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Detailed explanation of the image and text for the backup and download of the pagoda panel file in the pagoda host space

Author: A little Jack    Time: 2022-11-18 07:41:58    Browse: 1909   

For the detailed explanation of the image and text of the backup download of the pagoda panel file in the pagoda host space, today a user of the free host contacted me to download the backup, and the backup made by himself will not be downloaded to me for download processing. The file backup can actually be downloaded by visiting, such as the domain name/backup shrink package name. The process is as follows.

How do I package files?

 Detailed explanation of the image and text for the backup and download of the pagoda panel file in the pagoda host space

Answer: Select all your website files. Note that if you want to package files in the whole site, you should select all the files in the root directory. For example, if I only need to back up the public directory, I select all the directory files. Click Compress in batch operation to package all the files and folders in my directory.

How to download packaging?

 Detailed explanation of the image and text for the backup and download of the pagoda panel file in the pagoda host space

A: After the package is completed, I will see my package. To download, I need to access the package to download it online. The access address is: domain name/package name. My package is to visit the website: domain name/public.tar.gz. Then I can visit it and download it. Take a look at the screenshot of the normal download page.

 Detailed explanation of the image and text for the backup and download of the pagoda panel file in the pagoda host space

If the host you are using is not a pagoda panel, but the process is basically the same, which is really hard to understand. You can contact me to pay for the package, backup and download.

Text label: Free host   File backup   Pagoda host   Pagoda panel  
 A little Jack

A little Jack https://lkba.cn

The blogger focuses on Z-Blog website construction, website optimization, computer troubleshooting, reinstallation, optimization, maintenance system, etc., QQ/WX: 2126245521 (please specify the purpose)

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