Dust Falling Wood

Xunlei Thunder Dust Wood to Advertise

The development cycle of the 11.1.4 version of Xunlei is as long as one month, and many new functions are suppressed. Let's have a look!

Download List

First, let's start with the download list. In this version, we will change the task classification of the download list from the vertical arrangement of the original [Thunderbolt 9, Thunderbolt X] to the horizontal arrangement. This is because in vertical arrangement, each time you need to switch task categories, you have to move the mouse over a long distance between the top and bottom categories, which is inconvenient to use.

Suspended window

The floating window also ushered in a change. The round floating window that has been used from [Thunderbolt 7] to [Thunderbolt X] has finally been revised!

The new floating window of Thunderbolt 11 looks like a cube. When there are tasks being downloaded, a short progress bar will be expanded on the right.

This new design can show the download progress more clearly, and the visual effect is also cool.

Add now (to cloud disk)

If you are a member user, when you select any task under download, a new extension bar will appear below the download task, allowing you to quickly add the task to the cloud disk.

Download list to display cloud disk retrieval

In the past several versions of Thunderbolt 11, the tasks retrieved from the cloud disk are only displayed in the [Transmission List] of the cloud disk module, which is inconvenient for users who often need to view the files retrieved from the cloud disk. Now you can view the files retrieved from the cloud disk through the download list.

Update information:

  • The task classification of the download list is changed from vertical arrangement to horizontal arrangement
  • Suspended window with new visual design
  • Add the function of free acceleration of mobile phone code scanning
  • Add digital red dots on the right side of the left column [Download, Cloud Disk] (which can show the number of tasks being downloaded, as well as the number of files being added and uploaded to the cloud)
  • Add the [Cloud Disk Play] function below the video task in the download list
  • Add [Add Now (to Cloud Disk)] function below non video tasks in the download list
  • The download list supports displaying files retrieved from cloud disks
  • Add [Cloud Disk Video Smart Cache] function to improve the cloud disk video playing experience (can be disabled in the setting center)
  • Fixed the problem that the playback component failed to download the decoder in some cases
  • Add file [Report, Appeal] function to cloud disk
  • Cloud disk transfer list entry moved to the top
  • Change the cloud disk recycle bin to an independent dialog box

 Xunlei Thunder Dust Wood to Advertise

Optimization content of dust falling wood

1. Local VIP exclusive floating window
2. Remove the discovery column
3. Simplify redundant menus
4. Automatic identification of VIP users, non VIP direct promotion local super members
5. Remove the text ads in the download area
6. Remove the avatar floating advertisement
7. Forbid updating version

Download address

Xunlei Thunder Dust Wood to Advertise
Dust falling wood: https://dl.luochenzhimu.com/software/Thunder/Thunder11/Thunder11.1.4.1142.zip
Thunderbolt Cloud Disk: https://pan.xunlei.com/s/VMPZWCMtSA4EySpJlPIOku9FA1 Extraction code: gqxf
Baidu online disk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1c1vsDFSS1I09qRfkb2E8Rw Extraction code: 9999
Lanzuo Cloud: https://wwx.lanzoux.com/b04b4u5je
123 Cloud Disk: https://www.123pan.com/s/PjcA-nwNRA.html
Quark cloud disk: https://pan.quark.cn/s/2f8cfd092070

usage method:
First download Thunderbolt 11 to install: https://down.sandai.net/thunder11/XunLeiSetup11.1.4.1142.exe
Run Thunder11.1.4.1142_Patch.exe, wait a moment
There are two options: [1] Xunlei 11 to advertise, [2] Xunlei 11 to advertise small window
Enter the corresponding number in the command window
 Xunlei Thunder Dust Wood to Advertise

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 Dusty Wood Public Account
Copyright notice: This article is authorized by the Knowledge Sharing Attribution 4.0 International License Agreement [BY-NC-SA]
Article name: Thunder Thunder Dust Wood to Advertise
Article link: https://www.luochenzhimu.com/archives/6717.html
Disclaimer: According to Article 17 of the Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software in China: "In order to learn and study the design ideas and principles contained in the software, those who use the software by installing, displaying, transmitting or storing the software may not be licensed by the software copyright owner and will not be paid." You need to know that all content resources of this website are from the network, It is only for users to exchange, study and research. The copyright belongs to the original copyright owner. The copyright dispute has nothing to do with this site. After downloading, users cannot use it for commercial or illegal purposes. It needs to be deleted within 24 hours, or the consequences will be borne by users.

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  1. #0
     Microsoft Edge 108 Microsoft Edge 108 Windows 10 Windows 10

    Hang up, no speed

    2006_0620 1 year ago (2022-12-22)
  2. #0
     Microsoft Edge 97 Microsoft Edge 97 Windows 10 Windows 10

    Squat for 11.3. The upgraded 11.3 is simpler

    kwhyz0310 Two years ago (2022-01-08)
  3. #0
     Microsoft Edge 95 Microsoft Edge 95 Windows 10 Windows 10

    Can this super member speed up the download with members? Or am I wrong?

    GYX Three years ago (2021-10-28)
  4. #0
     Firefox 87 Firefox 87 Windows 10 Windows 10

    This must be supported!!

    wdh123 Three years ago (2021-04-11)
  5. #0
     Microsoft Edge 89 Microsoft Edge 89 Windows 10 Windows 10

    Hang up?

    wuweifeizhu Three years ago (2021-03-22)
  6. #0
     Microsoft Edge 91 Microsoft Edge 91 Windows 10 Windows 10

    In Xunlei, using this version of tools will result in Xunlei being unable to open. It seems that this version of tools has stopped in

  7. #0
     Microsoft Edge 91 Microsoft Edge 91 Windows 10 Windows 10

    Xunlei 11 v11.10.1598 will automatically download and install Xunlei AV, please pay attention to blocking!

  8. #0
     Google Chrome 86 Google Chrome 86 Windows 10 Windows 10

    Don't castrate browser functions

    qq1427650854 Three years ago (2021-03-01)
  9. #0
     Google Chrome 86 Google Chrome 86 Windows 10 Windows 10

    I need to use a browser to log in to the rented Thunderbolt member. Can I create a Thunderbolt 11 with a less strict browser

    qq1427650854 Three years ago (2021-03-01)
  10. #0
     Google Chrome 86 Google Chrome 86 Windows 10 Windows 10

    The official version of Thunderbolt 11.1.8 limits the cloud disk simultaneous download option to 3. Hopes it can be opened. It used to be 20. Thunderbolt single task speed limit, the limit also limits the number of simultaneous downloads to 3, too slow

    Xiao Ji Stewed Mushroom Three years ago (2021-02-21)
  11. #0
     Microsoft Edge 88 Microsoft Edge 88 Windows 10 Windows 10

    Dustfall has not been updated yet? The latest version of Xunlei is 11.1.7.

  12. #0
     Microsoft Edge 88 Microsoft Edge 88 Windows 10 Windows 10

    What if you don't use QQ, WeChat or other means to log in

    5715sc Three years ago (2021-01-26)
  13. #0
     Google Chrome 86 Google Chrome 86 Windows 10 Windows 10

    The patch was reported to be poisoned by Kaspersky security software 2021. Event: the object has been deleted
    Components: application control
    Result description: Deleted
    Type: Trojans
    Name: UDS: Trojan Dropper Win32.Miner.gen
    Threat Level: High
    Object path: C: Users 31189 AppData Local Temp BNZ. 6009aa7b266a8f56 Thunder11.1.4.1142
    Object name: Thunder11.1.4.1142_Patch.exe.exe
    MD5 : 613CADB2E81D3A7A498E3523FAD22967

    clearlove7 Three years ago (2021-01-22)
    •  Microsoft Edge 88 Microsoft Edge 88 Windows 10 Windows 10

      My tinder didn't report poison

      dustinwin Three years ago (2021-01-27)
  14. #0
     Google Chrome 87 Google Chrome 87 Windows 10 Windows 10

    And after the member expires, the "New Task" will prompt the member to expire, and this advertisement: [Winter Gift Bag] 3 year Thunder member, please check and get it immediately.

    chain Three years ago (2021-01-20)
  15. #0
     Google Chrome 87 Google Chrome 87 Windows 10 Windows 10

    If you find some bugs in the original version during use, I wonder if you can fix them in the next version. Thank you.
    1. The task cannot be customized. After being moved, it is restarted and becomes automatically sorted. The "default" is "sort by creation time"··
    2. There is no prompt when the hard disk is full, the file in the task fails to display, and it is invalid to turn off and restart. You can only delete and restart.
    3. Some tasks are downloaded repeatedly, XXX.txt (1). I don't know why.
    4. Most importantly, the computer cannot enter the sleep state. Restart the computer and turn off all the software. You can enter it. If you turn on Thunderbolt, you cannot. The same is true for turning off the "exit mode".
    5. Without the function of exporting download list, other software can be exported. Thunderbolt can only import, and can only be "unfinished". If the new version is installed, you can only save the links one by one for the tasks you haven't done before, and then open them in the new Thunderbolt.
    6. Multiple tasks such as "Copy Download Link" and "Save Seed" are not allowed.
    7. Files in the task cannot be selected in the plural, and can be cancelled or started at the same time.

    chain Three years ago (2021-01-19)
  16. #0
     Microsoft Edge 87 Microsoft Edge 87 Windows 10 Windows 10

    Stationmaster, what's wrong with no response after pressing 1

    w95308486 Three years ago (2021-01-13)
    •  Safari 14 Safari 14 iPhone iOS 14.3 iPhone iOS 14.3

      Try reinstalling Xunlei

      luochenzhimu Three years ago (2021-01-13)
  17. #0
     Google Chrome 87 Google Chrome 87 Windows 10 Windows 10

    11.1.5 When will it be updated when it comes out?

    wyxhw Three years ago (2021-01-10)
  18. #0
     Microsoft Edge 87 Microsoft Edge 87 Windows 10 Windows 10

    The speed limit for retrieving single files from cloud disk is 300k, which is impressive.

    wangxb Three years ago (2021-01-08)
  19. #0
     Microsoft Edge 87 Microsoft Edge 87 Windows 10 Windows 10

    How can sensitive resources be broken if they cannot be downloaded?

    slxus Three years ago (2020-12-30)
  20. #0
     Microsoft Edge 87 Microsoft Edge 87 Windows 10 Windows 10

    Finally, it was updated. Before, every time I opened Thunderbolt, I would prompt members to expire, which was really a bit troublesome.

    sasafeng Three years ago (2020-12-28)

Your support will encourage us to continue to create!

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