Dust Falling Wood

SmartTaskbar v1.1.4 Smart Show/Hide Windows Taskbar

SmartTaskbar is a small program that can automatically switch the display status of the Windows taskbar. It is a relatively small software, but it is very practical. The software hides the taskbar according to whether the running window is maximized. The taskbar is displayed when the window is not maximized, and hidden when the window is maximized.

software function

Auto Mode

In the Auto Mode, SmartTaskbar will set the Taskbar to Auto-Hide(Hide) Mode when a maximized window exists (except UWP window).

When a form is maximized (except for UWP), it will automatically hide the taskbar

Without maximized window (except UWP window), the Taskbar will display(Show) automatically.

When no form is maximized (except for UWP), it will automatically make the taskbar display

The Taskbar won’t change the display state as the mouse hovering over it.

Do not change the status of the taskbar when a mouse hovers over it

Double-click the tray icon to switch the display status of the taskbar between Show or Auto-Hide.

Double click the system tray icon to toggle the display and hide status of the taskbar

Click the Animation button to turn on or off the taskbar animation

Click the animation button to turn on or off the taskbar animation

Download address

GitHub project address: https://github.com/ChanpleCai/SmartTaskbar

SmartTaskbar v1.4.5 Smart Show/Hide Windows Taskbar

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Article name: SmartTaskbar v1.1.4 Smart Show/Hide Windows Taskbar
Article link: https://www.luochenzhimu.com/archives/3032.html
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