Dust Falling Wood

Google Chrome v111.0.5563.65 official version

Chrome browser pursues a full range of fast experiences. It can not only start from the desktop quickly, but also load web pages instantly. It can also run web applications at lightning speed. Chrome browser is clean and intuitive, you can search and navigate in the same place, and you can arrange tabs at will, which is fast and easy. You don't have to be a security expert to browse the web with confidence. Chrome will provide security protection for users by default, and can be used easily and safely by everyone.

Chrome adopts Google's material design, and the browser is entering the next phase of HTTPS adoption, discarding Flash, and so on. The new material design is mainly reflected in the top of the browser interface. The brighter background matches the trend of Google's other recent application updates, and the tags now have rounded corners. Similar to the "Plus" button of "New Label", the background label no longer has sharp and angular outlines. Only one line can visually separate labels that are not currently in the view. The address box is in the shape of a pill.

The Picture in Picture API is enabled in Chrome by default. The overflow menu in the lower right corner allows users to pop up videos. The video window can be moved anywhere on the screen, with a pause button. Although the API has been officially launched, it has not yet been used by any website. Similarly, in terms of security, Chrome requires users to explicitly grant websites the right to use Flash after each browser restart. Google last year released a roadmap for the retirement of Flash in Chrome, because Adobe announced that it would no longer support or update the plug-in after December 2020.

Experience more features of the new Chrome

Thanks to the built-in Google intelligent tools, Chrome is now easier to use, safer and faster.

Enjoy a full range of fast experiences

Every time users surf the Internet, they usually have a certain purpose. Whether the purpose is big or small, work or entertainment, the intelligent tools and extraordinary speed provided by Chrome can make you operate, create and explore conveniently in the online world.
 Official version of Google Chrome

Use Google intelligent tools to efficiently handle various transactions

Chrome has all the functions you need to make full use of the network, such as quickly displaying answers in your address bar, providing one touch translation, and recommending articles for you on your mobile phone.
 Official version of Google Chrome

With Chrome security measures, you can surf the Internet without fear of hands and feet

Know nothing about the security risks on the network? No problem. Chrome will automatically provide you with security protection, so that you will be free from security issues such as online deception websites and dangerous websites.
 Official version of Google Chrome

Anytime, anywhere, omnipotent

Chrome can run on any operating system and any device. You can switch back and forth between your laptop and mobile phone, customize Chrome as you like, and continue to enjoy more functions.
 Official version of Google Chrome

China official website: https://www.google.cn/intl/zh-CN/chrome/browser/desktop

Download address

Without any settings, the following direct link can always be downloaded to the latest version of Google Chrome browser:

Mac version: googlechrome.dmg
32Bit: ChromeStandaloneSetup.exe
64Bit: ChromeStandaloneSetup64.exe
Debian/Ubuntu: google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
Fedora/openSUSE: google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm

Offline package website: https://www.google.com/intl/zh-CN/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html?standalone=1

Google Chrome v111.0.5563.65 official version
Baidu online disk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nFsI8QvIhEvM36maEfZvxg?pwd=gsix
123 Cloud Disk: https://www.123pan.com/s/PjcA-fQNRA.html

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Article name: Official Version of Google Chrome v111.0.5563.65
Article link: https://www.luochenzhimu.com/archives/4242.html
Disclaimer: According to Article 17 of the Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software in China: "In order to learn and study the design ideas and principles contained in the software, those who use the software by installing, displaying, transmitting or storing the software may not be licensed by the software copyright owner and will not be paid." You need to know that all content resources of this website are from the network, It is only for users to exchange, study and research. The copyright belongs to the original copyright owner. The copyright dispute has nothing to do with this site. After downloading, users cannot use it for commercial or illegal purposes. It needs to be deleted within 24 hours, or the consequences will be borne by users.

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  1. #0
     Google Chrome 79 Google Chrome 79 Windows 7 Windows 7

    What does this mean? You come here to find the revised version, and the official version is directly under the official website. Why come here?

    cian9999 4 years ago (2020-02-03)
  2. #0
     Google Chrome 78 Google Chrome 78 GNU/Linux GNU/Linux

    The official version number is too low

    lj830723 Five years ago (2019-09-20)

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