Dust Falling Wood

Tencent Cloud Developer Lab

Tencent Cloud Developer Lab Tencent Cloud recently launched a developer oriented Free service , beginners can complete the experiment step by step according to the tutorial by operating on the computer, which provides great convenience for users who operate for the first time, and aims to make all technologies easier to get started. Scene types include Cloud service experience Technical learning Application building Environment construction Etc.

Experience address: https://www.qcloud.com/developer/labs

Low threshold use

  • WeChat scanning code can get the experimental machine for free
  • Support the use of self owned machines to participate in experiments
  • Support to retain the experimental results after the experiment is completed
Good experimental experience
  • Online integration of WEBIDE, support for shell command operation, support for machine file operation, and support for real-time file editing
  • Interactive teaching experience of step by step
  • Experimental steps and prompt guidance with built-in verification logic
  • Support integrated video tutorial assisted teaching
Effective combination of tutorials and experimental environment
  • Cloud based real standard experimental environment to ensure the universality of experiments
  • All tutorials are based on the corresponding established environment to ensure the consistency between the tutorials and the environment
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Article name: Tencent Cloud Developer Lab
Article link: https://www.luochenzhimu.com/archives/511.html
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