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Don't resign easily

Workplace gossip Reprint Source:

Please scan with WeChat 2017-04-07 17:37 {{clickNum}}

"The world is so big, I want to see it"

A resignation letter with only 10 words stunned the network these two days. Some people say that this is "the most emotional resignation letter in history", which makes people want to have a "say go trip". In this regard, I just want to say: Wait, others do the same! You should know that the owner of this resignation letter has worked in the same position for more than ten years, and people have already had a full plan to "leave at will". If you also resign blindly, how can you die!


Resignation is often related to job hopping. From Zhuo Bocai's recent articles, we can find that there are two common reasons for resignation: less money or better job opportunities.

1. Less money

Lack of money is the reason why most people resign.

Material pursuit is naturally the primary purpose of work, and often for new workers who have just graduated from the workplace, a low salary will give them the illusion that they have sold themselves cheap, or that they did not expect to do so much work, resulting in such a small amount of money, or uneven distribution. Some project companies often have the problem of sharing the spoils.

For other people, wages are compared. In addition to normal wages, there are various benefits that can be compared, such as sales commissions, housing, transportation and food subsidies, as well as the gap in annual growth. If you don't get a pay rise for decades in an enterprise unless you are promoted, you will not be more hopeful than getting a high and new salary when you enter the enterprise. Therefore, when the income does not reach the standard you want, people often choose to resign or change jobs.

Not satisfied with the salary, there are only two options: resignation or salary increase. How to raise salary is a perplexing thing. The most common method is to remind the boss in a joke way during the daily dinner party, or to have a showdown with the boss directly. However, unless you are an indispensable pillar of the company, the results are often unsatisfactory. Some people resign directly to express their dissatisfaction with their wages to their boss. Most of the time, the boss will actively detain you, saying that he will meet your needs. According to the summary, the reason for retaining you at this time is that the company is short of people and can't find a replacement for you for the time being. If you stay and continue to work, the boss's goodwill will also decline. If there is any personnel change in the future, you will be the first to start. Of course, if you are excellent, that's another matter.
2. Have better development prospects

If you can make a choice, who won't choose the better one? Therefore, when there is a better job in front of you, many people will choose to change jobs. There are three definitions of successful job hopping:

a. Salary reaches the target

b. Industry is the industry you expect

c. Good for future development
To put it bluntly, I found an interesting, promising and well paid job. But how could such a job be so easy to get?
Many people are not satisfied with the company after working for a long time. They always feel that other jobs are better than they are now, and the hot blooded leader has changed jobs. You should know that changing your job is equivalent to starting again. People, affairs and environment need to learn and shape again. If you are not a particularly good person, you will still stay where you are even if you change jobs a hundred times.

So no matter where you work, what you need most is to plan your career, define what you want and how you want to develop, and then make all kinds of efforts around this goal. When you are skilled in this field, there are some good companies to rob you!


If you quit your job, it means that you are going to find a job again. Although the "golden three silver four" job hunting season is slowly fading, there are still job opportunities. The key is whether you are fully prepared, such as interviews.

You must be prepared before the interview. Through the enterprise's website, keyword search on Google, web news, interviews and speeches of enterprise leaders, we can understand the enterprise's development history, current situation, vision, organizational structure, business model, future planning, etc. It is best to find out their internal real situation through familiar contacts, such as enterprise values, leadership style, employee satisfaction, etc, It is conducive to the success of the interview and your final decision. Dress should also be standardized, and dress matching should be done according to the position you are applying for. Usually, male students are mainly in formal clothes, while female students can wear normal commuting clothes.

Second, don't be late for the interview.
It's better to go early because you have to spend time looking for the company's address.
During the interview, we should also pay attention to the fact that it is better to be calm and reasonable.
But seven out of ten job seekers will be nervous during the interview. If you want to ease the tension of the interview, you might as well give yourself some psychological hints before the interview begins. This kind of self hypnosis can not completely eliminate your nervousness, but it can greatly alleviate it.
You'd better try to reflect your value during the interview. First, your achievements in the past, and second, your views on future development.
For example, what job competencies have you done, how have you increased your performance, or how have you improved customer satisfaction, or how have you optimized your processes by making breakthroughs in one, two, or three things (no one has done before) and achieving good results. Then you must have a certain understanding of the position to be interviewed, and appropriately express your views according to the situation you will encounter in the position.
There are still many people who feel very embarrassed about the interview about salary. To sum up, just be honest and say your expected salary.
As long as the price is reasonable, both parties can accept it. As a candidate, don't expect too much to get a good price far higher than your ability, so don't attach too much importance to the quotation.


In the process of job hunting, in addition to being good at yourself, it is also very important to "know the company with your eyes" and be careful not to be cheated!

In this submission, there are many "blood and tears" of job seekers who were cheated. In reality, there are more job seekers who have been trapped than expected. After reading their experiences, give yourself an alarm.

I saw part-time information on a local website, and the reward of 200 yuan per day was very attractive. So I called and asked for an interview. When asked what kind of certificates to bring, they replied that they should bring their ID cards. I called my friends in class and they went to the interview together.
We went to a small office building according to the guide of the other party step by step. In a room in the corner, we saw the so-called part-time company. There were four computers and four people sitting in the small room. Later, the guide lady introduced their company to us, saying that she would help us introduce part-time jobs and protect our rights and interests, but it would charge 188 members' fees. She also showed us the part-time jobs they had recently offered. At that time, although I thought it was strange to charge fees, I thought 188 could earn money by working part-time for two days, and I worked freely. I signed an agreement and paid fees without much thought. There were 376 people in total. She helped us register as a member, told us something and we left. When I returned to the dormitory, I found it strange. So I went online and opened the website she provided us. I found that the website was poorly made. Later, Baidu found that it was a black intermediary company, and someone had been cheated. So we discussed the matter again and found many doubts.

Ye Mingming

In fact, it is not uncommon to notify the interviewer that he has not come since he started the recruitment work, agree that he has not come at the time of entry, negotiate the salary, go back and think about dissatisfaction, then ask for more, etc. It is not uncommon for him to complain about these problems from time to time in the HR communication group, and some HR colleagues said that the worst time was that he had about 15 people, and none of them came... It shows that these phenomena are quite a lot.

I used to be so "headstrong" when I was looking for a job. After a resume was sent by Haitou, the other party called for an interview and found that the position was not ideal, so I refused to go directly.

But when I stood on the side of the recruiter, I knew how inappropriate my behavior was at that time. Maybe the recruiter of the other party had arranged the interview time and personnel, but because of his complete failure to tell me, his work arrangement was affected.

Big sister married grace

NO.1 About salary

What is your expected salary?

Me: between 5k and 6K.
We can't pay that much. I think you are not qualified enough, about 3k.
Me: I have been engaged in this field for 3 years, and I have
Well, it can only go up 300 at most, no more
Me: Didn't your recruitment information say 5-8K?
We will only offer this salary if we think the conditions are particularly good.
I feel like a Chinese cabbage. What the hell is 300 yuan. I often encounter such cases where the actual salary is not consistent with the recruitment information, which is far from my requirements, but also requires an interview, which wastes each other's time. I think this should be the interview cost...
NO.2 About work content
Obviously, I went to the interview for design, but it turned into sales after I came here. I gave you a few lessons to brainwash and decided not to come the next day...
NO.3 Promise to go to work
I have interviewed several companies, and the interview time is not more than 10 minutes. Let me hurry to work tomorrow. Also called me to work the next day directly on the phone...
NO.4 Waiting
The process of waiting is known as the hardest stage in job hunting. After an interview, HR urged me not to go to another house for an interview, and we will reply to you within 7 days. As a result, I thought there was nothing wrong, and then there was no news for 7 days
Whether you resign or find a job, it should not be a casual matter. Before taking action, we should thoroughly prepare and plan, look at the experience of our predecessors, and don't let ourselves regret in the future!
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