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Dunga: the problem of automatic line breaking of zblog summary and its solution

Author: A little Jack    Time: 2022-09-04 15:43:54    Browse: 875   

Reprinted from Dunga: For the zblog program, there are many users, so there are many problems in its use. Of course, it is not about the program, but about the operation and understanding of the program by some users. I think there are many problems, and I just met a problem related to the summary processing of the article, which is described below.

 Dunga: the problem of automatic line breaking of zblog summary and its solution

The main problem is that the summary generated by the website will automatically wrap, which leads to poor typography. After querying the problem, it is found that the summary automatically processed by the article is called, and the automatically generated summary can be seen in the database, as follows:

 Dunga: the problem of automatic line breaking of zblog summary and its solution

Although it is a bit absurd, I think there is still a solution. It can be set in the background of the website - background settings - open plain text summary

 Dunga: the problem of automatic line breaking of zblog summary and its solution

After enabling this function, you can edit and save the article again and find that it is ok.

 Dunga: the problem of automatic line breaking of zblog summary and its solution

The above is a perfect solution to the problem of line breaking of article abstracts. However, some users collect articles. If it is troublesome to save each article in this way, the following scheme is recommended.

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You can choose one of the two lines of code to use. If you don't understand it, you can ask the webmaster. To use it, modify the description of your theme file and add the following code:

 <meta name="description" content="{Topic ID_intro ($article, 100, '...')}">

OK, Tutorial ends everywhere.

Text label: ZBLOG   Abstract   Text summary  
 A little Jack

A little Jack https://lkba.cn

The blogger focuses on Z-Blog website construction, website optimization, computer troubleshooting, reinstallation, optimization, maintenance system, etc., QQ/WX: 2126245521 (please specify the purpose)

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