Overseas Study Network speech draft Learn from Lei Feng's speech

Speech of learning from Lei Feng, speech of learning from Lei Feng for primary school students, speech of learning from Lei Feng for middle school students, speech of learning from Lei Feng for primary school students and middle school students in March

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Learn from Lei Feng and give a speech of love 1000 words

We want to show ourselves better on the podium. The prepared speech will help the speaker to make his speech more persuasive. When writing a speech, he should integrate his emotional experience. Narration and discussion should be integrated into emotion, so as to distinguish between love and hate. How to write a speech? In countless articles, the editor of www. xuexing.com found a very interesting "Speech on Learning from Lei Feng and Offering Love". For more information, please pay attention to our website. Speech on Learning from Lei Feng and Giving Love [Part 1] Male: Respected teachers. Woman: Dear students. Together: Hello, everyone. See you again at the Red Scarf Radio More