Dust Falling Wood

File synchronization tool GoodSync Enterprise Multilingual

Goodsync can be said to be the best file synchronization tool at present. It can support double click synchronization, one-way backup, and multi task synchronization tools

Local file synchronization, Windows Network Neighborhood synchronization, FTP synchronization, WebDAV synchronization, Amazon S3 synchronization, sFTP synchronization, winMobile synchronization.

GoodSync automatically synchronizes and backs up email, photos, financial files, MP3 and all other important files between desktops, laptops, external drives, FTP, secure FTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3 servers and Windows Mobile devices.

 File synchronization tool GoodSync Enterprise Multilingual

GoodSync Enterprise 10 Multilingual

GoodSync synchronizes and backs up files such as photos, financial documents, MP3s, e-mails between desktops, laptops, servers, and external drives. GoodSync is the latest software in a series of highly reliable, easy-to-use products from Siber Systems, the makers of RoboForm. It uses an innovative synchronization algorithm that offers true bi-directional synchronization.

No More Clouds

GoodSync 9 connects multiple computers directly, completely bypassing the need for cloud based solutions.

Faster than Ever

All new block level synchronization syncs the file changes, greatly improving the speed and efficiency of sync.

Access Files From Anywhere

Forgot that file on your computer? No problem, use GoodSync Connect from any computer and quickly sync it.

Home Page:   https://www.goodsync.com/

Download address

File synchronization tool GoodSync Enterprise Multilingual
Direct chain download:

Tips: The software has been taken off the shelf due to copyright problems

Dust falling wood: https://pan.luochenzhimu.com/disk/software/GoodSync_Enterprise/GoodSync_Enterprise_10.9.21.6/
Baidu online disk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1EYpgOHMBYtPUUOJFVVp-XQ

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Article name: GoodSync Enterprise Multilingual
Article link: https://www.luochenzhimu.com/archives/5603.html
Disclaimer: According to Article 17 of the Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software in China: "In order to learn and study the design ideas and principles contained in the software, those who use the software by installing, displaying, transmitting or storing the software may not be licensed by the software copyright owner and will not be paid." You need to know that all content resources of this website are from the network, It is only for users to exchange, study and research. The copyright belongs to the original copyright owner. The copyright dispute has nothing to do with this site. After downloading, users cannot use it for commercial or illegal purposes. It needs to be deleted within 24 hours, or the consequences will be borne by users.

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