Overseas Study Network curriculum vitae

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Resume Map

curriculum vitae

A resume is a brief statement of self-evaluation and various abilities and conditions sent by a candidate to the job applicant, including basic personal information, such as name, age, nationality, place of origin, political outlook, etc. A good resume can enable a candidate to stand out in the recruitment process and obtain the position of his dream.

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Writing content

The standard job application resume mainly consists of four basic contents:

1. Basic information: name, gender, date of birth, nationality, marital status and contact information.

2. Education background: list the schools, majors and main courses from junior high school to the highest degree in chronological order. All kinds of professional knowledge and skills training participated.

3. Work experience: list all employment records since starting work in chronological order, including company/unit name, position, appointment and departure time. It should highlight the responsibilities and work nature of each position. This is the essence of the job application resume.

4. Others: personal expertise and hobbies, other skills, professional groups, authors and certifiers, etc.

matters needing attention

1. You should carefully check your written resume, and there must be no low-level mistakes in typography, grammar, and punctuation. It's better to ask your friends who are good at writing to review it for you, because it's easier for others to detect errors than yourself.

2. The resume should be printed on A4 standard copy paper, and the font should be commonly used Song typeface or regular script. Try not to use flowery artistic font and color font. The layout should be simple and clear, and it should not be innovative, and the layout should be like advertising. Of course, if you are applying for typesetting, this is an exception.

3. Keep in mind that your resume must highlight the key points. It is not your autobiography. Try not to write anything irrelevant to the job you are applying for, and never leave out any meaningful experience and experience for the job you are applying for.

4. Make sure your resume will enable the recruiter to judge your value and decide whether to hire you within 30 seconds.

Summary of Resume Forms

The personal resume form is a necessity for every job seeker, and it is also a good job appearance that every job seeker tries his best to do. Hereby, the website for studying abroad has collected and sorted out the resume forms of various majors, including 26 majors such as accounting, finance, civil engineering and engineering cost [View All]

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