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FlexLogger 2019 R1 for Windows x64

NI, National Instruments) , A software centric platform supplier, helping to accelerate the development process and performance improvement of automated testing and automated measurement systems, today announced the launch of FlexLogger, a configuration based data recording software, to facilitate user verification testing. Based on intuitive workflow and integrated data management functions, FlexLogger can help vehicle test departments quickly capture accurate and complete data to verify system functions under real conditions and whether they comply with strict government regulations.

 FlexLogger 2019 R1 for Windows x64


Technological innovations in the fields of active safety, electrification and Internet of Vehicles (V2X) communication are disrupting the original vehicle design, testing and production methods in the automotive industry. The rapidly developing components and systems such as sensor fusion, large capacity batteries and deep learning require more test operations and accurate and traceable test results, so as to exceed the critical safety expectations that require high quality and reliability. These trends are driving automotive testing departments to develop in different directions, which poses more challenges for engineers to build increasingly complex hybrid measurement systems and manage explosive growth of data within a shrinking time frame.

Engineers can use FlexLogger to simplify test configurations and use sensor specific workflows to extract important information to obtain and record synchronous mixed measurement data – all without programming. They can quickly integrate analog sensors, digital pulse frequencies, CAN signals and computing channels, and store all these data in a common technical data management stream (TDMS) file format, thus simplifying data correlation and analysis tasks, so as to accurately analyze the characteristics of the entire system. These functions also address similar challenges faced by test departments in other industries, including heavy equipment, aerospace, home appliances and academic research.

For example, heavy equipment manufacturers such as CNH Industrial design and produce various powertrain systems for different vehicles such as agricultural machinery, construction equipment, trucks and buses. Each system has unique functional and performance specifications, which means that each test has different requirements for integrating new sensors and industrial protocols.

Andy Tarman, test engineer of CNH Industrial Laboratory, said: "It is necessary to mix different measured values, including pressure, temperature, current, CAN and shaft speed, to analyze the characteristics of the combine transmission system. Before starting the test, FlexLogger can help users easily troubleshoot and verify whether the raw data from different sensors is correct. This helps to shorten test development time and save reconfiguration time. "

These configuration based workflows provide a cornerstone for technicians to use NI's flexible software platform and modular hardware to simplify test development and integrate new measurement and management data. For example, using NI's data management expertise, FlexLogger will automatically record descriptive metadata about the test configuration, including sensor and hardware collection settings, for traceability. The test department can improve the access to data and use DIAdem data management software to efficiently communicate the results to the organization to find, analyze FlexLogger data and generate reports.

In order to meet the needs of testing higher complexity DUT and shorter time limit, engineers need tools tailored to their needs. These tools should be able to be used efficiently throughout the workflow to help engineers meet their exact application needs. FlexLogger is the latest member of NI's software centric platform, which includes various products tailored to the needs of different stages of the workflow – these products have been fully or partially adopted by 300000 active users worldwide. DIAdem data management software takes LabVIEW engineering system design software as the core, which can help users handle overall data analysis and reporting. Systemlink ™ can manage assets and data. This workflow helps many industry testing and validation laboratories improve their productivity. Each part of the workflow can be interoperated with third-party software to maximize code/IP reuse, and can use additional components and tools in the LabVIEW tool network ecosystem to meet specific application needs.

FlexLogger 2019 R1 | 4.3 Gb

National Instruments (NI), is pleased to announce the availability of FlexLogger 2019 R1, is application software for quick sensor configuration and data logging of mixed signals to verify electromechanical systems, all without programming.

FlexLogger 2019 R1 Readme – January 2019:

New Features

– Added hardware support for:
NI 9231
– Output support for CAN
– Enhanced system visualization in Channel Specification
– RMS and Mean averaging of channels added to Channel Specification
– Screen visualization shows minimum and maximum data values in visible range

Home Page :   http://www.ni.com

Download address

FlexLogger 2019 R1 for Windows x64
Direct chain download:
Dust falling wood: https://pan.luochenzhimu.com/disk/software/FlexLogger/FlexLogger_2019_R1/
Baidu online disk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1l4LLWxbQhivmV432-5RDYw

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