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XRD analysis software MDI Jade 6.5

MDI Jade It is a software specially used for XRD analysis. XRD analysis is X-ray diffraction analysis. MDI Jade uses X-ray diffraction to analyze the diffraction pattern of materials and obtain information such as the composition of materials, the structure or morphology of atoms or molecules in materials. MDI Jade has unique functions such as indexing diffraction peaks and calculating lattice parameters. It can easily calculate the area and center of mass of peaks. You can also edit more freely on the graph, which is more convenient for plotting.

Function introduction

MDI Jade is used to process X-ray diffraction data and vividly present the results of thorough analysis by Jade software to users. In addition to basic functions such as displaying atlas, printing atlas and data smoothing, its main functions include:
1. Phase retrieval - Jade has excellent phase retrieval interface and powerful retrieval function by establishing PDF file index.
2. Spectrum fitting - different frontal functions can be installed for single peak or full spectrum fitting. The fitting process is a necessary step for structure refinement, grain size, micro strain, residual stress calculation and other functions.
3. Structure refinishing - refinishing the structure of a single phase in the product to complete the accurate calculation of the elements in the lattice. For multiphase samples, they can be subject to one by one quiet repair.
4. Grain size and micro strain - calculate the grain size when the grain size is less than 10nm. If there is micro strain in the product, it can also be calculated
5. Residual Stress - The residual stress calculation function is used as a special accessory.

If you’re in a lab with multiple pieces of hardware from various manufacturers, an independent software solution can help unify your efforts and minimize time spent switching between a variety of interfaces. If your diffractometer is older, it’s likely that it’s still a good solid instrument that should continue to have a very long and productive life. The hardware doesn’t change much. Novel ways of looking at data and new methods of analysis fall to the responsibility of the XRD application software. Even if you’ve got a new diffractometer, every week, we get requests to replace or supplement the analysis software created by the hardware manufacturer.

MDI specializes in XRD software applications. This is our focus. Since we don’t sell diffractometers, we do not need to make any particular piece of hardware look good. Because we build our applications independent of any hardware manufacturer, our tools must work across a very wide range of diffractometers so our results must be unbiased towards any brand of diffractometer. Our pursuit is the most accurate XRD analysis and results, independent of the equipment manufacturer.

Official website: https://materialsdata.com/

Download address

XRD analysis software MDI Jade 6.5
Baidu online disk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1621V321TeV9yO4DYbkPMJQ?pwd=19rx

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Article name: XRD Analysis Software MDI Jade 6.5
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