed pixels from the camera.

To capture a camera's original image, the camera must be set to store the file in its own camera's original data file format.

Photoshop Raw format (. raw) is a file format used to transfer images between applications and computer platforms. Do not confuse Photoshop Raw with the camera raw data file format. The file extension of the camera raw data file varies depending on the camera manufacturer.

The digital camera uses a linear tone response curve (the gray scale coefficient is 1.0) to capture and store the camera's original data. Film and human eyes have nonlinear logarithmic response to light (gray scale coefficient is greater than 2). The original unprocessed camera image viewed as a grayscale image looks very dark, because for the human eye, objects with twice the brightness in the photo sensor and computer appear to be less than twice as bright.

About Adobe Camera Raw

Camera Raw software is used as an efficiency tool along with Adobe After Effects ® It is provided with Adobe Photoshop and also adds functions to Adobe Bridge. Camera Raw provides each of these applications with the ability to import and process camera raw data files. You can also use Camera Raw to process JPEG and TIFF files.

Camera Raw can support images up to 65000 pixels long or wide and 512 megapixels. Camera Raw converts CMYK images to RGB when opening them.

Photoshop or After Effects must be installed to open files from Adobe Bridge's Camera Raw dialog box. However, if Photoshop or After Effects is not installed, you can still preview the image and view its metadata in Adobe Bridge. If another application is associated with an image file type, you can open the file in that application through Adobe Bridge.

With Adobe Bridge, you can apply, copy, and clear image settings, and view the preview and metadata of the camera's original data files without opening them in the Camera Raw dialog box. The preview in Adobe Bridge is a JPEG image generated using the current image settings; The preview is not the original camera data itself, which will appear as a very dark grayscale image.

Note: When the preview is generated from the original camera image, a warning icon will be displayed in the thumbnail and preview image of the Camera Raw dialog box.

You can modify the default settings for Camera Raw for a specific camera model. For each camera model, you can also modify specific ISO settings or the default settings for a specific camera (by serial number). You can modify image settings and store them as presets for other images.

When using Camera Raw to adjust the original camera image (including straightening and cropping), the original camera data of the image will be retained. The adjusted content is either stored in the Camera Raw database, embedded in the image file as metadata, or stored in the attached XMP file (the metadata file attached to the camera's original data file).

After the camera raw data file is processed and edited with the Camera Raw efficiency tool, an icon will be displayed in the image thumbnail of Adobe Bridge.

If you open the camera's original data file in Photoshop, you can use other image formats to store images, such as PSD, JPEG, Large Document Format (PSB), TIFF, Cineon, Photoshop Raw, PNG, or PBM. In the Camera Raw dialog box of Photoshop, you can use the digital negative (DNG), JPEG, TIFF, or Photoshop (PSD) format to store the processed files. Although Adobe Camera Raw software can open and edit camera original image files, it cannot store images in camera original format.

When a new version of Camera Raw is available, the software can be updated by installing a new version of the efficiency tool. You can check for Adobe software updates by selecting Help>Update.

Various camera models use many different formats to store camera raw images, and data must be interpreted for these formats in different ways. Camera Raw includes support for many camera models and can explain many camera original formats.

Home Page: https://www.adobe.com

Download address

Image processing Adobe Camera Raw v15.2 for Windows x64
Baidu online disk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1duW2Po2mNxp6Ocl8R0TcYA?pwd=2lkp
123 Cloud Disk: https://www.123pan.com/s/PjcA-toNRA.html
Quark cloud disk: https://pan.quark.cn/s/4d72b3f97c78
Dust falling wood: https://pan.luochenzhimu.com/disk/software/Adobe/Camera_Raw/Adobe_Camera_Raw_v15.2_Win64/

Image processing Adobe Camera Raw 14.5 for Windows x64 macOS
Baidu online disk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1OPreiX7Jb00I7-i-iXy1kA?pwd=6na9

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Article name: Image Processing Adobe Camera Raw v15.2 for Windows x64 v14.5 for macOS
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