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Video Post Processing ACD Systems ACDSee Video Studio x64

ACDSee Video Studio is a video editing software for video post processing.

Features of ACDSee Video Studio

Free Editing

Collect your media and mobile time in the library when you desire. Move, align, split, cut, copy, and paste video, audio, and subtitle timelines. Precise editing, amplification, locking and tracking to avoid unexpected changes and select specific production areas.

Attract with title

With your audience through subtitles. Call ideas, highlight parts of the video, or just subtitles for hearing impairment. Adjust the position, font, color, size and various formatting options to give the title its unique meaning and clarity.

Easy to handle conversion

Create smooth scene and theme changes by adding conversion time between video files. Simply drag and drop where you want them to go and customize their duration options dialog.

ACD Systems ACDSee Video Studio

Take control of your media with ACDSee Video Studio. Accessible, yet effective, ACDSee Video Studio is video editing without all the messing around. Work with existing media, or devise your own. Easily create, adapt, and arrange audio and video recordings, add captions and transitions, and make custom selections to provide your audience with a truly immersive viewing experience. Produce in HD and seamlessly share your masterpiece with the world by uploading to YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter right from inside the Production Wizard!


Editing Freedom
Gather your media in the Library and move it to the Timeline, as you desire. Move, align, split, cut, copy, and paste video, audio, and captions on the Timeline. Zoom in for precision editing, lock tracks to avoid accidental changes, and select specific segments for production.

Captivate with Captions
Connect with your audience through captions. Call out ideas, highlight parts of the video, or simply subtitle for the hearing-impaired. Tailor the position, font, color, size, and a variety of stylization options to give captions their own unique meaning and clarity.

Tractable Transitions
Create smooth scene and topic changes by adding transitions between video files on the Timeline. Simply drag and drop where you want them to go and customize their duration on the Options dialog.

Capture and Create
Record your screen with or without system audio and voice recording in standard, widescreen, or your custom-selected dimensions. Include a timestamp, watermark, and captions, as desired, with customizable positions, fonts, background colors, and more. Move your recorded region during recording and record up to two monitors. Pause and resume as needed and customize your recording hotkeys for quick, effortless movie-making.

Preview Your Work
Enjoy a realtime preview of your videos, additions, and editing at any time throughout your composition process.

Claim it as Your Own
Establish ownership of your video content by adding a watermark of your choice and customizing its position and opacity. Secure your brand by placing your company logo anywhere on your video that you choose.

Articulate with Audio Recording
Not only can you add music and audio clips to the Timeline, but you can also record voice over and system audio as well. Communicate effectively and efficiently with your viewers by using the Voice pane to create instructions or commentary.

Adaptable Output Options
Customize your audio and video parameters, such frame size, bitrate, codec, and more.

Produce and Distribute with Anyone and Everyone
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world, right as you produce them! Upload your entire video, or a selection, to YouTube, and post it to Facebook and Twitter, all in one smooth, instant operation.

Home Page https://www.acdsee.com/en/products/acdsee-video-studio

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Video Post Processing ACD Systems ACDSee Video Studio x64

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Article name: Video Post Processing ACD Systems ACDSee Video Studio x64
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