Dust Falling Wood

A passage of the past about domestic chips and operating systems

The ZTE incident triggered a heated debate on the Internet. "The core stuck by the United States this time will be worked out in ten thousand years", "China's old core cannons: lack of core is due to lack of money", "domestic operating systems, rely on BAT"... This kind of talk makes my chest ache.

After a few days, I can't help it today. Tell me something about your experience.

I unknowingly wrote 10000 words. It is divided into several parts:

The brilliant start, the difficulties of the first and second sticks, the difficulties and great failure of the system ecology, where are the mistakes of the Resumption Ark and Yongzhong, and why can't we build an operating system.

From 2000 to 2002, as an assistant of academician Ni Guangnan, I participated in the work of Ark CPU, Yongzhong Office, NC thin client and Linux operating system for three years.

 A passage of the past about domestic chips and operating systems

A brilliant start

In 2001, Ark 1 was born. It was called by the media as "rewriting the history of China's' coreless'".

The 863 major special project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the major special project of the Planning Commission and the industry support fund of the Ministry of Information Industry have all been paid.

The technical appraisal committee of Fangzhou 1 was set up by the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Song Jian, the former president, and Zhu Gaofeng, the former vice president, personally served as the chief and deputy directors of the appraisal committee.

On July 10, 2001, Fangzhou 1 announced that Liu Zhihua, the former vice mayor of Beijing, was the host of the press conference, and several ministers, including Minister Qu Weizhi, came to the scene to make speeches. Before that, Vice Premier Li Lanqing listened to work reports for three times.

This was the treatment received by the Ark 1 CPU at that time. The highest standard of people and money support are all in place.

I have been involved in the Ark project since 2000.

I am the author of the reports submitted to 863, the Planning Commission (now called the National Development and Reform Commission) and the Ministry of Information Industry for support.

The technical appraisal meeting and press conference were all prepared.

It's hard to forget that in April 2001, the first batch of streamers came back. After intense debugging, we saw the CPU designed by ourselves started up.

Liu Qiang looked me in the eye and said, "My heart is beating.".

That moment is unforgettable.

Perhaps, this is the best moment in that matter.

Ark Technology is an enterprise founded by Canadian Chinese Li Delei.

Li Delei graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology in 1977 and then went to the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for postgraduate studies, and then went to the University of Albert in Canada for doctoral studies. Then stay in Canada.

On January 8, 1997, the predecessor of Ark Technology, Biolake, was registered in Beijing. Li Delei mainly introduced outsourcing business.

In 1997, Li Delei, who left Motorola, joined Hitachi (America) Semiconductor as the director of microprocessor design. Correspondingly, BBT's outsourcing business shifted from Motorola to the latter, focusing on related businesses based on Hitachi chips. Liu Qiang graduated as a doctor at that time and joined as the vice president of research and development.

In 1999, Li Delei found Ni Guangnan, and Ni Guangnan saw that he had honed a complete technical team to make CPUs - this is what he dreamed of.

The background at that time was that the Chinese IT industry, as well as Ni Guangnan himself, had always been bitter about the operating system and chips without independent intellectual property rights. (This is still the case after 18 years)

Xu Guanhua, then Minister of Science and Technology, once said that "China's information industry lacks core and soul". The core refers to the chip, and the soul refers to the operating system.

As a result, Ni Guangnan helped Fang Zhou find money, the government, and all the resources needed by SMIC, but he didn't get any money from SMIC. He is willing to give everything. He wants a new core framework of IT industry.

Academician Ni Guangnan told me about the Ark CPU+Linux operating system, which was made into a thin client NC, and the "cloud+end" solution to replace the Wintel architecture. I was so excited that I clenched my fists and squeezed my nails into my flesh.

We used to play games designed by the Wintel Alliance (Microsoft and Intel Alliance) at Lenovo.

Wintel is your top tier. Your cost and performance can only be in the space defined by Wintel.

Now, we are working to change the core framework. It brings our IT industry a completely different imagination and design space of cost and performance. This is really great!

Difficulties of the first and second strokes

It was a time of passion, and Yu Cisheng, who dared to be the deputy director of the Beijing Science and Technology Commission, was appointed. Li Wuqiang, who was once noticed by Deng Xiaoping, returned from the United States to serve as the deputy director of the Department of Industrialization of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Everyone wants to do something.

We have the technology of CPU and SOC, the government has paid for it, and the chips have been made.

The next thing is to face the market and users.

Then the real difficulties began.

The most difficult thing to do with CPU is not development.

The first step is that you can't write a design like INTEL, but you can't afford a lawsuit.

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, Europe has recognized and understood the value of protecting intellectual property rights to stimulate knowledge innovation.

The United States stands out from the blue. As long as it is an Idea, it can register a patent.

Patent protection is one of Intel's core competitiveness. Intel's long-term and large-scale professional lawyer team has almost registered all patents related to the X86 system.

Why there is AMD. INTEL is a shareholder of IBM and IBM is a shareholder of AMD. this is it.

So for the team of Ark, it's not that the X86 system is technically difficult, but that you will encounter Intel patents at every step of the way. We can't afford a lawsuit.

Therefore, Ni Guangnan's choice of technical route is to follow the RISC structure, do embedded, and bypass the X86 system.

The second difficulty is that at the beginning of 2000, China's IT industry not only failed to produce CPUs, but also had no ability to design core circuit boards based on CPUs.

At that time, China also had a list of top 100 enterprises in the electronics industry. We Lenovo ranked second.

Anyway, there are Ni Guangnan, Song Jian and other big men behind. I took the list of top 100 Chinese electronic enterprises, and found the first place and the 100th place. I found the chief engineer of every big company.

The dialogue is always like this:

Me: "We have CPU with independent intellectual property rights, and we also have SOC capabilities. In this way, we can greatly integrate the functions you want, and your company can more flexibly define the performance and volume of your product."

The other side: "Oh, I'm sorry. We have no ability to develop product prototypes based on a single CPU. It is Intel or his design house that does a good job. We choose one, and then we will develop it based on their board."

Only then did we find that Intel did not create a CPU, but cultivated a CPU based development ecosystem.

The first rod is the core component.

The second is that numerous small design houses focus on Intel to make public boards, product creativity, product prototypes, and differentiation and optimization.

Then, the next step is for enterprises facing the market to select product prototypes from the Design house and make commercial packaging. Launch. Brand, sales and customer service.

In 2000, our top 100 electronics companies were basically the third best.

So, when we make the CPU, the core jumps.

We hold it in our hands and want to give it to others. There is no third best enterprise in China.

There is no way but to move forward.

So after the completion of CPU, Ark Technology established a hardware team, and made its own NC product prototype and public board.

It is equivalent to a small CPU design company that must also work in the design house at the same time.

Finally, the CPU and product prototype are OK, and a third tier enterprise can be delivered for commercial operation.

Yu Cisheng made the decision that the Beijing government was the first to eat crabs.

The difficulty of system ecology - great failure

Here comes the next question. A bigger problem.

Wintel Alliance. Microsoft is more difficult to break through than Intel.

After the CPU is made, you can make your own prototype and then make your own product. After finishing the product, I found that no supporting software was available.

A piece of NC board, Ark Technology did it by itself.

But so many software transplants, adaptations and secondary development cannot be completed by one, 10 or 100 companies.

At this time, Yu Cisheng launched the "Sailing Plan", which aimed at more than 50 problems in 13 categories of Linux desktops and invited bids nationwide. Browsers, OFFICE, players... one by one.

Then, he did the famous thing in the circle - the selection of office software by the Beijing Municipal Government, and kicked Microsoft out of the game.

That event caused a sensation in the IT circle, and Gao Qunyao, president of Microsoft China, resigned. Then Kissinger wrote a letter to Liu Qi, then the mayor of Beijing, to intercede for Microsoft. Put pressure on Yu Cisheng. (Unexpectedly, American politicians also served their own national enterprises. At that time, China had just won the bid for the Olympic Games, and Kissinger's pressure was a big BOSS level killing force.).

It was the biggest snow in Beijing in the winter of 2001.

On that day, more than ten academicians jointly wrote a letter to the Premier to intercede for Yu Cisheng.

Zhang Xiaoxiang, a lieutenant general and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, one of the founders of China's computer industry who has passed away, was the first to sign, and academician Ni Guangnan also signed.

It is said that Premier Zhu was moved when he saw the joint names of more than ten academicians.

863 Program, from March 1986, four academicians jointly wrote to General Secretary Deng Xiaoping. Because it happened in March 1986, it is called 863 for short. From then on, this is the key plan of China's high-tech development.

Starting 863 is a joint name of four academicians. Bao Yu Cisheng has more than ten academicians.

I always remember it.

Later, when I was free at home, I watched "Saint Warrior Star Sagittarius". 12 Golden Saint Warriors went to Yi Chengren together to break through the light of the sigh wall.

A dozen academicians signed their names, which did them no good. They just want to guard a ray of light.

Therefore, I don't want to recall the past because we failed.

Since then, we have become the laughingstock of many people. Especially academician Ni Guangnan.

This is a word I learned 10 years later after joining Tencent - user experience.

To put it simply, this battle means that we have solved the Premier but not the user experience.

The result was a mountain of defeat.

The first fatal problem is the compatibility of the document formats of Linux based Office, including Red Office, Yongzhong, WPS and Microsoft. As we all know, if you change the OFFICE, you can't open the history file, and you can't open the file given to you by others. This is fatal.

In 2003, Yu Cisheng made another sailing plan. All Chinese Office experts, HancomOffice from South Korea, and Itaro technicians from Japan were also invited. The experts from China, Japan and South Korea cracked Microsoft's document format together in order to read and save.

The effect is not good.

In addition to the document format, there are too many users who are unhappy with other software experiences. Just think about it with your toes. Users generally complain and demand to switch back to Wintel.

In this way, we failed.

Later, Ark CPU stopped developing. Yongzhong goes into bankruptcy liquidation. The tens of thousands of NCs that the government paid for to support an industry are estimated to have sold scrap iron long ago.

Several years later, Bill Gates himself disclosed the document format of Office.

When I saw the news, I felt my face was caught in the door.

Through the video, I watched the man who jokingly said, "Dad, I finally got my diploma" at the Harvard graduation ceremony. This retired philanthropist would choose a sick boy as the cover character when he was the editor on duty of Time magazine.

I think this person is an angel or a devil.

He really did a lot of good things. But he made the whole China lose the general software industry.

As a small businessman, secular success is easy

In 2003, I left Teacher Ni's league and felt very sad. I felt like a deserter in a great war of sacrifice.

In 2008, when I started a website, a child was idle at night and installed the latest version of the red hat desktop. I passed by. When I saw it, I stopped and used it. Try this and try that. My heart is up and down. I wish I could cry a lot. If the desktop could reach this level in 2002, this large number of people would not lose so badly.

After leaving Mr. Ni, I lost more than a year. During that time, many people asked me to work. Most of them did two kinds of things. One was "I acted as an agent for a product, and you helped me build a channel in China". Or "I made a product, you help me run the government relations". I don't want to do either of these things anymore. But apart from this, I don't know anything else.

Later, I went to Wanglu. I told him that what I had learned over the years would only be useful if I worked for a particularly large system. I want to learn some specific skills to support my family here.

Later, Wang Lu asked me to be the general manager of a digital magazine that was going to close.

I came out from Wang Lu and called Lei Jun. Said, "I'm going to work."

Lei Jun asked me to find him in his office. Ask me what to do.

I showed him the magazine in my hand and said to be the general manager of the magazine.

Lei Jun said: Why are you doing this?

I said: I can't find a job.

Lei Jun said: But why do you do this?

I said: learn some small skills that can be done by one person to support a family.

Lei Jun said, "Then do this.".

The general manager of a magazine is actually advertising sales.

With my quality of writing hundreds of millions of proposals for major projects to the Planning Commission, it should not be difficult to write an advertising proposal of three or five million yuan to advertisers.

The first time a customer asked for a rebate. I'm not sure. Is that money? But think about it. Try to give it.

I invited the customer to have a meal and took an envelope. After a meal, both of them were absent-minded, not for eating and communication. Then I handed him the envelope. Without any excuse, he smoothly received it in his pocket and left.

That night, I shed tears for a long time.

In the past, I worked hard every day for friendship and honor.

Since then, what I have done has no honor of half a dime. I only do a small business of advertising for rebates.

Later, I learned to build a website. Later, I sold the website to Tencent, and then... 10 years later.

In the eyes of the world, I am successful.

Academician Ni Guangnan is still insisting

At the beginning of 2014, I left Tencent.

After completing the formalities, I sent a WeChat message to academician Ni Guangnan: Mr. Ni, I have left Tencent.

Teacher Ni replied that you should come to see me. I just have something here.

I will go to see him.

In 2013, the government procurement team studied the strategy of Win8 and consulted academician Ni Guangnan.

Academician Ni Guangnan went directly to General Secretary Xi and put forward a straightforward suggestion: "Develop and develop China's independent and controllable operating system based on the shared software architecture."

The body of academician Ni Guangnan's report was less than 800 words, and the General Secretary wrote more than 200 words. "The importance of computer operating system and other information core technologies and information infrastructure is obvious. We must solve the problem that we are constrained by people in some key technologies and equipment as soon as possible."

More than ten years later, after experiencing failure and criticism, he made various petitions to the Ministry of Science and Technology, and Mr. Ni is still insisting.

At the beginning of 2014, I went to see him. The cotton padded jacket he was wearing was the same one in 2001.

Academician Ni still trusted me and directly invited me and his core people to discuss how to promote an autonomous and controllable operating system in the mobile scene.

Ten years have passed. Google and Apple beat Microsoft. Microsoft is still so strong, but the PC era is over.

Yu Cisheng and Li Wuqiang have retired. Li Delei died in ignorance and Yongzhong went into liquidation.

Liu Qiang left Ark in 2005 and founded Junzheng, which was IPO in 2010. At present, many chips such as 360 cameras and Xiaomi watches are made by Liu Qiang. Academician Ni Guangnan's investment in Ark CPU in 2000 still yielded results.

Huawei bought the authorization of ARM and made HiSilicon chips.

Xiaomi also invested hundreds of millions to develop a pineapple processor.

Just as it was more than 10 years ago, as long as we solved the problem of intellectual property rights, chose the technical route, found people who can do it, and put their efforts into it, the CPU/chip can be made.

It's still the operating system. The big gap is still ecology.

In those days, it could bypass Intel, but not Microsoft.

Today, we can't do Android without getting around Arm.

In that section, I followed Mr. Ni and attended several high-end meetings. The audience was full of purple, and they also talked about the discourse system 14 years ago.

I found myself changed. In a similar field, I feel totally different today than I did 14 years ago.

In the past 10 years, I did not report to a leader, and I did not have a minute to speculate on the leader's intentions.

I only need to continue to do one thing, that is, insight into user needs and optimize the user experience.

This is totally different from working in the system.

The second time, I left Mr. Ni again. At that time, I thought I could judge directly that this could not be done.

That is to say, if the practice is not changed, you may still get a lot of money, lots of resources, lots of land, and buildings, but you can't create an ecosystem of operating systems.

Android has three:

1. The Android system itself is constantly optimized by iteration

2. Now we are used to various Android based applications: WeChat, business, games, life, entertainment

3. Numerous teams around the world are developing new applications based on Android's continuous creativity, and constantly prospering and optimizing this ecosystem.

Fifteen years ago, the migration of desktop office applications at that time had defeated those warriors.

Now, the number of application transplants is far greater than that of the past several orders of magnitude, and there is a larger and richer ecology.

The original system or the original routine.

In the face of a bigger battle, there is no chance to win.

Resigning from a company is totally different from leaving a person, no longer accompanying the person, and supporting his ideals.

I am happy to resign from Lenovo and Tencent.

But I have been deeply guilty of leaving academician Ni Guangnan for the second time.

He was 75 years old at that time. This is his lifelong dream. I am his favorite and trusted disciple. I didn't help him.

Reviewing the Ark and Yongzhong

Today, we are going back to the market. What did Fang Zhou and Yongzhong do wrong more than ten years ago.

Let's start with the ark.

First of all, Ark Technology is Li Delei's personal company. Li Delei's goal in starting this company is to make money. He chooses what he can do to make money.

Ni Guangnan has taken a fancy to the talent reserve and knowledge how reserve of this company, and has drawn up all his contacts and credits. He hopes that through a project, the talent reserve and knowledge how reserve of Ark can be condensed into the bottom layer of sustainable IT system.

What's wrong with this?

It is the organizational principle I mentioned in my 30 Lectures on Product Thinking.

The top organizations are passionate,

Common belief of first-class organizations,

Second rate organizations have common interests,

Common rules for third tier organizations.

So, with this organizational principle, let's see why Li Delei is treacherous.

First of all, the relationship between Li Delei and Ni Guangnan is certainly not as passionate as nature. There is no common belief. There is no common interest.

Li Delei wants to maximize his personal income.

Ni Guangnan's interest is to condense the talent reserve and knowledge how reserve of Ark into the bottom layer of sustainable IT system.

Therefore, the basis of their cooperation is that everyone can "share common rules" when Ni Guangnan can continue to meet Li Delei's interest demands. That is to say, once Li Delei is not satisfied with the benefits provided to him by Ni, the rules will suddenly be inconsistent.

As a result, the market of NC failed to rise later. Li Delei immediately defaulted on 863 and turned to other businesses to make money. Of course, Li Delei handled some things very badly, which is even more criticized.

But in fact, Li Delei and Ni Guangnan are not an organization that can work together and shoulder great pressure.

If the problem of Ark is the organizational foundation, Yongzhong's organizational core is actually very good.

Zhang Yanqing and Cao Shen are more than just sharing common interests and beliefs.

The problem in Yongzhong is product definition and user experience.

In my 30 Lectures on Product Thinking, I used a lesson on user value formula.

This formula was actually put forward by Yu Jun, which I deeply believe.

User value=(new experience old experience) – replacement cost

If you want to get a user, the tool you rely on is user value. If the user gets enough value, he will migrate. For example, hundreds of millions of users smoothly migrated from SMS to WeChat.

What is getting a user. We used to rely on government instructions to install Yongzhong Office on the office computers of tens of thousands of government officials. Did we get this user?

OK, first calculate the value of Yongzhong Office to users.

If Microsoft Office software experience is 90 points and price experience is 50 points, double the two, the old experience Microsoft Office software brings to users is 45 points.

The use experience of Yongzhong Office is 70 points, the price experience is 90 points, and the multiplication of two items is 63 points. Yongzhong Office can unilaterally say that its new experience to users is 63 points, better than Microsoft.

But there are also replacement costs. What do users' replacement costs include? Brand awareness, acquisition cost, learning cost, use cost, use cost includes timely help when encountering problems in the use process.

We know that Bill Gates has been the richest man in the world for a long time. Microsoft's brand, channel, product maturity, customer service system, including online user sharing, etc., as well as the document format compatibility I mentioned earlier. In fact, the cost of user replacement is quite high. Let's calculate from the bottom, the cost of user replacement is 20 points.

So user value=63 points for new experience - 45 points for old experience - 20 points for user replacement cost=minus 2 points

That is to say, we try to give Yongzhong Office a high score and Microsoft a low score, ignoring the cost of user migration, while users hardly get new value. It is not enough for users to migrate.

At the same time, we need to note that government procurement is paid by the unit. Therefore, the actual users have no perception of the price experience.

Therefore, if the user perceived experience is used to score:

Yongzhong's user value=70 - 90 - 20=- 40 points

In fact, it is lower than this score.

You kidnapped them with "patriotism", which has reduced the value of users so much. How can users not complain. Find all kinds of reasons to return to the comfortable situation before.

Cao Shen defined Yongzhong's core competitiveness as "data integration".

He analyzed that "Microsoft Office software has quite obvious defects: Word, Excel and Power Point are three independent applications that cannot be integrated.

If the document processing, spreadsheet and slide production are integrated into the same program, the corresponding data in the spreadsheet and slide will be automatically modified after the user modifies the data in the document, without the need for the user to find out what must be modified one by one. "

what the hell! A data must be referenced in Word, Excel and Power Point at the same time. This is a very, very low-frequency application scenario, OK?

I just recalled that in the past five years, my own document operations did not use "data integration" once.

In Yongzhong, Cao Shen is the undisputed core of the product. Zhang Yanqing is extremely supportive of Cao Shen, and Yongzhong is extremely united and struggling. Teacher Ni took me to Yongzhong at that time and praised the collective struggle spirit of Yongzhong.

(When we were waiting for the bus, Teacher Ni said, "Can I buy you an ice cream? How about strawberry?" Alas, for this ice cream, I left him twice and he was sorry for it.)

Back in Yongzhong, the problem of Yongzhong is that it did not pay enough attention to improve the user experience in the most frequent use scenarios.

Instead, I spent the most core strength to work hard for a scene that a user can't use once in five years, and I'm still complacent about it.

I watched the ending of Yongzhong and Cao Shen's memory on the Internet. Cao Shen put his resentment on Tang Min and others who bought Yongzhong.

Actually, it shouldn't. Yongzhong was liquidated due to its debt of 10 million yuan.

10 million yuan, an ordinary house in Beijing. If the user value of the product is clear and positive, it is not difficult to raise 10 million yuan.

Yongzhong has a solid organization to shoulder the pressure together, has a good start, and has made 70% or 80% of the products. But he failed.

In Cao Can's recollection articles, there are boasting of his own innovation and resentment against his rivals, but there is no complete user scenario, user experience map and user value.

Ma Huateng said: Product managers cannot fight for their self-esteem.

Only by changing the assessment method of the system can we cultivate innovation ecology

I reviewed my understanding of the core failure of two star enterprises, Fangzhou and Yongzhong, more than ten years ago.

We did make mistakes at that time. We are wrong in organizational design, user insight, user experience and other aspects.

However, the government failed to support a major project. More than ten years later, China still does not have chips and operating systems. This is not our fault.

Try to explore why, after more than 20 years, we have countless high-rise buildings. Many county towns are built like Beijing, and we have four new inventions.

But we still don't have an operating system.

In the international space of the information society, China is a network power.

However, this network power is built on Microsoft's Windows and Google's Android.

In 2014, I accompanied Teacher Ni to a high-end "Mobile Operating System Ecological Seminar".

I said that if our country really wants a "mobile operating system ecosystem", it is very clear and definite that the country will spend 100 billion yuan a year on the market and spend five years on it. Large area failures are allowed.

The officials at the scene then talked about how to use land from the Science Park as assets for high government investment to ensure investment results

I am speechless. Then exit.

Why did we build a house and put satellites, but couldn't make an operating system?

In fact, Lenovo sold the Wintel framework PC to the top in the world, but it can't go further inward to do core technology, nor can it go further aside to embrace the Internet and mobile Internet.

The reason is the same.

It is the collective mental model of the system, highly dependent on certainty.

Within the framework of certainty, internal talents are highly competitive and cannot accommodate failure.

The result is overmanagement. All people are proud of being sure and then sure.

Uncertainty is fear and panic. Failure is shame and stain.

Innovation and creativity, from germination to maturity, are accompanied by uncertainty and failure.

This is Lenovo or our system, fear and intolerance.

For market-oriented enterprises, they follow the users and the market.

In 2014, Mr. Ni promoted the mobile operating system again and asked me to talk with Tencent about whether WeChat could be transplanted to an autonomous and controllable operating system.

I immediately went to Tencent's boss, told him about the general secretary's instructions, and asked whether WeChat could be transplanted. The response of Tencent people was the same as I expected: we followed the users. There is no user volume, and the work cannot be arranged.

Therefore, there is an article "Domestic Operating System Depends on BAT", which is a listed company that hopes to get a quarterly financial report to support its share price? Stop talking.

How much did Fang Zhou and Yongzhong take

Today, looking back, how much money has been invested in the Ark and Yongzhong projects, which are regarded as major failures and involve countless heroes?

The R&D fund of "Ark 3" is 15.38 million yuan. If according to the project budget requirements of "863 Project", the salary for scientific researchers should not exceed 15%, about 2.3 million yuan, then the monthly salary of nearly 60 engineering personnel involved in R&D of Ark Company would be more than 2000 yuan.

According to the relevant policies and regulations of the Ministry of Science and Technology on the use of scientific research funds, the funds used for wages, labor fees, unit commissions, etc. shall not exceed 5% in public institutions, 10% in scientific research transformed enterprises, and 15% in enterprises. If the "863 project" is for colleges and universities, it is normal to give 15% of the bonus to scientific researchers, but the company's 15% salary for the project is certainly not enough.

Li Delei said that there was too little money to pay. Then he was laughed at by "863" experts. The expert explained that chip project funds are mainly used for streaming and EDA tools, and staff salaries are only small.

Regardless of the competition for talents in the market, the market pricing. Focus on maintaining the rules set by officials. That's what I asked. If you can't do it, you are wrong.

Ignore the market and human nature.

Liu Qiang, a man like me. We can do something easy and have a good time. If we find people like us, let them do the most difficult things and give them the least money. Why do our officials take this for granted.

What about Yongzhong?

Cao Can said that from 2000 to 2008, Yongzhong Technology received more than 80 million yuan from the government and invested 152 million yuan in product research and development. During the same period, the product sales revenue was only more than 50 million yuan, and the company accumulated losses of more than 50 million yuan.

This is our country's largest major special investment in CPU and Office.

Are a bunch of post-90s investment fund managers smiling?

We have four new inventions: high-speed railway, code scanning payment, bike sharing and online shopping.

Let's use our toes to recall how much money was spent on the four new inventions?

There is no need to recall the battle of thousands of regiments or the fight of taxi subsidies. In 2018, the Mobike company that left its peers behind burned 10 billion yuan.

One company burned 10 billion yuan and shared bicycles burned tens of billions. As a result, every city can ride shared bicycles.

How much money has been burned for the CPU+operating system+core office software with independent intellectual property rights in China?

Count all NC that became scrap iron in the year.

2 billion, is there?

This event, this number, became a horrible memory.

Then, all the companies and officials were frightened.

More than ten years later, the state paid a fine for ZTE. A sum of 800 million US dollars.

However, the government paid the money, and the officials made no mistakes. This is our institutional choice.

No one dares to make mistakes again. More than a decade ago, Li Wuqiang stood out with the attitude that he was not afraid to lose his "black hat". This kind of "fool", more than ten years, just a few. Besides, several fools failed. A lesson from the past.

Whose delusion, whose shame

Therefore, I said that the government should operate the system. What is needed is not to invest in a team, but to burn money to burn an ecosystem. It's burning money. Tolerate failure.

During the Warring States Period, King Zhao of Yan built a gold platform on the bank of Yishui to recruit people from all over the world. If anyone has the ability, he will draw a piece of gold on the spot. The market and human nature are like this. Why should we deceive ourselves.

People burn 10 billion yuan on a bicycle. The operating system of our country, with its complex and huge ecology, requires countless people to participate. Do you plan to invest in a few companies with a certain amount of 15 million yuan, and then call Android?

Whose delusion is this?

Why is it harder to challenge Android than Microsoft?

Because today, the Android based ecosystem is larger, more prosperous, and more frequent.

From office, business, life and entertainment. The digital space of an individual or enterprise can almost be completed by using mobile phones. We rely on mobile scenes far more than desktop.

How much did Microsoft Office invest?

Microsoft is a listed company with public financial reports. In 2016-2017, Microsoft's annual R&D investment was 12.4 billion euros. More than 100 billion yuan.

Microsoft invests 100 billion yuan in R&D annually. I don't know how much money is used for OFFICE.

However, in any case, Yongzhong spent 150 million yuan in 8 years, and the challenge failed, becoming a major stain.

I don't know whose wrong place or shame this is.

Eighteen years ago, Academician Ni Guangnan and I sighed: "Either a purely planned economy or a purely market economy can make big things."

Eighteen years later, Academician Ni, 79 years old in 2018, is still appealing for China's independent and controllable chips and operating systems.

In the eyes of the world, he is a Don Quixote. He was expelled from Lenovo by Liu Chuanzhi and failed to complete the major projects he had promoted. To be used by one person after another for this dream.

He knew that he was being used, but he would rather risk his lifelong fame and go to the water, or continue to try and work hard.

Inaction, innocent people laugh at him: "ignorant of current affairs", "always cheated", "continue to do after being cheated"

Then everyone continues to pay for "coreless" directly or indirectly.

I don't know whose wrong place or shame this is.


This past is full of passion, loss, doubt, guilt and other complex emotions, so I am very reluctant to recall.

Today, take this opportunity to express your anger and write it down.

Didn't show it to Mr. Ni. Because Mr. Ni is a real gentleman. If you show it to him, he will avoid it for this person and consider it for that person.

Since last night, I suddenly wanted to write. I couldn't sleep at 6:00 this morning. I got up and wrote 10000 words at one time. Maybe I have written all the things that should not be written. This is my personal perspective, personal narrative.

One year, I went to Changbai Mountain with Hao Xilong's family and his friends.

Overnight in the farmyard at the foot of the mountain. Unexpectedly, I met Liu Qiang in this farmyard.

After saying goodbye to the Ark, I didn't expect to see you in such a place thousands of miles away.

The handsome young people of the past have their sideburns mottled. At that time, he had founded Junzheng. Everyone is unwilling to mention the past of the Ark.

So many good comrades in arms, we parted without saying goodbye.

However, the past attempts, efforts, mistakes and sacrifices. If it happened, it happened.

Put this article on the Internet to say thank you and take care of those comrades and teachers who fought side by side, supported each other, complained about each other and failed to say goodbye.

Thank you for reading.

(This article was first published in the author's official account: Liang Ning - Leisure Flower Photos.)

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 Dusty Wood Public Account
Copyright notice: This article is authorized by the Knowledge Sharing Attribution 4.0 International License Agreement [BY-NC-SA]
Article name: A Past Story about Domestic Chips and Operating Systems
Article link: https://www.luochenzhimu.com/archives/3098.html
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  1. #0
     Firefox 60 Firefox 60 Windows 10 Windows 10

    These secrets are rarely read by the world!

    bbsiove Six years ago (2018-05-04)
  2. #0
     Google Chrome 66 Google Chrome 66 Windows 10 Windows 10

    Reply: Do you mean that our great Baidu company buys or makes one of its own? Domestic chips will be built into a huge ecosystem within a few years. Quickly catch up with and surpass the world-class level.

    wqgbox Seven years ago (2018-04-25)
    •  Google Chrome 66 Google Chrome 66 Windows 10 Windows 10

      First, Baidu is not great. Now we are almost out of the top three.
      Second, refer to wp. You are late. It is almost impossible for a software company to adapt and update software for a system that few people use. Even if it is better than Microsoft, it will fall down.
      You can't make an ecosystem. It doesn't matter how strong you are. Unless you throw money inside. Most software developers are willing to adapt and update the software of your system in time. Then your mobile phone (system) can be sold. The system takes up too much, and it is difficult for developers to adapt. This is the formation of the ecosystem

      yaodao0yaodao Six years ago (2018-05-11)
    •  Google Chrome 66 Google Chrome 66 Windows 10 Windows 10

      So the problem is that Tencent will smash the money? Ma Yunlai? Or the government?
      There are so many software in China that you have to spend money to make a living. how much do you need?

      yaodao0yaodao Six years ago (2018-05-11)
    •  Google Chrome 66 Google Chrome 66 Windows 10 Windows 10

      Then you need money to develop chips, and money to develop systems. I have to ask others to fit you. The end user may not buy it.
      In the end, you may lose all your money. Even if the ecosystem is broken, someone will use it. How many years will you be able to return?

      yaodao0yaodao Six years ago (2018-05-11)
    •  Google Chrome 66 Google Chrome 66 Windows 10 Windows 10

      And do you know that Android is Google's unprofitable product?
      The biggest value of Android is that it makes iOS unable to monopolize the mobile platform
      what is it? As soon as iOS comes out, Google immediately responds and hurries to give Android to others for free, no matter what method is used to build a system. It is also a way to use money.
      But at that time, there was only one competitor, iOS. Android was produced by Google and was open source, so it was easy to win. It's just a systematic research and development fund
      It has been free until now,

      yaodao0yaodao Six years ago (2018-05-11)
    •  Google Chrome 66 Google Chrome 66 Windows 10 Windows 10

      Even Google is afraid that it will be difficult to plug into the iOS ecosystem after it takes shape, and will use free to grab share
      Microsoft Empire was late, so he lost
      What qualifications do we have to say we can win now?

      yaodao0yaodao Six years ago (2018-05-11)
  3. #0
     UC Browser 6 UC Browser 6 Windows 7 Windows 7

    Tears fall sadly

    jing8276 Seven years ago (2018-04-24)
  4. #0
     Google Chrome 66 Google Chrome 66 Windows 10 Windows 10

    When Andy first came out, he was not very good. When Andy, the inventor, introduced his invention to Samsung alone, he faced a room full of Samsung technicians. Samsung executives said to Andy with pity: how many people are there in your company, how much investment is made, where is the market prospect, etc. We have huge technical personnel and R&D funds, What do you have? Andy replied weakly: Android is my invention, and its future has great prospects. Andy's answer caused a roar of laughter. Later, it turned out that Samsung was arrogant, conceited and short-sighted for itself and missed this great opportunity. It is the great Google that has been able to carry forward Android. What I want to say is that a large number of people and large-scale investment are not decisive factors. We need more independent thinking, innovative thinking, scientific mind, free environment, free speech, free invention, free competition in the future. With the population base of our country, huge energy will be unleashed. The author takes the lack of scientific research personnel, insufficient R&D funds, the success of the prime minister and the failure of the market as the excuse, and the powerful rivals look for reasons for failure. After such a painful lesson, what he did not understand is that in a closed society, there is no creativity, innovation, free thinking, etc. Their failure is doomed, and we will be subject to others in many neighborhoods. The above is just a personal point of view. Please forgive me for any disrespect.

    wqgbox Seven years ago (April 23, 2018)
    •  Google Chrome 66 Google Chrome 66 Windows 10 Windows 10

      If you understand this article, you will find that it is not Andrea. It is Google's strong position on the Internet. a hundred responses to a hundreds. In just a few years, a huge ecosystem has taken shape. Samsung was right. At that time, Samsung did not have the ability to give Android such a strong ecosystem. It's useless to buy it. Google can succeed even if it doesn't buy Android, buys something else and makes one itself. Because Google has the ability. Not Android itself

      yaodao0yaodao Seven years ago (April 23, 2018)

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