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Safety officer/warehouse keeper/personnel officer/clerk
Li Shouzhi/male/5-10 years
Worked as the workshop director, safety inspection, daily responsible for workshop safety, attendance, performance, production capacity, document classification, personnel training, material inventory, workshop warehouse storage, stress resistance, executive ability, strong learning ability, inspection of fire extinguishers and other fire-fighting facilities, irregular organization of safety training, education or fines for those who violate the company's safety matters, and tracking improvement!
contact number: fifteen billion one hundred and eleven million one hundred and thirty-six thousand and three hundred
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general manager
Wang Cheng/male/5-10 years
I have been engaged in the leisure and entertainment industry since I graduated from the undergraduate school. I have been working as the general manager for 5 years from the bottom.
contact number: seventeen billion eight hundred and eleven million six hundred and thirty-five thousand and one
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Liuyang Talent Network
