Dust Falling Wood

Canoco 5.02, an ecological data processing software

Canoco is the most commonly used program package for multivariate statistical analysis using order methods in ecology and several related fields. The user guide of the latest version of Canoco (4.0 and 4.5) has been cited 6800 times in the past 16 years (1999-2014, ISI Web of Knowledge).

Canoco 5 is a new and almost completely reconstructed version of Canoco software, which was released in October 2012.

Canoco for visualization of multivariate data

Canoco 5 arrived! Canoco is a software package for multivariate data analysis and visualization, with an emphasis on dimension reduction (ordination), regression analysis, and the combination of the two, constrained ordination.

The completely new Canoco 5, released in 2012, has been updated to Canoco 5.1. Recent Canoco versions (4.0 and 4.5) were cited more than 4900 times in the past 10 years (2002-2011, ISI Web of Knowledge). Canoco 5 implements many recent advances in ordination, such as variation partitioning, co-correspondence analysis, and distance-based redundancy analysis, but the major advance is in user-friendliness.In Canoco 5, data import, analyses and making graphs are integrated in a single Canoco 5 project. The Canoco Adviser helps in choosing data transformations and methods of analysis. Numerical analyses that used to take many runs, are now available through a single analysis template and the Analysis Notebook concisely summarizes the results and allows access to the full results. All analyses done on a set of data tables are now collected within Canoco 5 projects, sharing the analytical and graphing settings. Canoco 5 helps to make even better publication-quality ordination diagrams. The manual has been largely re-written and the large set of real-life examples is updated and extended to show new ways of working with multivariate data.
Analytical and graphing capabilities are integrated with an easy-to-use spreadsheet data editor in a single program. All analyses done on a set of data tables are now collected within a Canoco 5 project, sharing the analytical and graphing settings.

All statistical methods offered by Canoco for Windows 4.5 are available, such as DCA, CA, CCA, DCCA, PCA, and RDA methods – including their partial variants, with Monte Carlo permutation tests for constrained ordination methods, offering appropriate permutation setup for data coming from non-trivial sampling designs.

For newly available methods see below.

All visualization tools offered by CanoDraw 4.x are available (including loess, GLM and GAM models for the visualization of data attributes in ordination space) and many of them are improved.
Data can be entered within the program itself or easily imported from Excel (. XLS or .XLSX formats) or from Canoco 4.x data files. Labels no longer need to be shortened to 8 characters, but these brief forms are still available for display in the ordination diagrams and can even be automatically generated from the long ones. Standard coding of factors (categorical predictors) is now used, dummy (0/1) variables are generated internally. The editor allows transformation from dummy variables to factors and, if needed, the reverse.

Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) and distance based RDA (db-RDA) are now easily accessible, with new distance measures added (11 distance types in total, including Bray-Curtis, Gower distance, or Jaccard coefficients). Similarly, non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) is also supported.

Variation partitioning is easily accessible for two or three groups of predictors including calculations of individual fractions of explained variation, based either on partial or non-partial analyses and using either raw or adjusted variation estimates.
Principal coordinates of neighbour matrices (PCNM) method is available within the variation partitioning framework. Present implementation matches the suggestions described in Legendre & Legendre (2012) under an alternative method name (dbMEM).

Computing, testing and graphing of the Principal Response Curves (PRC) is now an easy task.
Co-correspondence analysis (CoCA, symmetric form) is available, including Monte Carlo permutation testing of the covariation among the two compared community types.
Stepwise selection of predictors was visually enhanced and provides now the support for protection against Type I error inflation (preliminary test with all predictors and the adjustment of p values by one of three methods: false discovery rate (FDR) estimates, Holm correction, and Bonferroni correction.

Straightforward testing of all constrained axes as well as comparing results of two ordinations with Procrustes analysis is available.

You can easily work with species functional traits or import the data on phylogenetic relatedness of species, as well as calculate and use functional diversity.

Visualization capabilities were enhanced with features such as the semi-transparent fill colours, displaying calibration axes for variable’ arrows in ordination diagrams, or plotting enclosing ellipses as an alternative to enclosing polygons. Additional types of export in JPEG, TIFF, and PDF file formats were added to existing ones (PNG, BMP, EMF, Adobe Illustrator).

Every step of your work is supported by an context-sensitive help system and by the Canoco Adviser – an expert system that helps you to select a proper analytical method for your research question, correct type of ordination model (linear vs. unimodal), data transformation, or appropriate visualization of the results. It even advises you how to interpret ordination diagrams you create with the help of Graph Wizard.

Advanced users can combine multiple methods in a single analysis, including generalized linear models to correlate scores etc.

Home Page:

Download address

Canoco 5.02, an ecological data processing software
Dust falling wood: https://pan.luochenzhimu.com/disk/software/Canoco/
Baidu online disk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ZRhXoW592nN2xh37iMaVTA

Activation method
Run INSTALL EXE installation, using the following trial license:

Name: Any
Comany: Any
License code: c599999

Select Runasdate_x64 or Runasdate_x86 according to the number of system bits, and copy to a software storage location
Fill in the program to be run: C: Program Files Canoco5 CanoWin5.exe
Time adjusted to 2010
Fill in Canoco 5 when creating desktop shortcut
Then you can open the software

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Copyright notice: This article is authorized by the Knowledge Sharing Attribution 4.0 International License Agreement [BY-NC-SA]
Article name: Canoco 5.02, an ecological data processing software
Article link: https://www.luochenzhimu.com/archives/3757.html
Disclaimer: According to Article 17 of the Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software in China: "In order to learn and study the design ideas and principles contained in the software, those who use the software by installing, displaying, transmitting or storing the software may not be licensed by the software copyright owner and will not be paid." You need to know that all content resources of this website are from the network, It is only for users to exchange, study and research. The copyright belongs to the original copyright owner. The copyright dispute has nothing to do with this site. After downloading, users cannot use it for commercial or illegal purposes. It needs to be deleted within 24 hours, or the consequences will be borne by users.

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  1. #0
     Google Chrome 55 Google Chrome 55 Windows 7 Windows 7

    Hello, is there any Chinese steps for RDA analysis with CANOCO5.02 software

    jin05 Six years ago (2018-07-29)
  2. #0
     Google Chrome 55 Google Chrome 55 Windows 7 Windows 7

    Hello, I downloaded the CANOCO5.02 software you sent. When running, it said that 32-bit RunAsDate must be used to run 32-bit applications. What should I do in this case

    jin05 Six years ago (2018-07-20)
    •  Safari 12 Safari 12 iPhone iOS 12.0 iPhone iOS 12.0

      The software has 32 bits and 64 bits. The corresponding RunAsDate is used according to the number of bits

      luochenzhimu Six years ago (2018-07-21)

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