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Summary of tag calling methods for Mini Whirlwind Spider Pool Pro version template

Author: A little Jack    Time: 2022-11-12 11:31:04    Browse: 1973   

There is a slight difference between the template calling label method of Mini Whirlwind Spider Pool Pro version and the template calling label method of Mini Whirlwind Spider Pool X series (X3~X11.3). In order to facilitate the editing of related templates, the template label rules are summarized again.

We noticed that in the new version of the Little Whirlwind Spider Pool, in addition to replacing some of the original tags, many new tags have been added, such as tags that generate random uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and characters as common pan directories.

Part of the text is extracted from the official website of Little Whirlwind. This article sorts out and edits the original text to facilitate the preparation of personal templates.

Label Style Introduction

It is very important to understand the tags that the Mini Whirlwind Spider Pool Pro supports to call for template making. The system uses a smart syntax style template engine, which is simple and efficient. The template supports the direct use of php syntax and can be written into php functions directly.

Template Path

The template style is located under the template folder, where the style is placed under each model folder, and each folder under the model represents a style.

PC template path: templdate/model folder/

Mobile template path: templdate/model folder_mobile/

Different models correspond to different paths

PC template path: templdate/website group folder/

Mobile template path: templdate/website grouping folder_mobile/

Template File Description

Different models have different template files. Templates can be added to model management in the background, and template management can be bound to domain names. Generally, we call the templates on three pages:

 Home page: index.html List page: list.html Content page: show.html

When making enterprise site templates, we need to combine "site group management model management" to create more template models, such as:

 Home page: index.html News list: list.html Inside page: show.html Contact us: contact About us: about Product list: product_list Product display: product_show

Call tag description

In the small whirlwind spider pool, it supports the call of Chinese shortcut tags, English shortcut tags, and tag functions.

Usually used for the first page index.html Include Pages

 {include file="header.html"} {include file="footer.html"}

header.html  Tkd setting

Title template, set in the background: {$toptitle}

Description template, set in the background: {$description}

Keyword template, set in the background: {$keywords}


 <title>{$toptitle}</title> <meta name="keywords" content="{$keywords}" /> <meta name="description" content="{$description}"/>

Manual write

 <title>{Fixed keyword 1} | {Fixed keyword 2} | {Fixed keyword 3} _ {Website name}</title> <meta name="keywords" content="{Fixed keyword 1}, {Fixed keyword 2}, {Fixed keyword 3}, {Site name}"/> <meta name="description" content="{$description}"/>


Current template path (note: this tag must be used when calling css, js and other files): {$theme_path}

Tip: If it is a small whirlwind pan directory, it is written as: {$style_path}/directory name/

Current domain name, homepage: http://{$host}

Footer.html outer chain

 {loop type="domain"}<a href="{$vo.url}" target="_blank">{$vo.title}</a>{/loop}


 {loop type="link"}<a href="{$vo.url}" target="_blank">{$vo.title}</a>{/loop}

Friendly Links

 {loop type="flink"}<a href="{$vo.url}" target="_blank">{$vo.title}</a>{/loop}

A Common combination

 {loop type="domain"}<a href="{$vo.url}" target="_blank">{$vo.title}</a>{/loop} {loop type="link"}<a href="{$vo.url}" target="_blank">{$vo.title}</a>{/loop} {loop type="flink"}<a href="{$vo.url}" target="_blank">{$vo.title}</a>{/loop}

B Common body

 {loop type="domain"}<li><a href="{$vo.url}" target="_blank">{$vo.title}</a></li>{/loop} {loop type="link"}<li><a href="{$vo.url}" target="_blank">{$vo.title}</a></li>{/loop} {loop type="flink"}<li><a href="{$vo.url}" target="_blank">{$vo.title}</a></li>{/loop}

Tail visible

 {Statistics code}<a href="http://{$host}/sitemap. xml">sitemap</a>

Copyright Consortium

 <p style="text align: center">Disclaimer: All videos on this site are collected from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the originator. If your rights and interests are violated, please notify us, and we will delete the infringing content in time. Thank you for your cooperation</ p> <p style="text align: center">Copyright {$host} by Jack Blog [lkba. cn] {Statistical Code}<a href=“ <p style="text-align:center">{_runtime('loadTime','end')}s , {$usememory}kb</p>

Tail invisible

 {Baidu push code} {Share Code}

List.html List Page

 {$typename}//The name of the current column, which is used for the list page and content page {$typeurl}//The current column URL is used for the list page and content page

Bottom pagination

 {loop type="typename" tpl='list'}<li><a href='{$vo.typeurl}'>{$k+1}</a></li>{/loop}

Show.html Content Page

 Article Title: {$title} Published: {$postdate} Current column name, used for list page and content page: {$typename} Current column URL, used for list page and content page: {$typeurl} Current page url address: {$thisurl}

Automatic Content Common

 //Content template, set in the background {Main content} {$body}

Universal cycle

 {loop type="" row='10' tpl='' islist=""}    {$vo. url}: address {$vo. title}: title {$vo. info}: article summary {$vo. pic}: single thumbnail {$vo. piclist}: thumbnail group, which is an array. {$vo. hits}: article views {$vo. postdate}: article release date {$vo. i}: increment number {$vo. add_data. Additional data field}: set the additional data field in the model {/loop}

Supported parameter description:

Type="": required, call type, support: article ->arctist, column ->catalog, outer link ->link, domain name inner link ->domain, keywords ->keywords, friendship link ->blink, city address ->city

Row="": optional, number of calls;

Tpl="": optional, specify template file;

Fan="": optional, set to 1 to enable pan mode, that is, the domain name generating the address is a pan domain name;

New="": optional, available when type is arclist, and a value of 1 means only calling the latest article;

Cid="": optional, available when the type is arclist, which means calling the article with the specified column ID;

Ename="": optional; when type is arclist, it means calling the article with the specified column alias; when type is catalog, it means calling the sub column with the specified ename;

Islist="": optional, available when type is arclist, indicating whether it is currently a list of column pages (the article list on the column page page is called plus);

Pid="": optional, available when the type is catalog, which means calling the sub column under the specified parent column ID;

Call Article

 {loop type="arctist" row='10 'tpl='show'}<li><a href="{$vo. url}" target="_blank">{$vo. title}</a>Summary: {$vo. info} Thumbnail:<img src="{$vo. pic}" height="200" width="200">Browse: {$vo. bits} Release date: {$vo. postdate} Incremental number: {$vo. i}</li>{/loop}

Call keyword

 {loop type="keywords" row='10' tpl='show'}<li><a href="{$vo.url}" target="_blank">{$vo.title}</a></li>{/loop}

Call Column

 {loop type="typename" row='5' tpl='list'}    <li><a href="{$vo.typeurl}" target="_blank">{$vo.typename}</a></li>{/loop}


When calling column (type="typename"), column address: {$vo. typeurl} Column name: {$vo. typename}

Pan product link

 {loop type="typename" row="10" tpl="product_list" fan=1}  <a href="{$vo.typeurl}">{$vo.typename}</a>{/loop}

General label

Chinese Quick Label

 {main title}: equal to: {$title} {Site name}: the same as {$web_name} {Website address}: the same as {$web_url} {Current address}: equal to: {$thisurl} {Current column} {Current column URL} {Random Column} {Random column URL} {Random Title} {Random content URL} {Random keyword} {Fixed keyword 1} - {Fixed keyword 99} {Template path} {Current domain name} {Current top-level domain} {Random universal domain name} {Random top-level domain} {Random universal domain name prefix} {Fixed top-level domain 1} - {Fixed top-level domain 99} {Contact address} {Contact number} {Contact E-mail} {Publishing time} {Today's date} {Yesterday's date} {Date the day before yesterday} {Random time} {Main content}: equal to: {$body} {Random picture} {Random website name} {Global fixed letter 1} - {Global fixed letter 99}: The same domain name remains unchanged {Fixed letter 1} - {Fixed letter 99}: the same page remains unchanged {Random number} {Random letter} {Random outer chain} {Statistical code} {Baidu push code} {Share Code} {Running time} {Running memory} {Random sentence}/can be used in the small whirlwind pan directory

Some Chinese labels are only applicable to enterprise models

 {Short company profile} {Company Profile} {Main category}

Global Label

 {$theme_path}: current template folder path {$title}: article title {$toptitle}: title template, template settings can be called in background TKD {$keywords}: keyword template, template settings can be called in background TKD {$description}: Describe the template. You can call template settings in the background TKD {$typename}: name of current column, used for list page and content page {$typeurl}: current column URL, used for list page and content page {$thisurl}: current page url address {$host}: current domain name {$web_beian}: filing number {$randkws}, {$randkws1}, {$randkws2}: inserted random keywords. It is necessary to enable inserting random string calls in background keyword settings:

Generate random number labels

 {randstr type="" num=""/}

Type="1": type: 1 ->numbers and lowercase letters, 2 ->numbers, 3 ->lowercase letters, 4 ->uppercase letters, 5 ->numbers and uppercase letters, 6>uppercase and lowercase letters, 7 ->numbers and uppercase and lowercase letters;

Num="5": number of calls: random range is supported, for example: num="2,5" means random between 2 and 5;

For example: 3 letters are called

 {randstr type="3" num="3"/}

Content Page Label

The following tags are only applicable to content pages. Please do not call them in other template pages.

 {$typename}: column name {$typeurl}: column url {$postdate}: release time {$body}: article content {$pic}: article thumbnail {$piclist}: thumbnail group, which is an array. {$add_data}: additional data, together with additional fields, such as {$add_data. additional fields}

Navigation tab

The banner often has a navigation bar in the page, and the following tags can be called:

 {menu row="6"}    {$vo. url}: column address {$vo. title}: column name {/menu}

Supported parameter description:

Row="": number of calls

Pid="": optional, which means calling sub columns under the specified parent column ID

Tpl="": optional, template file name, used to generate the corresponding url rules, default to list

Single column label (random)

 {catelog type="" tpl="" fan="" title="" ename="" id=""/}

Supported parameters:

Type="": required, acquisition type, supported parameters: column name ->name, column URL ->url

Ename="": optional, column alias

Id="": optional, column ID

Tpl="": optional, template file name, used to generate the corresponding url rules, default to list

Fan="": optional, set to 1 to enable pan mode, that is, the domain name generating the address is a pan domain name

For example, it means calling a column address at random

 {catelog type="url"/}

Paging label

 {loop type="page" tpl="list" }    {$vo. url}: column paging address {$vo. title}: pagination {/loop}    Supported parameter description: Tpl=""//The template file name, used to generate the corresponding url rules, defaults to list

Geturl (get URL) tag

 {geturl tpl="" fan=""/}

Supported parameters:

Tpl="": required, template file name, used to generate the corresponding url

Fan=""//Optional, set to 1 to enable pan mode, that is, the domain name generating the address is a pan domain name

Single universal label

 {getone name="title"/}

Supported parameters:

Name="": file type, calling the file in the content library. Support parameters: article information library ->article, website name library ->webname, user-defined library ->diy, picture library ->pic

Cacheid="": If the same content needs to be called multiple times, you can specify this value. If you need to refresh the change, specify rand as the value

Isloop="": When nested in the loop loop label, set it to 1 to make the calling content different

Example: Call a website name randomly

 {getone name="webname"/}

Calling the specified file in the content library: means calling a line in "diqu. txt" under the user-defined library

 {getone name="diy:diqu"/}

Call files in other folders, relative to the "temp/data/" folder

For example: indicates the calling file: temp/data/common/diqu.txt

 {getone name="common/diqu"/}

Universal label

 {loop type="" row='10' tpl='' islist=""}    {$vo. url}: address {$vo. title}: title {$vo. info}: article summary {$vo. pic}: single thumbnail {$vo. piclist}: thumbnail group, which is an array. {$vo. hits}: article views {$vo. postdate}: article release date {$vo. i}: increment number {$vo. add_data. Additional data field}: set the additional data field in the model {/loop}

Supported parameter description:

Type="": required, call type, support: article ->arctist, column ->catalog, outer link ->link, domain name inner link ->domain, keywords ->keywords, friendship link ->blink, city address ->city

Row="": optional, number of calls;

Tpl="": optional, specify template file;

Fan="": optional, set to 1 to enable pan mode, that is, the domain name generating the address is a pan domain name;

New="": optional, available when type is arclist, and a value of 1 means only calling the latest article;

Cid="": optional, available when the type is arclist, which means calling the article with the specified column ID;

Ename="": optional; when type is arclist, it means calling the article with the specified column alias; when type is catalog, it means calling the sub column with the specified ename;

Islist="": optional, available when type is arclist, indicating whether it is currently a list of column pages (the article list on the column page page is called plus);

Pid="": optional, available when the type is catalog, which means calling the sub column under the specified parent column ID;

Contact Label

 {lianxi type=""/}

Supported parameter description:

Type="": required, call type, support: contact phone ->tel; contact email ->email; contact address ->address, contact qq ->qq;

Logo address label

 {logo width=""/}

Supported parameter description:

Width="": optional, logo image length;

Height="": optional, logo image height;

Variable label

The following methods only support variable labels, but not Chinese shortcut labels.

The tag supports string truncation, such as truncating the first 10 characters of the title:


Labels support string unicode transcoding, such as:


Labels support ascii code insertion, such as:


Text label: Small whirlwind   Spider Pool   Universal catalog   Little whirlwind tutorial  
 A little Jack

A little Jack https://lkba.cn

The blogger focuses on Z-Blog website construction, website optimization, computer troubleshooting, reinstallation, optimization, maintenance system, etc., QQ/WX: 2126245521 (please specify the purpose)

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