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. NET IDE Code Editor JetBrains Rider v2022.1.2 for Win Mac.Linux

Fast and powerful cross platform NET IDE

What is Rider?

JetBrains Rider is a cross platform based on IntelliJ platform and ReSharper NET IDE。

Support multiple NET project type

Rider support NET framework, a new cross platform framework NET Core and Mono based projects. This allows you to develop a wide range of applications, including: NET desktop applications, services and libraries, Unity games, Xamarin applications, ASP.NET and ASP NET Core web application.

Rich functions and fast speed

Rider provides more than 2200 active code checks, hundreds of context operations and refactorings from ReSharper, and combines them with the reliable IDE functions of the IntelliJ platform. In addition to its rich feature set, Rider is designed to be lightweight and responsive.

Cross platform

In addition to running and debugging multiple runtimes, Rider itself can run on multiple platforms: Windows, macOS, and Linux.


code analysis

Rider provides more than 2200 real-time code checks and automatic quick fixes, which can solve the detected problems individually or in batches. Error analysis of the entire solution will monitor code problems, so that you know any possible errors, even if the file is not opened, it will not be missed.

Code editing

Rider's editor has powerful and rich functions, including: different types of code completion and code templates, automatic insertion of matching braces and import instructions, quick information tooltips and spacing icons for inherited navigation, contextual operations, etc.


Most of ReSharper's more than 60 refactorings can be used in Rider, and more than 450 context operations have also been logged into Rider. Rename, extract methods, interfaces and classes, move and copy types, use alternative syntax, and more!

Unit Test Run Procedure

Rider helps you run and debug unit tests based on NUnit, xUnit.net, or MSTest. You can browse tests, group tests in different ways, subdivide tests into sessions, view test output, and navigate from stack trace to source code.

Debugger and more

Rider contains debuggers for NET Framework, Mono and NET Core application program, which can perform single step execution, monitoring, evaluation and cursor operation. Other tools include: stack trace browser, NuGet browser, VCS, and database support.

Database and SQL

You can use SQL and database without leaving Rider. Connect to the database, edit schema and table data, run queries, and even analyze the architecture using UML diagrams.

Navigation and search

Jump immediately to any file, type, or member in the code base, and quickly find settings and actions. Find the purpose of any symbol, or navigate from a symbol to a base or derived symbol, extension method, or implementation.

Front end development technology

Rider built-in supports JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS and Sass. Take advantage of the refactoring, debugging and unit testing functions included in WebStorm.


Faithful to his origin, Rider supports various plug-ins developed for ReSharper and IntelliJ Platform. In addition to bundled plug-ins (such as those that support VCS, F #, and Unity), there are plug-ins that support Markdown,. gitignore files, and Python scripts.

 . NET IDE Code Editor JetBrains Rider for Win Mac.Linux

Home Page:   https://www.jetbrains.com

Download address

. NET IDE Code Editor JetBrains Rider v2022.1.2 for Win Mac.Linux
Baidu online disk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Lw8iwEsvkqkbhxwJ6AJHbA?pwd=0yz0 Extraction code: 0yz0
123 Cloud Disk: https://www.123pan.com/s/PjcA-6rCRA

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