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RMB amount capitalization website gadget

RMB amount conversion experience address:

Chinese capital characters used for RMB amount are as follows:

Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, one hundred, ten million, ten thousand, hundred million

The RMB symbol is: ¥  , add a "¥" symbol before the first digit of the amount in Arabic numerals, which can not only prevent the number from being added before the amount, but also indicate the amount in RMB.

 Conversion of RMB amount in words and figures

Detailed introduction of RMB capitalization specification:

All kinds of bills and settlement vouchers filled in by banks, units and individuals are important basis for handling payment settlement and cash receipt and payment, and directly related to the accuracy, timeliness and safety of payment settlement. Bills and settlement vouchers are accounting vouchers used by banks, units and individuals to record accounts, and are written certificates to record economic business and clarify economic responsibilities. Therefore, filling in bills and settlement vouchers must be standardized, standardized, with complete elements, correct numbers, clear handwriting, correct omissions, no scribbling, and avoid alteration.

The amount in words in Chinese shall be written in block letters or running script, such as one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, ten, ten thousand, hundred million, yuan, jiao, fen, zero, and only (in Chinese). It is not allowed to use one, two (two), three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, mao, and another (or 0). If the amount is written in traditional Chinese characters, such as two hundred million, six hundred million, ten thousand and yuan, it shall also be accepted.

The following items should also be noted in the correct writing of RMB in words:

I If the amount in Chinese words is up to "yuan", the word "whole" (or "positive") should be written after "yuan"; After the "angle", the word "whole" (or "positive") may not be written; If the amount in words has "cents", the word "whole" (or "positive") shall not be written after "cents".

II The words "RMB" shall be marked before the words and figures in Chinese, and the words and figures in Chinese shall be filled in immediately after the words "RMB" without any blank. If the words "RMB" are not printed in front of the amount in words, the words "RMB" shall be added. The fixed words "thousand, hundred, one hundred, ten thousand, thousand, hundred, ten, yuan, jiao, fen" shall not be pre printed in the column of the amount in words of bills and settlement vouchers.

III If there is "0" in Arabic numerals and amount figures in figures, Chinese capital letters shall be written in accordance with Chinese language rules, amount figure composition and requirements to prevent alteration. Examples are as follows:

1. If there is a "0" in the middle of the Arabic numerals, the word "zero" should be written in Chinese capital. For example, ¥ 1409.50 should be written as RMB fourteen thousand nine point five;
2. When there are several "0" in the middle of Arabic numerals and the amount in Chinese words can be written with only one "zero", for example, ¥ 6007.14 should be written as RMB sixty-seven point fourteen.
3. When the Arabic numerals are "0" in ten thousand and yuan, or there are several "0" in the middle of the numerals, and the number of ten thousand and yuan are also "0" but the number of thousand and yuan is not "0", the Chinese capital amount can be written with only one zero or without "zero". For example, ¥ 1680.32 should be written as RMB one thousand six hundred eighty point thirty-two, Or written in RMB one thousand six hundred eighty point thirty-two. Another example is that RMB 107000.53 should be written as one hundred and seven thousand yuan and fifty-three cents, or one hundred and seven thousand yuan and fifty-three cents.
4. When the decimal place of the Arabic amount is "0" and the decimal place is not "0", the Chinese capital amount "yuan" should be followed by the word "zero". For example, ¥ 16409.02 should be written as RMB sixteen thousand four hundred nine point zero two, and for example, ¥ 325.04 should be written as RMB three hundred twenty-five point zero four.

IV The RMB symbol "¥" shall be filled in front of Arabic figures. Arabic figures shall be filled in carefully, and cannot be confused by consecutive words.

V The date of issue of the bill must be in Chinese characters. In order to prevent the change of the date of issue of the bill, when filling in the month, the day, the month is one, two and ten, the day is one to nine and ten, twenty and thirty, "zero" should be added before it, and when the day is eleven to nineteen, "one" should be added before it. For example, January 15 should be written as zero January 15, For another example, October 20 should be written as October 20.

VI If the bill issue date is filled in figures, the bank will not accept it; If the date in words is not filled in as required, the bank may accept it, but the loss caused thereby shall be borne by the drawer.

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Article name: Website Gadget for Converting RMB Amount from Case to Case
Article link: https://www.luochenzhimu.com/archives/7183.html
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