Overseas Study Network TOEFL or IELTS study abroad

The program of TOEFL or IELTS Study Abroad on the special channel of www. xuexing.com provides all information related to TOEFL or IELTS study abroad. I hope what we have done can satisfy you!

Is IELTS or TOEFL better for studying abroad


Both TOEFL and IELTS are English proficiency tests. If you want to enter a foreign university, you must take these two tests, because these two tests play a very important role in the early stage of studying abroad. The following is the "Whether studying abroad is better for IELTS or TOEFL" compiled by the editor of www. xueyao. com, for reference only. Welcome to read this article.

  Is IELTS or TOEFL better for studying abroad

1. Whether you want to study abroad for IELTS or TOEFL test depends on the country you want to go to.

2. TOEFL is accepted by all American schools that can enroll international students.

3. If students choose a Commonwealth country, they can only study IELTS, because the UK, New Zealand and Australia do not accept the TOEFL in their past admission history.

  What is IELTS

1. IELTS conducts a comprehensive assessment of English proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

2. IELTS can be divided into academic and general training questions. Academic questions are mainly suitable for international students or visiting scholars, while general questions are suitable for immigrant applicants and some non overseas students (such as work visas).

3. The IELTS test produces four individual scores for listening, speaking, reading and writing. The full score of each item is 9 (proficient in English), 8 (excellent English), 7 (good English), 6 (master English), 5 (barely master English), 4 (limited English), 3 (a small amount of English), 2 (a small number of words), 1 (do not understand English), 0 (no test).

  The difference between TOEFL and IELTS

1. They apply to different countries.

2. The reason for this difference is that TOEFL is an English proficiency test developed by the American Educational Testing Center for students from non English speaking countries, while IELTS is in the charge of the Cultural and Educational Department of the British Embassy. Therefore, it can be found that North America (especially the United States), including Japan, has a high acceptance of TOEFL scores.

3. The Commonwealth countries (such as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, etc.) have a higher acceptance of IELTS scores, even only recognize IELTS scores.

4. Although many North American countries have accepted both IELTS and TOEFL scores, they have higher requirements for IELTS scores under their conditions. For example, a university in the United States requires a TOEFL score of more than 110, and the corresponding IELTS score should be more than 7.5.

5. However, it limits IELTS scores to more than 8 points, which is obviously more conducive to the development of TOEFL. In contrast, most universities in the UK only recognize IELTS scores. Therefore, before choosing IELTS or TOEFL, you should choose the school you want to go to, or at least the country or region you want to go to, and then choose the kind of exam that is more recognized in that country or region. You'd better go to the official website of the university you choose to see the specific requirements in advance.

6. The content of IELTS and TOEFL is also different. Although they are all aimed at listening, speaking, reading and writing, IELTS pays more attention to practical application. The vocabulary is not as strict as TOEFL, while TOEFL pays more attention to academic aspects, with a slightly higher professional level.

7. At the same time, the test forms of the two are very different. TOEFL is a pure computer test, that is, listening, reading, writing and even speaking are all tested by computers in a "human-computer" way. For many people who are not good at communication, this method may make them play better.

8. The IELTS test adopts the form of written test+interview. The oral test is directly conducted face to face with the examiners, and the score is relatively flexible. For people who like to communicate, the IELTS test is more beneficial to them. Therefore, if you want to go to these two scores, they will be recognized