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Baidu online disk high-speed download link resolution Chrome plug-in Baidu Pan Explorer v1.1.5

Baidu Pan Explorer high-speed download link analysis

Updated on April 1, 2018, Baidu online disk homepage no longer supports the direct generation of links. Links are generated through sharing pages. Frequent operations will lead to verification codes. The account cannot generate links for one day. Please try to reduce the number of uses and generate links on sharing pages as much as possible.
Updated on March 23, 2018, fixed the problem that the sharing page could not be resolved.
Updated on March 22, 2018, Baidu's online disk path changed, regular matching was repaired, and it can be used normally.
It was updated on March 19, 2018, and the download speed of Baidu online disk should be considerable.

BaiduPan Explorer It is a browser plug-in that parses the high-speed download link of Baidu online disk. The download speed of a single file is unlimited. The single thread download of the browser can reach 1.3MB/s. Using a multi-threaded downloader can increase the speed to the maximum bandwidth. The packaged download of folders is relatively slow. It is not recommended to use the packaged link download.

It is recommended to use multithreaded downloaders such as Thunderbolt and IDM to download.

GitHub:  https://github.com/luochenzhimu/BaiduPan-Explorer
Forked from GitHub: https://github.com/Kyle-Kyle/baidudl

Baidu online disk homepage: https://pan.baidu.com


The software has expired!
Store address:

App store offline package (non app store application error will not be reported):
More tools - expand the program page and drag the. crx file into it
That is chrome://extensions/ Page
Graphite straight chain: BaiduPan_Explorer_v1.1.5.crx
Baidu online disk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1VuatyshwtzdN6qy85d5IPQ

Chrome kernel browser version (for the old version of Chrome kernel browser incompatible prompt, the installation package is invalid):
Graphite straight chain: BaiduPan_Explorer_v1.1.5_Kernel.crx
Baidu online disk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1zYdnu4MI_pEPhryzrjo3Tw

Browsers supported by Baidu Pan Explorer: Chrome, 360 Browser, 360 Rapid Browser, Sogou Browser, QQ Browser, Cheetah Browser (incompatible, check to access sensitive data). In theory, Chrome kernel browser supports

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Copyright notice: This article is authorized by the Knowledge Sharing Attribution 4.0 International License Agreement [BY-NC-SA]
Article name: Baidu Online Disk High Speed Download Link Resolution Chrome Plug in Baidu Pan Explorer v1.1.5
Article link: https://www.luochenzhimu.com/archives/2494.html
Disclaimer: According to Article 17 of the Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software in China: "In order to learn and study the design ideas and principles contained in the software, those who use the software by installing, displaying, transmitting or storing the software may not be licensed by the software copyright owner and will not be paid." You need to know that all content resources of this website are from the network, It is only for users to exchange, study and research. The copyright belongs to the original copyright owner. The copyright dispute has nothing to do with this site. After downloading, users cannot use it for commercial or illegal purposes. It needs to be deleted within 24 hours, or the consequences will be borne by users.

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  1. #0
     Safari 15 Safari 15 Mac OS X 10.15 Mac OS X 10.15

    The latest version of Chrome still prompts that the installation package is invalid. What's the reason

    huaaaaa Two years ago (2022-08-28)
  2. #0
     Google Chrome 67 Google Chrome 67 Windows 10 Windows 10

    Webmaster, can this version be upgraded again? The problem mentioned on the 14th floor cannot be continued. The large file I packed has appeared several times. Some files cannot be decompressed after the forced download is completed. Please repair it by webmaster or developer.

    crestworthy Six years ago (2018-07-11)
  3. #0
     Google Chrome 49 Google Chrome 49 Windows XP Windows XP

    On May 10, it was found that 80% of the downloads had link errors, and the download could not be continued

    yzhl Six years ago (2018-05-10)
  4. #0
     Google Chrome 65 Google Chrome 65 Windows 10 Windows 10

    Now the plug-in can't download and parse a single file, but it can only be packaged and downloaded - the limit speed is 2MB

    crestworthy Seven years ago (2018-04-18)
  5. #0
     Google Chrome 65 Google Chrome 65 Windows 10 Windows 10

    I can't use it.

    xiaowen666 Seven years ago (2018-04-07)
  6. #0
     Google Chrome 65 Google Chrome 65 Windows 10 Windows 10

    After the Baidu Pan Explorer version is changed to v1.1.5, click the icon to generate data. The link field is blank, the status column displays "Warning: can't get high speed link", and then click the [Generate] button to display "Error: can't share this file". Occasionally, there will be self generated links, which can be copied to the download software but can't be downloaded
    (There is a link generated by comparing the same file in the previous version)
    For example, download the same file (plant classification. zip)
    Previous versions produced( https://nj02all01.baidupcs.com/file/985bb319e82c0a12774251fe817aa242?bkt=p3 -000021f620ae07022fd646bbb9732fe89d0e&fid=2489789-250528-1003427963920500&time=1521908389&sign=FDTAXGERLQBHSKa-DCb740ccc5511e5e8fedcff06b081203-S%2B%2FXBhUm3YZTQ8pgjCddORRHX8M%3D&to=69&size=1365017924&sta_dx=1365017924&sta_cs=1&sta_ft=zip&sta_ct=7&sta_mt=7&fm2=MH%2CNingbo%2CAnywhere%2C%2Ct_ai-wan%2Cany&vuk=282335&iv=0&newver=1&newfm=1&secfm=1&flow _ver=3&pkey=000021f620ae07022fd646bbb9732fe89d0e&sl=76480590&expires=8h&rt=sh&r=746933049&mlogid=1925323586759559806&vbdid=-&fin=%E6%A4%8D%E7%89%A9%E5%88%86%E7%B1%BB.zip&fn=%E6%A4%8D%E7%89%A9%E5%88%86%E7%B1%BB.zip&rtype=1&dp-logid=1925323586759559806&dp-callid=0.1.1&hps=1&tsl=80&csl=80&csign=ZMLyV6T0L9zkkwFfMOo%2F4sxc4LA%3D&so=0&ut=6&uter=4&serv=0 &uc=3194147035&ic=368725360&ti=e8fdd03c2e8534cf0d924af24b14172c91d5c8ba83d68eca&by=themis )
    The current version produces( https://bjbgp01.baidupcs.com/file/985bb319e82c0a12774251fe817aa242?fid=2489789 -250528-1003427963920500&dstime=1522933558&rt=sh&sign=FDtAERVY-DCb740ccc5511e5e8fedcff06b081203-PdQ9u9E1iThwmkWA%2BT8PmVkmYds%3D&expires=8h&chkv=1&chkbd=0&chkpc=et&dp-logid=9118044376029929748&dp-callid=0&r=977253352 )

    There seems to be a difference between the links generated by the two versions. Thank you

    bojw Seven years ago (2018-04-05)
  7. #0
     Google Chrome 55 Google Chrome 55 Windows 10 Windows 10

    Hang up. Can't download

    sbleijun Seven years ago (April 4, 2018)
  8. #0
     Internet Explorer 11 Internet Explorer 11 Windows 10 Windows 10

    1.1.3 It just doesn't work. It reminds you that Google Store is not listed and there is a security risk.

    yycq Seven years ago (2018-03-24)
    •  Google Chrome 65 Google Chrome 65 Windows 10 Windows 10

      It's impossible. The app store offline package is a Google signed version, which can be installed offline absolutely. If you use the Chrome kernel browser, please use the unsigned version of BaiduPan_Explorer_v1.1.3_Kernel.crx, or you may be unable to install it due to the incompatibility of the lower version.

      luochenzhimu Seven years ago (2018-03-24)
  9. #0
     Google Chrome 55 Google Chrome 55 Windows 10 Windows 10

    Very good, the best version used so far. thank

    ljy007 Seven years ago (2018-03-24)
  10. #0
     Google Chrome 55 Google Chrome 55 Windows 10 Windows 10

    Look at it yourself, https://attach.bbs.miui.com/album/201803/23/102513qlye7o0ek1ayg707.png 1.1.1 Normal display

    sbleijun Seven years ago (2018-03-23)
    •  Google Chrome 65 Google Chrome 65 Windows 10 Windows 10

      Sorry for causing you trouble. This problem has been corrected. Please update to 1.1.3. Thank you for your feedback

      luochenzhimu 7 years ago (2018-03-23)
  11. #0
     Google Chrome 55 Google Chrome 55 Windows 10 Windows 10

    It can't be used at all. There must be no test. It was sent out

    sbleijun 7 years ago (2018-03-23)
  12. #0
     Google Chrome 55 Google Chrome 55 Windows 10 Windows 10

    1.1.2 It cannot be used at all. Files under the folder are not displayed, and the page only displays the download link of one folder.

    sbleijun Seven years ago (2018-03-22)
  13. #0
     Google Chrome 65 Google Chrome 65 Windows 10 Windows 10

    What happened? You can't use it after downloading and installing it today? The light bulb is used to refresh the website. Please repair it immediately

    crestworthy Seven years ago (2018-03-22)
    •  Google Chrome 65 Google Chrome 65 Windows 10 Windows 10

      Today, only the sharing page can be used. The home page will be refreshed

      luochenzhimu Seven years ago (2018-03-22)
    •  Google Chrome 65 Google Chrome 65 Windows 10 Windows 10

      Already fixed

      luochenzhimu Seven years ago (2018-03-22)
  14. #0
     Google Chrome 65 Google Chrome 65 Windows 10 Windows 10

    There is a problem with your plug-in. After using it, if you open Baidu Online Disk again, you will not be able to access it. I don't know whether it is black. After entering the password, Baidu Online Disk prompts:
    Oh, the page you visited no longer exists.
    Possible causes:

    1. You have entered an incorrect address in the address bar.

    2. A link you clicked has expired.

    Return to the previous page>

    Back to the homepage of the website>

    xiaobai Seven years ago (2018-03-22)
    •  Google Chrome 65 Google Chrome 65 Windows 10 Windows 10

      Today, only the sharing page can be used. The home page will be refreshed

      luochenzhimu Seven years ago (2018-03-22)
      •  Google Chrome 65 Google Chrome 65 Windows 10 Windows 10

        Don't be so ruthless. Block the IP address

        xiaobai Seven years ago (2018-03-22)
        •  Microsoft Edge 16 Microsoft Edge 16 Windows 10 Windows 10

          It's not this problem. It's Baidu's online disk API adjustment, and the oil monkey script has basically hung up. We have to wait for the author of Baidu to find a way
          But sharing pages can also generate links

          luochenzhimu Seven years ago (2018-03-22)
        •  Microsoft Edge 16 Microsoft Edge 16 Windows 10 Windows 10

          You can use Baidu Cloud Steward Unlimited Edition first, which is very fast

          luochenzhimu Seven years ago (2018-03-22)
    •  Google Chrome 65 Google Chrome 65 Windows 10 Windows 10

      Already fixed

      luochenzhimu Seven years ago (2018-03-22)
  15. #0
     Maxthon 5 Maxthon 5 Windows 10 Windows 10

    Google Browser can't be installed!

    airwenlee Seven years ago (2018-03-21)
    •  Google Chrome 65 Google Chrome 65 Windows 10 Windows 10

      More tools - extension program page drag in

      luochenzhimu Seven years ago (2018-03-21)
  16. #0
     Google Chrome 55 Google Chrome 55 Windows 7 Windows 7

    360 browser does not display all, and the download speed is only about 300K/s. I used other plug-ins to analyze that the download speed is about 2M/s. Why can't I upload pictures?

    wuxin Seven years ago (2018-03-07)
    •  Safari 11 Safari 11 iPhone iOS 11.2.6 iPhone iOS 11.2.6

      Most files can be downloaded at a high speed, and some unexpected resources will have domain name jumps, that is, there is no copy of the Baidu online disk domain name server. Blog comments cannot upload pictures. You can upload a microblog album, view the original picture, copy the https link, and insert the picture.

      luochenzhimu Seven years ago (2018-03-07)

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