Overseas Study Network Gre test skills

The gre exam skills section of the special channel of www. overseas. com provides all the information related to gre exam skills. I hope what we have done will satisfy you!

What is the GRE exam How to prepare for the GRE exam


The Graduate Entrance Examination (GRE) is known as a standardized examination, and some graduate schools and master's programs require it as part of their applications. Therefore, many friends who want to study abroad need to prepare for the GRE exam. Next, the editor of the website for studying abroad will explain what the GRE exam is and how to prepare for it. Welcome to read it.

Applicants come from all over the world and have diversified professional experience and graduate degrees, so GRE provides a useful benchmark for university admissions offices.

The following is a guide to all the information you need to know about GRE, including fees, qualifications, exam content, and high scores.

GRE acceptance range

The GRE General Test is the most widely accepted postgraduate entrance exam, making it a popular choice for applicants.

Many institutions around the world will accept GRE scores. You can use this search tool to check whether the school you choose accepts GRE.

   How to participate in GRE

You must register online to take the GRE exam. You can choose to take the exam in the exam center or at home.

If you choose to participate in GRE at the test center, you need to make an appointment in advance, depending on the local test center. Use this search tool to find the center nearest you.

If you want to take the exam online, you can do it 24 hours after registration. You can make an appointment to take the exam at any time, making it a more flexible choice. However, if you do choose to use your computer at home for testing, you first need to ensure that the equipment and environment requirements are met.

   GRE exam fee

China's is 231 dollars. If you need to reschedule the test, change the test center or require detailed feedback, some additional fees may be incurred.

   What does the GRE test include

The GRE exam takes 3 hours and 45 minutes to complete, including three parts:

Oral Reasoning - This section assesses your ability to understand written text, draw conclusions, and choose the most important ideas. There will be multiple choice reading comprehension questions, as well as text completion and sentence equivalence tasks.

Quantitative Reasoning - This section requires you to interpret and analyze quantitative information as well as some basic algebra, arithmetic, geometry and data analysis. This is assessed in the form of multiple choices, quantitative comparisons, and digital input questions. Provide screen calculator.

Analytical Writing - This section is designed to measure your ability to articulate complex ideas and support your ideas with relevant reasoning and evidence. This section has two 30 minute tasks. One is to ask you to express your thoughts on a given topic, and the other is to ask you to analyze and respond to written arguments.

What are the good scores of GRE exam

After completing the GRE exam, you will receive separate scores for each of the three sections. The verbal reasoning and quantitative reasoning components range from 130-170, while the analytical writing component ranges from 0 to 6.

The average score of GRE is about 155 for quantitative reasoning, 150 for oral reasoning and 3.6 for analytical writing. A good score may exceed 160 in quantitative and oral terms, and 4 in analytical writing.

Please note that these are estimates only, and different institutions and courses will have different minimum score requirements. It's best to contact your university or graduate program to see what your goals are, or check their website.

Sometimes, candidates will be required to complete additional experience parts in the GRE exam, but this will not be included in the final score.

One advantage of the GRE test over other tests is that you can retake it every 21 days, and you can retake it up to 5 times in a 12 month cycle, which means you will have the opportunity to improve your scores.

This is the end of this article. If you don't know what the GRE exam is and how to prepare for it clearly enough, please consult the customer service of www.xuexing.com to answer your questions.

   Recommended reading:

New GRE Test Skills: Sum of Arithmetic Progress



Since the implementation of the 2011 new gre exam, not only are we at a loss for the writing part, but also we are very worried about the math we are good at. I believe that the reason is that the examinees did not lay a solid foundation when they reviewed the new gre math. If the new version of gre basic math examination points are not reviewed, how can we get scores? Therefore, if you want to do well in the new version of gre math test, you must have a solid grasp of basic concepts and important test points when reviewing.

Therefore, from today on, for the new version of gre math review, the editor will organize an important test point for examinees every day, and these concepts will be tested in the exam. I hope that the examinees can make persistent efforts to achieve a good result and break through the difficulty of mathematics in the new version of gre.

   New version gre mathematics review important test points: Sum of Arithmetic Progress

  The sum of n-numbers of an arithmetic progression is given by


  where x is the first number and d is the constant increment.


  sum of first 10 positive odd numbers:10*1+2*10*9/2=10+90=100

  sum of first 10 multiples of 7 starting at 7: 10*7+7*10*9/2=70+315=385


  For a descending AP the constant difference is negative.

As the difficulty of basic math education in the United States has increased, math tests have become more and more difficult, but the new gre math review test points are all knowledge points learned in high school. Candidates should not be too nervous, understand the basic concepts, and remember some necessary vocabulary for the new version of gre math, then believe that the new version of gre math should be OK.


New GRE Test Skills: AP



Since the implementation of the 2011 new gre exam, not only are we at a loss for the writing part, but also we are very worried about the math we are good at. I believe that the reason is that the examinees did not lay a solid foundation when they reviewed the new gre math. If the new version of gre basic math examination points are not reviewed, how can we get scores? Therefore, if you want to do well in the new version of gre math test, you must have a solid grasp of basic concepts and important test points when reviewing.

For the review of the new version of gre mathematics, what I compiled for you is about the average. These concepts will be tested in the exam. I hope that the examinees can make persistent efforts to achieve a good result and break through the difficulty of mathematics in the new version of gre.


  Average of n numbers of arithmetic progression (AP) is the average of the smallest and the largest number of them. The average of m number can also be written as x + d(m-1)/2.


  The average of all integers from 1 to 5 is (1+5)/2=3

  The average of all odd numbers from 3 to 3135 is (3+3135)/2=1569

  The average of all multiples of 7 from 14 to 126 is (14+126)/2=70


  Make sure no number is missing in the middle.

  With more numbers, average of an ascending AP increases.

  With more numbers, average of a descending AP decreases.

  AP:numbers from sum

  given the sum s of m numbers of an AP with constant increment d, the numbers in the set can be calculated as follows:

  the first number x = s/m - d(m-1)/2,and the n-th number is s/m + d(2n-m-1)/2.


  if the sum of 7 consecutive even numbers is 70, then the first number x = 70/7 - 2(7-1)/2 = 10 - 6 = 4.

  the last number (n=m=7)is 70/7+2(2*7-7-1)/2=10+6=16.the set is the even numbers from 4 to 16.


  given the first number x, it is easy to calculate other numbers using the formula for n-...

New gre test skills: reading



How can you read the new gre exam quickly and accurately? Some students read word by word and sentence by sentence. You should be clear:

This is an exam. You only have 13-15 minutes to do the questions. Articles are not intended to be understood. The best way to deal with long and difficult sentences is to consider how not to read, read less, rather than analyze.

Academic articles are characterized by standardization, clear hierarchy and clear theme.

We must read the routines, especially the number of opinions in the article, which is directly related to the topic.

We need to mark the conjunctions at each level of each paragraph. We also need to know what the subject words at each level are, whether there are negative words (improvement questions) around them, and whether there are commendatory words (attitude questions, word problems)

As for the examples in the reading of the new gre exam, you can also consider not reading or reading less, because the GRE reading focuses on the idea that the examples are facts. The more facts you remember, the more information you confuse, the slower you do the questions, and the lower the accuracy rate.

For the example of reading in the new gre exam, just remember the position, and look at the questions again after the exam. Never look until the exam is over. Use viewpoints to record examples, use viewpoints to divide levels, and use viewpoints to divide logical relationships.